Chapter 2 everything happens for a reason. Right?

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Chapter 2 everything happens for a reason, Right?

All of a sudden I feel like I can't breathe. My throat feels tight. I try to scream but fail. I start to feel light headed and try to kick and squirm my way out of it. Then, everything goes black.

I bolt upward in bed in a cold sweat. I look around the room and lightly put my hands around my neck and then quickly put them down. I glance at the clock and it reads 5:30AM. "Great" I think. I don't get up for school until about 6:15AM.

I don't even try to go back to sleep because I know that's going to fail. When I get woken up, I'm awake. There is no going back to sleep.

So I stumble out of bed, stable myself, and go to my dresser. I pull out my school clothes and lay them on my bed, then I go take a quick shower. I'm normally a person who showers at night; but, with an hour to spare, what else is there to do?

As I get in the shower and start washing my hair, I begin to analyze the day ahead of me. First block is computer. That's pretty okay. I do well in that class, and there's not much free time so I won't be left out. Next is algebra. Right now I'm not doing so hot in that class. It just hates me! And I hate getting help. I want to do everything on my own. Then there's physical science. That's an okay class too. I might hate the teacher but I'm doing okay. Then comes lunch. I hate lunch. I'm almost always left out of the conversation . Last is fourth block English. I hate English! It's so . . . complicated.

I just wish we didn't have to go to school, and we magically already knew everything we needed to know.

My mind drifts from school and goes straight back to my parents. I still hate that they don't give me the attention I need, but I'm trying not to stress over it. It'll only make me stronger, and everything happens for a reason, right?

As I get out of the shower and towel off, I look through the foggy bathroom mirror and see my wet hair all out of order and then I look at my face. I look depressed. Do I always look this way? I look down at my wet feet and feel even worse, but I get over it after a few seconds and move on to getting ready for school.

When I return to my room, I look at the clock once again.5:45. Really? Only fifteen minutes? I thought it was much longer. I slowly walk back to the bathroom and start to dry my hair.

When I get done with my hair it's finally 6AM. It's still fifteen minutes before I normally wake up, but it's better than going downstairs at 5:30AM.

I grab all my school stuff, my math and science book that I used to study for my tests today, and walk out of my room. I hate tests. Tests are hard for me. The wording of the test questions confuses me. It stinks!

I walk down the stairs with my books in hand and notice my dad's at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Moms cooking something over the stove and it smells like eggs. Yum!

"I just can't see how that's possible!'' my mother tells my father bringing her hands up trying to explain what ever that thing might be.

My father goes, "I know. Who would do such a thing?''

"Do what?'' I ask putting my school things on the table taking a seat.

My mother spines around and looks at me. Dad looks off the paper and up at me. They both give each other a look, then mom turns around and glances at the clock on the stove and goes, "Jaylin? Is something wrong? It's only 6:03. You don't get up until 6:15."

"No, everything's fine. I just woke up a little early, that's all" I explain to her.

"Oh, okay." Mother says turning back to what she's cooking.

I drop the smile that's placed on my face. I feel unappreciated, unwanted.

I start to dig my fingers in my nails. Dad goes back to his reading and mom puts some toast in the toaster.

I walk over to the countertop, grab a glass for myself, and fill it with orange juice. "Do you just want toast and eggs, or do you want bacon too?'' she questions me.

"That's fine" I reply. She hands me the plate that holds a piece of toast that's cut in two, a little bit of scrambled eggs and a piece of sunny side up egg. I take the plate and my drink and go sit at the table.

I'm not a really picky person. I'll eat pretty much anything I'm given. I think I get that from my dad.

I eat my breakfast in silence while my dad finishes reading the news paper and mom starts to clean up. It's like I'm not even here.

While I eat, I start to really think about what my mom and dad were talking about when I walked in and wonder why they hesitated. I head to school with my pink backpack in tote. When I enter the school, I go straight to my locker and start to empty my books from my backpack, put them into my locker, and grab the things I need for my first three classes.

As I shut my bottom locker and attempt to get off the floor, I'm startled by someone and fall right back down.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!'' my best friend Chelsey says with her hands over her mouth. I look up at her and see the worry in her green eyes. I also notice her extreme eye makeup: black eye liner, deep eye shadow that looks really good with her eyes, and tons of mascara. Some people call her gothic or emo, but I disagree. When I look at her wrists, everything seems normal.

"Its fine" I say signaling for a hand up with a raised arm. She helps me and I ask, "So, what's up?'' She normally doesn't walk with me to first block, so I'm curious about the reason behind her sudden presence.

"Oh, nothing!" She tells me grinning. "I just haven't really talked to you much lately," she adds. That's one thing I like about Chelsey, she can get anyone to smile. She just has that charismatic personality.

"Oh, I know! It stinks not having all the same classes this year" I say to her. Well only have first and fourth block together.

"I know!'' she says bringing her hands and arms up in the air showing how she feels about our forced separation.

I love Chelsey, she's like my sister; but there's one thing about Chelsey that I wish was different, She's the type of friend to one second be your best friend and ditch you the next.

We together still chatting away until we reach first block.

Maybe today will be a better day than I thought it was going to be, I start to think. Then I start to hope that what I'm thinking is correct.

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