Chapter 10 I mean, if it wasnt for...

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Chapter 10 I mean, if it wasn't for you two only have been going out for a few weeks, I would say he loves you

I walk into the school and the first thing I do is try to see if I spot Damon.  Like I said before, I hope he comes to school.

I don't see him so I go to my locker and start to get what I need for my first class.  As I get up I am face to face with a guy I do not know.  I take a step back with a little shock of fear.  "May I help you?" I drag out in confusion. 

                                                                                                "Are you Jaylin?" he asks with a firm voice. 

"Yes.  And you are?" I pose back still kind of scared the way he's approaching me.                                                                                                 "I'm Damon's friend.  You do know that since you didn't reply to him yesterday he's going out and doing crazy stunts trying to kill himself because he thinks you don't care about him any more right? . . . ." he drags out on his last word. I gasp.  He slowly walks off but then turns half way where I can barely see his face.  "You're the only girl that Damon's really likes.  If other girls randomly didn't write back and he got the impression they don't care about him, he would say something like 'screw her' but you?  You're different. 

                                                                                        "He told me a few days ago he told you some about his history, he never tells anybody about that.  I've been his friend for about five years and I just found out about it a few months ago.  You're special to him.  I just hope you know you hurt him a lot more than you think you might have" he finishes and sharply walks back to where he came from. 

"Wait!" I yell extending my arm trying to grab him.  I fail in the attempt but he turns around and raises an eyebrow.  I take a breath, this might be my only chance to explain myself.  "I didn't ditch Damon!  Please hear me out, I fell asleep!  I didn't hear my phone buzz saying a got a message from him.  Shortly after he dropped my off I went to sleep and slept till about five thirtyish.  I was going to text him back this morning but was scared I was going to wake him up.  I wasn't ditching him!  I would never do that!" I say raising my arms with a demonstration trying to get across I wasn't ditching him. 

He gives me a sympathetic look and tells me, "Damon doesn't know that . . .''  

                                                                                                "Why would he even think within one night of not texting that means I'm ditching me?" I question myself apparently louder than I was meaning to. 

                                                                                                              "Because" he simply says, "You're his girlfriend.  And when he has girlfriends he takes them very seriously.  One little thing can get him moving in thought.  And I guess his thought of this was that you didn't like him anymore and he didn't know how to handle it" he answers.  Then goes into thought, "I don't know; it's just ever since you two met he's seemed different.  Good different.  He appears happier.  Oh, and does he talk about you!  Lately nothing comes out of his mouth but you.  I don't know how to stop him from talking about you. 'Boy she's got such eyes.  And have you seen her smile!  I love her smile!'  I mean, if it wasn't for you two only have been going out for a few weeks, I would say he loves you." 

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