Chapter 6 I want us to be together as much as we possibly can

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Chapter 6 I want us to be together as much as we possibly can

"Wow!  I love your house!" Damon goes as I get into his beat up old car.

"Not really.  It's boring" I tell his looking around in his car.  I see where he has a coke in the drink holder.  I observe where he has a few CDs laying around.  Over all, he's pretty organized for a guy. 

"I can't see how, you should see where I live.  Your house is like a mansion compared to my place.  At my place we carry only one bathroom, and two bedrooms and a kitchen and living room.  Everything's so small.  I live in a trailer" he finishes in nothing but a whisper.

Wow.  I think to myself.  A trailer!?  I start to feel really bad for him.  I have all this, and take it all for granted. "I sorry" I say in a low voice.

"Oh it's nothing.  I'm just glad my mom hasn't kicked me out yet.  So I guess I shouldn't be complaining" he pronounces keeping his eyes on the dark road.

"Kick you out?'' I subject. 

"It's nothing" he replies. 

"I want to know" I come back with.

He sighs and then starts the story on how he's glad he hasn't gotten kicked out yet.  "Lately my mother and I haven't been on good terms.  We got in a fight a few days ago.  Apparently I came home and I was drunk.  She hates it when I'm drunk!  And she found out I was and ever since then we haven't been on good terms" he finished.

"Wow, I'm sorry!" I tell him feeling bad for him.  "Why'd you go home drunk though if you knew she didn't like it?'' I question.

"I take it you've never drank" he says looking over at me. I node my head no answering a never sign.  He goes on looking back at the road, "When you're drunk it's like you have no idea what's going on"

"Why do you drink?'' I blurt out without thought.

"Well, I don't know really.  First it was because everybody else was and I didn't want to be the only one not doing it, but now. . . . I don't know.  I'm use to it, so I do it, I guess you could say." 

He responds, and then adds, "Enough about me, what about you?  What made you actually come?''

"It's complicated" I go.

"I'm listening"

"My parents. They haven't been noticing me lately.  And I thought it just got back to normal because they took me out to eat, but I was wrong.  They left me a note saying they had to go to an emergency work meeting.  Both of them had to go? And both works at the same time?  I don't know.  I don't believe them" I finish in like a huff.

"Wow that must be tough.  I'm sorry" he tells me with a slight nod to his face like he can't believe it.

"It's nothing.  I'm quite use to it now" in tell him looking out of the window.                                                               

"We're here" he declares pulling up into a driveway that's filled with cars.  The place, you can tell, is having a party.  Loud music exploding out of the house, lights on.  Good thing the neighbors aren't living close, I think.  It appears like the closest neighbors are a few miles away.

I get out of the car and look around trying to understand of what all this is.  I've never been to a party until now.  I don't know what to think about it. 

Before I get to shut the door Damon's already done it for me.  He grabs my hand and walks me into the house.  I don't really know what to think about this.  Him.  I want to be with him and everything, but we just met.  What if he's rushing things? 

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