Chapter 9 What if I got pregnant!?

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Chapter 9 What if I got pregnant!?


"Hey Chelsey, this is Jaylin." I say through my cell phone.

"Oh hey, why weren't you at school today?  Where you with Damon?" she sings on Damon's name.

I ignore her question; I don't have time to answer her matter.  "I need you to do something for me please" I beg on the last word.

"What you do?" she goes with that 'give it to me' voice.

"If my mom calls you or your mother, I spent the night at your place last night and the cause of it is because you was having trouble and needed me to talk too.  And you picked me up in your mother's car and took me to your place.  Ok?'' I magically say all in one breath.

"Ok" she simply reply's.  But then slowly adds in, "On one condition"

Oh boy! I quickly think in my head.  "What's the condition?" I ask in fear. 

"You tell me why you wasn't at school today and we're you where last night"                                                                                                       

"Fine" I sigh. "Last night. . . I was at party.  And today . . . I was with a friend." I'm too scared to give her straight up answers.

"What party, and who you go with?  Who were you with today?  I got to have details!" she squeals.

"Err, party, I went to a party, party with alcohol and all that.  I went with Damon. . . Today all day, I was also with Damon." I murmur. 

I hear a "bang" kind of noise and then I hear Chelsey go, "You there?" 

 "Yea?" I answer with a ring of question in my answer.

"I dropped the phone" I hear her embarrassedly respond. I give a little giggle.  "So you and him a couple now?" she slowly goes. 

I take a second to respond trying to hold back.  But fail and answer her.


 "Aw" she tells me.

 "So, I went to your place last night, correct?" I ask.

"Yes, yes you did" she says like we didn't have this happen and more like it was real.

"Thank you Chelsey.  I knew I could depend on you.  Thank you.  I got to go, but again, thank you." 

"No problem!  It's what sister friends do" she replies.

"Yea, sister friends." I answer back grinning.  "Bye" 

 "Bye" she says back.  I hang up and claps on my bed pure exhausted.


As I wake up I feel confused.  It's pure dark outside.  I glance at my clock three O'clock right on the dot.   I start to refresh my memory and then I remember. 

 Damon dropped me off at almost one; because that was a time both of my parents weren't home.  I took a quick shower and then made me something to eat.  Then called Chelsey and then almost automatically went to bed.

 I fiddle with my sheets in the dark and get more comfortable.  I'm full on energy so there's no way I can go back to bed.  I am a tad hungry but I don't want to wake my parents if they're even here.  So I drift off in thought.

I think about Damon on how sweet and nice he is.  He's everything that I've dreamed of.  And he looks like a bad guy but I honestly can't see it.  He's too nice.

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