Chapter 5 This day can't get any better, can it?

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Chapter 5 This day can't get any better, can it?

I walk into the house and am greeted with both of my parents sitting on the couch, together.  "Err, hi?'' I say confused more than anything.  The first thing is they get off work at different times, and two lately they haven't been noticing me, I've been invisible.                                                                

"We need to speak to you" my mother orders. 

"Okay?'' I answer with a question added on my statement.

I place my backpack on the floor beside the recliner.  Then plop in the recliner where I'm sitting on my feet.  My mother and father are sitting next to each other on the couch.  I turn my position a little so we're face-to-face. "Shoot!" I say after getting convertible.

"Ok" my mother starts placing her hands in her lap.  "That day when apparently I was drunk, and your dad was with me.  We were going to call you, but blankly we forgot" she says every word dropping the volume in her voice. "I thought I called you!  I thought we gave you some form of information on telling you what was going on.  But I guess we didn't.  And I'm here to say I'm sorry" she looks down at her hands.  Not meeting any contact.                                                                                                                                                                                          "I'm sorry too Jaylin.  I thought your mom called, your mother is always the one that calls so I didn't think anything about it.  So I want to double apologize too you.  I should have made sure she didn't forget" father tells me looking right at my face.  He adds, "I'll never happen again.  Promise." He finishes with his hand over his heart that's supposed to mean anything.                                                                                                                                                                                          Uh hu.  Sureee! They will never do this again.  Yeah right!  I think to myself probably with a disgusted face with the feeling.  "Ok" I reply.  I really don't know what to say to answer.

"Because of what we're done, we would like to show to you how sorry we are.  We have a present for you" my mother announces.

"Ok, what is it?'' I ask.  Them, giving me, me a gift!?''  This is odd. And maybe too odd.

"We're taking you out to eat" my father says.  And then adds with a gin and a different tone, "we're taking you out to eat at show guns"

Even though I might be mad at them, a grin spread over my face.  "Really?'' I ask without thinking getting excited.  This is my favorite place to eat.  It's where they make the food right in front of you and it's just awesome!  We rarely get to go because of mom and dad's work so we only go here on occasions.  They know it's my most wanted place to eat.

"Yes really, silly!" my mother goes looking more comfortable.  Her face looks more relaxed now too.

"Now go get ready and get dressed, nice.  We got to get there early because as you know, it's normally always packed" my father orders.

"Ok!" I answer jumping out of my seat skipping all the way upstairs.

The only thing that scares me though is how long is this going to last?  Is it all for show, or is it for real?


I walk into my bedroom and shut the door and then fall flat on my bed.  What a night!  I think.  It actually went pretty good.  We got seated and everything the person doing the food was really friendly and was letting us have a blast.  Mom and dad asked me questions like, "How's school been?'' or "So how is Chelsey?'' and so forth.

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