Chapter 11 nobody knows what I know. Damon's about to kill himself...

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Chapter 11 nobody knows what I know.  Damon's about to kill himself. . .

I push through the crowd not caring if I hit people or not.  They people think this is for entertainment or just a planned show.  But it's not!  Damon isn't a professional.  He isn't doing this for attention; he's doing it because he thinks there's nothing in this world to live for.  He thinks he lost me, his only reason to be alive. 

                                                                                     More tears stream down my face as I push through the last person that's a lady that has long bleach blond hair, and a few bangs in the face.  She gives me an evil look, but I don't care.  She doesn't know what I know.  Nobody knows what I know.  Damon's about to kill himself. . .

I totally lost Damon's mom, but I think she understands.  I bet she's not mad.  I think her main concern right now as the same as mine, get Damon to stop and not hurt himself.

"Damon!" I yell on the top of my lungs not carrying if people looked at me like I'm a freak or if my voice broke going up that high.  I don't care about anything right now but getting Damon safe.

I run up closer to him where the people are and I get just close enough to see what's in that pool and as I see it I gasp and take a step back.  How . . . My thoughts can't even register how he could have gotten such a thing.  Such a dangerous thing.

"Damon! It's Jaylin! I wasn't ditching you, I was asleep! I'm so sorry I didn't call you or text you and tell you before it happened.  I was stupid, it never crossed my mind!  Please come down!  Don't do this!" I shout even louder than before begging him to stop this.

The only thing that scares me is that it sounds like he doesn't even hear me.  I drop to my knees and start to ball even more, and harder at that too.                                                                                         

All of a sudden I hear the sound of the motorcycle starting up.  I glance up in such a fast it was a blur. I stumble to my feet and yell, "NO!" as loud as I can.  I start to run past the pool and up the hill to stop him.

"Wait!  Don't!" I scream going up the hill. I start going up it so fast I stumble over my own feet and fall flat on my face.

I get but just as I so I feel a fast breeze past me.  "No!" is all I can think of to yell to get his attention, but It's too last.  In about let's say two seconds he'll be in that pool, and that'll be it.

I pick back up on my feet once again even if my face is burning like its on fire.  "Damon!  Don't!  Damon, I love you!"  I roar and as I tell him the last part my past becomes blurry.  I do love him.  He's the only reason I'm her.  As I say, 'I love you' I hear a splash and that's it. 

"No!" I cry.  I get to the pool a few seconds after he gets in. "Call nine one one!" I scream with my hands on the pool.  I sink down on the grass and curl in a ball and start to bawl like there's no tomorrow.

As I looked into the pool, all I could see was blood.  Damon's blood.  A shark was eating him alive. . .


I walk back and forth in the waiting room in the hospital.  I have my hands tied together behind my back.  "Why don't you sit down?" Damon's mother asks me in a worried tone.

I nod my head.  "I-I can't.  I-If I sit, I-I'll start thinking. A-and p-picturing what I saw in the pool." I start pacing faster.  Then I slow down and break down for the hundredth time into tears.  What's even worse is that when my tears hit my cheeks it stinks so badly!  Damon's mom said I got bruises on them and I need to doctor them up.  I told her I can't; I have to be here to see what the doctor says.  She didn't push any father on getting it better.

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