Chapter 25 This feels right . . .

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Chapter 25 this feels right. . .                                                                       

I run down the road just needing to get away.  I can't handle this anymore.  I need to get some free air and to just simply refresh my mind on things.  I keep running glad to finally being able to see the tree.                                   

When I got home from school I saw that girl again.  Except this time she's in my house.  He said he wouldn't!  But he doesn't care.  Kind of like my mother says she cares about me, but it seems that she doesn't.                 

I finally reach the tree and huff and puff for a few minutes to catch my breath.  I slowly sit at the and just observe everything around me.  This is the tree in the park.  The tree Damon and I were at when he told me about his family.                                                                                                      

I start to think more on seeing that girl, ocean blue eyes, blond hair.  I shake it off not wanting to remember any more.  I dig my fingers into the dirt underneath and beside me.  I get so angry I get a big chunk into my hand and throw it as far as I possibly can.  Then I just break down in tears.  I cover my face with my filth hands not caring.                                         

I need Damon I think.  I need him to hold me and tell me everything will be okay.  I need him to help me to get through all this with my parents.  But he can't.  I have to do all of this on my own.                                                 

I look up and right as I do I hear a crackle of thunder.  Please don't rain!  I scream inside my brain.                                                                   

I keep looking up as if somehow it will relate to Damon.  But deep down I know it won't.  Lately everything that happens good or bad I wonder if it's a sign related to Damon.  I know I need to get him out of my head the only thing is I quite exactly don't know how.                                                

I slowly let my head down and back in front of me.  I look ahead and see where Damon did his stunt with the shark. . . I shudder away in sadness and guilt. I finally conclude that I'm staying here.  I don't know where I'm going but I can't stay home.  I can't face my father and that . . . that whatever that girl is.  I feel he's just trying to rip me apart and is enjoying the please out of it.                                                                                      

I look up again and right as I do another spit of thunder comes through except thunders not all that is in store.  Rain comes pouring down.  It breaks through the tree limbs and comes soaking all over me.  I sigh but there's nothing I can but endure it.                                                                  

I start to imagine if my parents don't come looking for me, will I be a hobo?  Will I be one of those people with the signs begging for food except I'll be pregnant too?  Will Greta come looking for me?                                  

I open my mouth to receive the rain as a drink.  If I'm going to be a hobo why not go ahead and try to live by it. I get up not caring I am soaked already all the way through.  I start to just walk.  Where too, I have no idea.  I just feel I need to be free and alive.                                                               

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