Chapter 24 This is the only thing I have left of Damon...

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Chapter 24 This is the only thing I have left of Damon and there is no way I am going to be giving that up        

I walk in school flushed.  I couldn't go to bed last night because I couldn't sleep.  I kept thinking on things.  Okay, a thing.  My parents stood me up, again.  But I honestly don't care.  I knew they wouldn't follow on their word.  I didn't even want to spend time with them anyway.                                    

I walk to my locker and get all the things I need.  Then I walk, alone, all the way to first block.  I plop all my school things at my desk and walk out of the class room.  I go to the cafeteria where some people are eating school breakfast.

I texted Reese and told him that I needed to speak to him.  I really don't want anybody to know about me being pregnant, but in a way I think Reese should know.  I think me and him are getting on better levels and are becoming friends of our own.  The only thing I'm scared on is trust.  I think he will keep it a secret, but what if he gets drunk and spills it?                                

I told him to get to school early and meet me in the cafeteria.  I told him that it was something very impotent and urgent.  I also told him that I really don't want to tell him, but he needs to know and I also told him that this is very personal and this shouldn't be told in the cafeteria at school, it should be in a more private place but I can't wait any longer.  He agreed.         I scan the cafeteria and see him nowhere.  I shyly go to an open, bare circle table and sit down where I can face the door.  I keep tapping my feet on the floor out of nerves.  I keep glancing at the clock that's on the wall in the cafeteria.  7:45 it reads.  School doesn't start until eight.                          

I scan the room again and see who all are in the cafeteria.  It's just regular people.  Except me, I think.  I use to be regular.  I normal class mate just trying to pass and graduate school.  Now, I'm all that but more too.  As I scan the room I finally spot him at the door scanning the room.          

 I stand up and walk towards him.  I would have just simply yelled his name out, but soon or later I'm going to be the center of attention and I don't want that to happen.  So I don't want to put myself in the center of attention any sooner.                                                                                                      

He spots me and starts to walk my direction so I go back to the little circle table in the far back corner where nobody is around.                             

He sits and looks at me with a worried look on his face but he tries to shake it off.  "Hey.  What's up?" 

"A lot," I answer in truth.                                                                 

"What is it?" he tries to have a calm voice but I can tell he's frightened for what's about to come.  Just if he knew what it was he would know just how frightened to be.                                                                                                                          

"Promise to not tell?" I ask him hopping to be giving him a look to show how serious I really am.  "This is very personal.  You got to keep it a secret for me and no just me, Damon too.  Like I've already said, it's very personal.  If people find out . . . I will be over." I add looking off of him and look the other direction.                                                                                               

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