Chapter 12 who in the heck are you!?

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Chapter 12 who in the heck are you!?

The doctors finally have allowed Damon's mother and me to see him.  When we first walked in he was asleep so I wasn't able to talk to him.  The doctors said he lost a lot of blood and got a concussion, and possibly wouldn't remember everything in the right order.

He looks so peaceful on the hospitals bed.  He has one arm in a cast, and lost one leg.  As I start to think more on it my heart aches in so much pain I don't know how I'm able to handle it.  I feel as all of this is my fault.

"I'll be right back to go get me a snack, do you want anything?"  Damon's mother questions me getting up out of her seat that on Damon's right side.  I nod my head 'no' and she walks out quietly with her purse on her arm.                                                                                          

We've been in here for I would say almost an hour.  The whole time Damon's been asleep.  Damon's mother and I have talked more while he's been asleep getting to know more about each other.  The rest of the time we haven't said anything at all.  Just both lost into thought.

I lean over in my seat that's on Damon's left side and extend my hands and place them on his that are calmly placed on his stomach.  He's sleeping flat on his back. 

"I'm so sorry Damon.  I didn't mean to do any of this to you!  I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was going to go to bed.  It never crossed my mind.  So I am so sorry!  Please forgive me." I finish with tears landing on our hands.  "I love you" I say with my voice breaking.  I lean back into my seat and then bend over with my hands formed in a bowl in my face.  The tears start all over again. 

                                                                                       After I finally get my snuffles handled, I bend back into the way I'm supposed to be in the seat.  As I raise my back up I feel a little taken back.  Gretna, Damon's mother, is back into her seat with a Heresy's bar into her hand.  How did I not notice her come in!  I think in shock. 

"Want a bite?" she asks me glancing to the Hersey's bar that's already been opened and you can see where she's torn some pieces off.  

"No thanks" I croak.  Great! No voice! 

We lead back into silence as I travel into though and she silently eats her chocolate.  As I'm into my thought I keep wondering if she heard me say what I said to Damon.  But that can't be possible; she couldn't be back that quick, right?                                                                                        

"W-where am I?" all of a sudden I hear lightly from Damon.

"It's ok, I'm here.  And so is your mother." I answer him

Gretna's in the bathroom.

"Who are you!?" he demands.

I take a fast jerk away from leaning over to his side and fall back into my chair.  "What!?" I raise him in plain shock.

 "Who in the heck are you!?" he repeats with the same bitter into the way he's speaking to me.                                                                                Tears fill into my eyes where I can't see anything.  I brush it off.  "Jaylin" I whisper.  "Your girlfriend."

  "Girlfriend?  The last girlfriend I had was Magi.  And that was I believe two?  Three months ago?  Yea, we broke up because, honestly, she was getting old.  I got tired with her.  She wasn't fun to have sex with anymore."  He broadcasts where whoever walks in here can hear it, like it's nothing personal.  It's just something everybody talks about to anybody.

My heart sinks and I sink in my chair.  He doesn't remember me.  It's like he hates me! 

                                                                                    Without thinking I dash out of the room with tears spilling out of my eyes.  I start running.  I need to get out of here.  He doesn't remember me.  I have nobody now.

                                                                                   "Jaylin, Jaylin!"  I hear from my side.  I remove my damp hands that are wet from my tears.  A cold hand touches my arm.  I flinch.  It'd Damon's mother.  "What's wrong!?"

"Damon woke up.  He doesn't remember me."  I finish in a whisper shaking my head 'no' and fill my eyes with more tears.

She drops her hand that's on my arm like she wasn't expecting that.  I jerk away from her with more force that I was meaning too, and walk firmly to the door to leave.

As I get out of the doors I start thinking.  He doesn't remember me.  He doesn't even like me . . . and he's the only guy I've really felt comfortable with.

I break down again and sit in the bench that's outside right next to the entrance.  I get my legs and bring them up to my stomach and place my head on my knees and just cry like there's no tomorrow.  I've just lost the only person I love, and it was my entire fault!

I don't know how long I had been crying but it wouldn't be for that long because I hear a soft voice call my name and start to rub my back.

I raise my head and see it's Gretna.  "What?" I ask with hardly a voice.

"It's going to be ok.  I promise.  Remember what the doctors told us?  He might loose some of his memory, but we can gain it back.  Or at least try.  Jaylin, I might not know you, but from the way I have seen you these few days, I can tell you love my baby Damon.  You have been by his side the whole time.  And you even have held your bladder for some of the longest times possible just to be next to him.  Also, remember when I went to the cafeteria to eat and I told you to come with me?  You wouldn't budge.  You said you didn't want to leave him.  And was saying when he wakes up, you want to be right next to him.  I can tell you really do love him.

"I can also tell he loves you too.  He hates telling me about his life.  He always wants to keep everything to himself.  Well sometimes if it's something he really cares about it, he'll mention it to me.  Possibility because it's all he thinks about.  Like one day I ask him how has school been and he actually opens up and told me how he met a new friend, Reese.  Lately though, if I ask him it always leads to you.  About this beautiful girl he met.  And how he just adores how you act.  Your special to Damon, and I honestly thinks he loves you back.

"With all the care you two have for each other I think this can work.  You can get him to remember you.  Mention things you two did together or talked about.  I know you can do this.  And if it does, I think that's proof of true love.  Because the love brought you two back together, because it can't be separate.  Now will you walk back in here with and try to get him to remember you?" she almost begs me. 

With all tears and no voice I nod a yes.  So we walk arm and arm back into the hospital and all the way up to Damon's room.


"Do you remember this?" I question Damon handing him the suicide note he gave his mother.  I cross my fingers trying to get all the luck I can get for him to commit the memory.  I have been trying all I can to get him to remember for the past hour. 

Gretna also has been trying all she can to help me.  And I just love her for that.  I just hope he can get his memory back.

I see that he's reading the note and I give Gretna a look.  She gives me one back.  They read the same thing, 'I hope this helps'. 

"No . . .'' he slowly answers looking off of the paper and on to me.  My face drops in a frown without even trying too.   It was like it was a reflex.

"Ok. . ." I answer removing the frown like it wasn't there and try to still act like every things ok.  "What was the recent party you remember?"  I'm going to get him to remember.  I don't care how long this might take me but I have faith in Gretna.  I can get him to remember.  It just might take him time.  And I'm going to get as patient as possibly as I can.  I can't loose Damon.  He's all I have.

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