Chapter 21 I just want what's best for you

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Chapter 21 I just want what's best for you

"Jaylin, may I please speak to you?" my father orders. 

Mom said she would think on it and in the morning she said she would tell whose side she was on; mines, or dads.  I told Greta thank you for helping me and told her she probably needed to go home to sleep.  She told me to call her tomorrow, I agreed.                                                                  

After that dad was the last one in the living room.  After sending Greta to the car I start to head to the fridge to grab a glass of water.                             

I slowing changing my direction and walk towards him.  "Yes?" I shyly impose.                                                                                                         He sits in the recliner he was in earlier.  The recliners are still in the same position they were in before, they haven't been moved back yet.  He motions with his hand for me to sit back on the couch.  I follow his demand.        

"Why did you lie to your mother like that?" he asks.                                

"I didn't!" I almost snap.  I go on, "I didn't lie.  And you know it.  When I was in the hospital with Damon I went down to the cafeteria to get me something to eat, when I walked in I saw you but not just you.  I saw you kissing this other girl."                                                                        

His mouth twitches.  "I think you still got it mistaken"                          

"I think I don't" I say all serious.  I lean in towards him with my elbows on my knees and my face closer up to his.                                               

"Your mom with never believe you.  She only believes me.  She thinks you're a liar." And with that he stands up and walks off into the bedroom.


I glace to the clock in my room.  Four twenty, the clock reads.  I glance to my stomach right as it growls.  I just got woken up by hunger; something that I'm not use too.                                                                                       

I slowly get out of the bed and head downstairs and get an orange.  I walk over to the table and start to peel it.  After I'm done with that I start to tear it in smaller portions to make it easier to eat.                                         

When I finally look up I jump a mile high.  "What are you doing here!?" I ask out of breath in fear.                                                             

My mom doesn't even give me a look; she just gets her mug and lifts it up where I can see it then places it back down.  She makes no contact towards me.                                                                                             

I want to say more the only thing is I don't know what to say.  I start to nibble on my orange.                                                                             

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