Chapter 16 If I could, I would make this my permanent world

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Chapter 16 If I could, I would make this my permanent world

It was February the third.  It was on a beautiful day.  But I call it a dreadful, worst day ever.  It was at five thirty one when he was declared fully dead.

I curl up in the ball that I'm already in on my bed with my whole face hurting and puffy.  Actually, my whole body hurting is more like it.  

After I got ice cold water poured on me in the hospital, and I got woken up, I was in complete confusion.  And then I saw Damon wasn't In the room, and Greta's things were also not in the room and I started to freak out.                                                                                                    Greta sat me down and refreshed my memory on how he went down while I was in school.  Then she told me that the tumor wasn't doing nothing but growing, and surgery wouldn't do anything and that it was progressing and fast.                                                                                      

Then with her holding my hands and crying so hard I thought she would choke or something she told me that Damon passed away. . .                   

I grip the sheets even harder just thinking on what happened.  I push on anyway through my thoughts. 

The rest was a big fog.  I remember with my crying so hard Greta dropped me off at my house and told me that I need some rest.  I obeyed her but I don't know if it even helped.  I still feel as exhausted as I did before. 

                                                                                                  I shakingly grab for my phone and see I have a missed call.  It's from Greta.  With my hand shaking so hard it takes three tries to dial the number right, I call her back. 

                                                                                "Hello?"  I hear a weak voice on the other line.  I can tell it's Greta, and I can take it she's been crying very hard too.   

"Hey, it's me, Jaylin.  I saw you tried to call me and didn't get me?  I was asleep.  What'd you need?" I question in a soft, but barley a voice.

 "Hey sweetie, I just wanted to tell you that Damon's visitation's going to be Thursday and Friday; then the Funerals going to be this Saturday.    "I also wanted to see if you could be with me there with me the whole time.  I know you are not technically family, but I consider you family and that's good enough.  I can pick you up and take you back home. Also, this will count as excused absences at your school for a funeral and visitations." 

"That'll be fine.  What time would you pick me up?" 

 "How about nine?  The thing will start at ten through about eight thirty at night."  

                                                                                                     "That's fine" I tell her numb in monotone. 

"Thank you Jaylin.  I'll see you tomorrow at nine.  Please do me a favor and you get enough sleep.  I bet you're going to need it.  Be safe." 

"I'll do my best.  You do the same."

After I get off the phone with her I still feel numb.  I look over at my clock and it tells me it is, seven twenty two.  I'm not hungry but I know I honestly should.  I also don't want to go downstairs because I don't want to face anybody because I'm not in the mood.  I'm too much of a train wreck.  

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