Chapter 8 I don't want to be anywhere apart from him

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Chapter 8 I don't want to be anywhere apart from him

I suck through the straw of my chocolate shake that Damon got  me from McDonalds; while Damon does the same out of his Vanilla shake.

"This is really good, thank you" I tell Damon then we kiss each other over the table.  

"No problem" he answers grinning.

"So, from all we've been through do you declare us as girlfriend and boyfriend?'' I bring up. 

"I thought we already where?  Within you agreeing to go to the party I thought was the key to the box.  So, yes I do.  Do you?''

"Yes" I answer grinning.  Then we kiss once again.

 When we left the house that held the party, I finally looked at a clock, the car clock.  It read it was eleven twenty two.  The school starts at eight, so, no school today.  And since Damon and I can't go we decided to come here. 

 "We should totally go play" I tell Damon pointing to the little play area for little kids. 

He studies the play place and then turns back my way and says, "I would, and that would be fun, but I'm too scared I'm going to get stuck in it!"

I burst out laughing and he joins in with me.  I see that a few people glance our way, but who cares!  Yeah, we might look a little stupid, but at least we're having fun

After we get out laughter to a control I look right into his beautiful face and pop out the question, "So, what do you have planned for us today since schools out of the picture?''

"Well" he starts thinking.  "I was considering maybe we could go looking around the mall?  Or go to the park and walk around." He starts numbering off on his fingers.  Then he looks back on me and gives me that smile that lets my heart skip a step, "I got a better plan.  What do you want to do?''

  "Err, what about the park?'' I question raising a smile.

"I love that plan" he smiles back. 

Then we walk out of McDonalds hand in hand with our shakes in our other hands.

"So, what's your favorite color?'' I pose and we walk hand in hand around the park.                                                                                                     

"Baby blue and what's yours?

"Light pink" I answer.

"You have any siblings?'' he subjects.

"Nope.  I'm a one and only child.  What about you?" \

"I have quite a few siblings" he sighs, then motions to a tree and we sit under the tree in the shade.  He continues on, "I have one six year old half sister, and two half brothers.  Ones at the age of I believe four and the other at one or two years of age.  They're all on my dad's side of the family. They live far away. . . I never get to see my dad or them.

"My parents split when I was at the age of about five.  My mom divorced my father for abuse.  He would hit on my mother and force her to have sex with him.  And I would also get involved in it too at times.  He would hit me and my mother would yell and scream to make him hit her and not me.  Then I would try to get in the way and protect my mother but I was too little.  He'd push me and I would fall on my back.  Helpless." He looks off and into the direction of trees.

I start to feel really bad.  He's had to deal with so much in his life, so much more than I have.  And he still thinks positive.  He doesn't live in the past.  He lives in the future. 

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