Part 18

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[ daniel's pov]

It's been about a week since we cane back from the bar. Phil and I have barely been able to keep our hands off each other when we've been alone, but that hasn't been alot of alone time.

Apparently only Chris and Pj our staying in London near us, while Luke is going back to Manchester to see if he can win back some girl.

Chris has been out and about searching for work.... while on the other hand, Pj has been at our flat for at least 15 hours. He left just to sleep,
but would come once he awoke.

It's hoard to describe it, but Pj has just seemed so....... in need of something. He told me he was gay, and that's the reason he was with Phil so much at the bar, since he was comimg out for the first time. So he did have a good reason to be so attached to Phillip. I forgave the guy, and told him I was too. He seemed kind of mixed about it, but I pushed it aside.

It was almost like he was jealous or angry... but it was probably just my paranoia.


Phil , Pj and I were playing Mario Kart, and my stomach began to roar. Phil giggled, " The bear seems to be hungry." Phil looked at me jokingly. He knew my family called me that, and how I despised the name. He is such a tease I tell you.

I looked at him, with my listful eyes. It was hard enough not to be able to jump on top of him right there, but Pj seemed so uncomfortable. I figured since I was indeed hungry, I should go get some takeout for as all to enjoy.

"Guys I'm going to go grab some chinses take out, does that sound alright?" I questioned while standing up. I stretched a bit, touching my toes, making sure I was teasing Phil with my booty. He looked at me, and I could trll he was mad he couldn't leap over and hold me like he should.

He turned his focus back to the Wii system game and began playing once again. "Dan, take out sounds great."
Phil spoke. Without evenmotioning his focus to me Pj spit out " Sounds great."

I looked at Phil confused over the way Pj was acting. He looked back and me and shrugged his shoulders. Peej is probably just frustrated he isn't first place in Mario Kart.

"Dan I'll go get you some money in my room, since you paid for it last night." Phil stood up, motioning his head for him to follow. " Oh yeah- I need to grab my coat as well.." I smirked at him.

"Peej, I'll be back in a moment ok?" Phil told Pj. Almost as soon as Phil open his lovely lips, Pj was making direct eye contact wih him. Why wasn't he with me? "Ok cool. I'll pay next ok?" Ph shoot his perfect, white smile towards Phil. Almost as if he were trying to be a bit affectionate in some nature..

So Phil scurried down the corridor, and I quickly stepped in behind him before shutting the door. As soon as I faced him he hooked his arms around my waist and connected our desperate lips. It was hard not to moan or make any noise of that matter, it being Pj didn't know about us, but we managed.

After about 30 seconds, Phil pulled away with a big smile on his face. "I've been waiting to long to do that. " he whispered in my ear. " I've been waiting to do a lot more." I smirked at him. He blushef and pecked my lips once more, grabbing some money and myself grabbing a pair of shoes and a black jacket. He walked back into the living area to see Pj, playing Mario Kart.

I looked towards Phil and he looked back at me. Pj seemed very tense.. like he was hiding somehing else.. but once again, I brushed the feeling off. Pj and I were close, he wouldn't do anything to me would he?

My thoughts were interrupted by Pj himself. "Next time you to have to make out, please don't feel the need to go in a different room." He stated blankly. Phil and I looked to him in suprise. "You guys should've realized I knew this 3 days ago, when I silently walked in the kitchen to see your lips locked." He smirked. Was he serious? " Guys you to are cute together, don't worry I won't tell. " he somewhat smiled, showing a hapoy emotion, but his eyes showed sadness. My oaranoia was getting worse, and once again, I pushed thees thoughts to the back of my mind.

"Well I'll go get the take out.. I'll be back within an hour.." I mumbled. Phil sat next to Peej and continued to play Mario Kart. " No need to rush, take your time." Pj said loudly. I gave him a confused look bt he didn't see it. "Be safe." Phil told me. I gave him a supportive smile and left the flat.

But I sware to God, I had a feeling in my stomach, that something, was about to go horribly wrong.

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