Chapter 20 This is ripping me apart

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Chapter 20 this is ripping me apart

I cover my whole body over with the blanket that is on my bed.  I'm cuddled in a tight ball form.  My stomach has been bothering me ever since I threw up in the toilet.  

After being in that position my stomach comes to handling pain.  But also I get the erg to eat.  I'm highly confused about my body at this point.  I have no idea what is going.  I think it might be a virus . . . an odd virus.                

I get downstairs and grab an apple out of the fridge and start to eat on it.  As I get the texture of what I'm eating and I've only ate a few bites the pain hits me again in my stomach area.  Now I'm really getting concerned.          

I place the apple with a few bites on it on the counter and go back upstairs to my bedroom.  I have to search, but I finally find my phone.  I see Chelsey has wrote back but I disregard it and dial Greta's number, scared.        

"Hello?" I hear her answer on the second ring.                                        

"Can you come get me?  I need a favor." I start to cry in fear.


I walk to her car shaking all out in fear.  I get seated and shut the cars door.  She doesn't pull the car out back on the main road or nothing.  She just sits there and looks at me.  I'm too scared to say anything at all.                             

"What's wrong?" she finally brings up saying it so calm.                          

I shake even harder.  She places her hand on my shoulder and looks at me with so much worry I get even more frightened.  "I-I" I'm too much in fear and shock I can't say anything at all.  "T-take me to the store, I-I can explain there." I'm finally able to say still with struggle.                                    

She gives me a long look I guess trying to debate if it's the best thing to do or not.  Finally she agrees to what I say and presses on the gas.  We're headed to the store.

The whole ride there, nothing is being said.  Maybe because she thinks I won't be able to have a conversation.  She has a point; I probably wouldn't be able too.  But she does glance at me here and there in concern.  I can read it on her face.                                                                                       

She parks and looks at me.  I twirl my fingers in my lap and look down.  "Can you stay in the car?  I promise I won't take long. . ." I look up scared.  

 She nods and goes, "take all the time you need.  If you need me, call me, ok?" she questions. 

I give her a nod and a weak smile.  "Thank you" I screech.  She nods and I open the door and walk into the store wanting to scream out of fear.         

I walk in and go straight to the area that I need to go too.  I am having trouble trying to find the one that I'm in need for but I keep looking.  I've never had to have one of these before so I guess it's understandable I can't find it.                                                                                          

A lady with blond hair to her shoulders, and look's the age of maybe twenty comes up to me.  She's really skinny and little.  She has a shirt on saying she works here.  She gives me a greeting smile and goes, "do you need any help with anything?"                                                                 

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