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i yelled while walking down the hallway, looking for the little pissbaby.

i heard george say, "oh shit you better run, she pulled out the government name" from the living room. so i quickly made my way into the room.

"oh hey farah, how'd you sleep" dream innocently asked me.

"oh shut up you bitch" i said, grabbing a pillow off the couch and hitting him across the face with it. he was expecting it and almost fell over when it happened. i went and hit him again, but this time he grabbed the pillow out of hands.

"enough enough" he said, while threatening me with the pillow he stole from me. i put my hands up and took a couple steps back.

"i'm only keeping you alive since you go home tomorrow, otherwise you'd be dead already"

he let out a breath, "okay but you gotta admit, the picture is cute"

"you're right, it's adorable" i said while laughing. the picture of us cuddled together was adorable. and i wasn't even mad that he had posted it. i just wanted to have a reason to mess with him.

i heard some footsteps walk down the hall and i figured nick finally wanted to see what was going on.

"oh you're not dead?" he said, but it sounded like more of a question.

me and george both laughed, his genuine surprise that i hadn't killed him was funny to the two of us.

nick walked around and sat down on the couch next to dream, pulling me down with him so that i was sitting on his lap.

"more pda? this early?" dream joked from beside me, earning him a slap on the back of the head. this time coming from nick though, and not me.

"dude what the heck"

nick laughed, "don't be rude to my girl"

i melted a bit, leaning back onto his chest at his words. it made me all giddy inside to hear him call me his girl.

"she started it!"

i gasped, "i did not! you posted that on twitter you dick"

i tried to get up off of nick, "let me at him, let's go right now"

in return all i got was laughter, i'm sure it was a funny sight to see someone who's barely 5'3 trying to attack a man who's a whole foot taller. the fact that nick had his arms around me was the only thing stopping me from jumping him right then and there.

"come on farah, play nice" george said from the other side of dream.

i huffed but settled down, listening to the three of them talk about what we could do today since it was going to be our last full day together for awhile.

i knew it wasn't going to be our last day together though. since when we got back from our date last night, all dream would talk about is going out to florida so we could all visit him.

i also brought up them possibly coming out to california, since i think it would be cool and we could also try and get together with some of the other streamers they introduced me to.

that's the best part of being friends with them, i was so used to just living in my bubble and not interacting with anyone outside of it. but they all threw me out of my comfort zone and forced me to meet new people and put myself out there.

it was honestly really scary, but since i had the three of them it didn't worry me too much. especially since i had nick to rely on.

he is supportive of me it honestly just makes me cry. he calls me just about everytime i do go on stream, and if he's not on call with me or playing with me, he'll be in chat just watching and interacting.

i try to do the same for him, even though it scares me since his chat isn't 100% fond of me. normally i'll just be on call with him or watch without chat open. there normally aren't any mean comments, but i try my best to avoid it in general because there's always those couple comments that just get to you and can completely ruin your mood.

i was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard nick repeating my name over and over.

"wait what?" i asked, causing laughter to erupt out of the three of them.

"we were trying to ask you if you wanted to go bowling and get food, maybe movies or something later tonight after all that" nick said, catching me up on the conversation that i had zoned out of.

"oh sure" i paused, sitting up a bit and turning so i could see all of their faces, "i need to change first though"

"yeah i think we all do" dream spoke while standing up from the couch, throwing george's legs off of him. which i hadn't even realized were on his lap in the first place.

i jumped up off of nick, turning back around to grab his hand so we could go back to our room and change.

nick also grabbed george's hand, "don't get left behind bud" he chuckled out.

george groaned but allowed nick go drag him down the hallway. we looked like a group of kindergartners holding on the a rope with links so that none of us got lost.

george broke off from us and we went into our room, changing into actual clothing so we could go out in public and not look ridiculous in overly baggy t shirts and sweats.


i'm double updating so their day will be next chapter!

they're all going home soon ,,,,,, sad :(

but i have plans! this book has been very just fluffy and happy but drama is coming 😈😈

anyway! if you're enjoying leave a vote or a comment! and if you're interested, follow me! i'll be writing a karl book after this and likely a dream one after that :) follow me so you don't miss out !!

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