Chapter 7 It was one of the most wonderful things that I've ever experienced

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Chapter 7 it was one of the most wonderful things that I've ever experienced

He sees something wrong.  He looks confused.  "W-what's wrong?''  He asks trying to get up but almost falls to the floor.  He's drunk. 

"My mom" I answer with a disgusted face.  "I just snapped on her.  She's really pissed off now.  I told her how I actually felt.  I'm tired of her crap" I finish crossing my arms over my chest.  I'm mad!

"Go you!" he slurs together.

"Thanks" I sigh back.  I sit in the chair that Damon just fell out of landing his butt on the floor laughing.

"Its ok baby" he tells me after he gets his laughter settled and gets on his knees and faces me with his hands in my lap.

"I hope so. . . ." I trail out.

Damon gets up and walks off.  I'm too numb too follow him.  A minute later he comes back with a drink in his hand.  "Here" he says smiling at me.

I grab the drink and look into it.  It looks half full.  And for some reason I have a feeling that Damon dropped half of it on the way back here.  I take a sip.  What the hey, right?


"I love you" I say feeling dizzy.

"I love you too" Damon answers back.

I have no earthly idea on what time it is or how long we've been here.  But I can tell you after I finished that drink everything has been very fuzzy.   

Damon's been after my neck for a while and then it lead to mouth.  And I've been kissing him right back.  I don't get it.  When I kiss him. . . I feel like I'm lost in a cloud.  It feels wonderful.

I get up off of him and look around.  I see there are too many people so I grab Damon's hand and stumble through the people and open a door that's closed.  I turn on the light and see there's a bed and nobody in here.  I lock the door and drag Damon too the bed.

He falls on the bed backwards where his backs on the bed.  I get on top of him and start to kiss him more and more.  He joins in with me.  Next he starts to try to pull my shirt off me.  I help him then try to get his off also.  Then I roll off of him and get right next to him. After that I start to fiddle with his jeans.  After his jeans are off we get my skirt off.  Then we get fully naked.

"Are you sure?" he asks me.

"I'm ready" I answer getting right on top of him. 

"You ever do this before?'' he poses.

"No" I respond grinning.


"Open the door!" I hear an unfamiliar voice scream. 

I open my eyes and the second I do it my head starts the throb even more.  I examine the room in a daze.  Where am I?  I see that it's a bedroom.  The walls are a light orange color and the room holds; a dresser, nightstand, and a small TV that's being hold by the wall.  And a bedI'm in the bed. 

I look beside me and see that Damon's in the bed with me sound asleep.  I gasp.  Why? I start to question myself.  "Open up! Or I'm breaking the door and getting you out!" the same unfamiliar male voice yells.

"Damon. Damon!" I weakly start to whisper to Damon and shaking him trying to wake him up.

He rolls over and goes, "Huh baby?'' he's still asleep.

I get up to try to get him up.  But the second I get out of the bed and stand it hits me, everything.  I remember what happened now.  I duck back into the cover scared.

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