Chapter 15 I'm so sorry Damon. I'm so sorry

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Chapter 15 I'm sorry Damon.  I'm so sorry!

"I would love that!  Thank you.  I can't miss any more days or I'll fail.  I'm already at my limit on unexcused absences.  Thank you.  I'll be waiting out at the entrance. '' I finish on the phone and then hang up. 

"Reese has just offered to take me to school.  He says he knows how attached I am to Damon but I guess he's also thinking the education side that has just blankly passed over my head" I finish telling Gretna half in thought as I tell her.                                                                                    "Well that was sweet of him." She says back.

"I guess I better be getting ready to go. . ." I tell hesitating not wanting to leave Damon.  Why do I need school anyway when all I want is to be with Damon and him to get better? 

"Here" she tells me digging into her purse and pulling out her keys. 

 As she tosses it to me and I catch them I go into confusing.

"Why do I need these?" 

"Remember.  Your school stuff in the back of my car from when I picked you up."   

                                                                                        All of a sudden I feel as I'm as dumb as a rock.  Why didn't I remember that?                                                                      

"Oh, ok.  Be right back."  I finish walking out of the room headed to the car.                                                                                                   As I walk I start to shake my head back and forth.  She probably thinks I'm so dumb now.  I think to myself. 

Damon has been asleep all night and morning.  The doctors have given him some medicine that will hopefully shrink the tumor on his brain so they won't have to do surgery.  Apparently a side effect is being asleep a lot. 

I get to the car and find my backpack and all my school supplies in the back of the car just as Damon's mother has told me. 

 I pull it out and place the backpack on my back and lock the car and walk back in.  I haven't done anything yet this morning on my hair or anything.  I hope I can get ready in enough time for Damon's friend that's apparently named Reese from what Gretna has told me.                                               


"Thank you for taking me to school" I tell Reese as I get into his car that's a little less beat up that Damon's.  His vehicle is a lot more unorganized than Damon's also.   

                                                                                       "No need for thanking me.  I know Damon would want me to do this for you. ''  

                                                                                                   "Yea, I just hope he can remember me and is getting better.  I love him so much. . ." I can't even finish my sentence.  I start to break down. 

Every time I mention Damon in this kind of situate my heart starts to ache.  Burn.  Kind of like it does when I'm not around him. . .    

"Aw, he's going to retain the information.  I just know it!  Please don't cry."    

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