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"come on babe, it's time to get up"

he spoke softly, as he slowly shook me awake. it was early in the morning and we had to head to the airport so i could fly home.

actually, so we could fly back to california.

i was really excited when he told me he going to go back with me. not just because it meant that i got to spend even more time with him, but also because he was going to help me convince kayla to move to florida with us.

him coming with me also meant that i wouldn't fall back into the funk i got myself into last time. i would actually be able to stay productive.

i groaned but sat up so he would stop shaking me, my hand instinctively going to rub my tired eyes, "remind me why we booked an early flight?"

"you told me you didn't want to waste today." i sighed as he repeated my words back to me, just because i said it then didn't mean i would actually want to be waking up at 2 am again.

luckily we packed everything up yesterday and just need to grab the last minute things like our chargers before we ran out the door.

i shoved everything i need into my backpack and grabbed my bags so we could leave. i would just sleep on the plane, even though the ride isn't that long. sleep is sleep.

"you have everything?" i turned to look at the boy standing at the top of the stairs i had just walked down. "i think so, do you?"

he nodded, "just going to brush my teeth then pack the toothbrush and toothpaste."

i grabbed went in to the kitchen and almost jumped at his mom drinking a cup of coffee. i could barely see anything so the outline of another person freaked me out.

"are you alright dear?" she asked in between laughs. i attempted to compose myself enough so that i could answer, "yeah sorry you just scared me"

she laughed yet again, then offering me some of the coffee from the pot she had made.

since nick was going with me we needed someone to drive us to the airport. luckily his mom was kind enough to offer to also wake up at this ungodly hour to take us there.

i brought the warm mug up to my mouth so i could take a sip of the coffee she had just prepared for me. enjoying the flavor and warmth that filled me while i wished for nick to hurry up and get downstairs so we could leave.

i walked back into the living room as i heard his footsteps pounding against the stairs. he had his duffle bag slung over his shoulder and his hair was still all shaggy from sleeping. he was also still just wearing what he had slept in, which was a t shirt and sweats. more than appropriate for such an early flight at the airport.

i went to grab my bags that were resting against the staircase, but was stopped when nick stuck his hand up to pick them up before i could.

"a gentleman never makes his lady lift a finger" he said, causing me to huff.

"i'll remember that next time you ask me to help you make your bed"

he quickly changed his tune as i said that and handed me one of my bags, him still continuing to hold the other one. i didn't actually mind him carrying my bags, if anything i thought it was cute. what i did enjoy though, was giving him a hard time.

we ushered ourselves into the car as quickly as we could, still managing to lag quite a bit.

i looked at my phone to see the time 2:36 am blinking back at me and that was when i really realized we needed to actually get going if we wanted to make our 3:30 flight.

the airport would be dead at this hour, but that didn't mean we should keep messing around and accidentally end up missing our flight.

during the drive i was quiet since nick sat up in the front with his mom and just chatted with her. i let myself rest my eyes until we got to the airport and i would actually have to function enough to get myself through security.

when we got there we both quickly grabbed our things out of the car. i gave his mom a quick hug then said i was going to the bathroom so they could have a little more privacy for their goodbye. he wasn't going to be gone for that long, but i also didn't want to step on any toes so i just let them have the moment.

i was washing my hands when i felt my phone buzz in my pocket. i dried my hands as quickly as possible so i could answer the incoming call from nick.

"which bathroom are you at?" his voice echoed through the speaker in the quiet bathroom.

i answered, "the one to the right of the entrance, i'm coming out right now so look for me."

"i'm heading that way" he said as i opened the door up, seeing him walking in my direction. he smiled once he saw me and picked up his pace a bit.

he was already holding his own bags, since i sneakily grabbed both of mine when i went inside. as soon as he caught up to me though he grabbed one of my bags from me. forcing me to be left with just the one.

"let's go before we miss our flight" he told me, i simply nodded as we headed towards security and to our gate after that.

our flight wasn't that bad, though nick did sleep on my shoulder for the majority of it. i'm not complaining however, since he looks absolutely adorable when he sleeps.

i couldn't get myself to sleep since i was stuck thinking about how we had to try and get kayla to move to florida. i was also distracted by thinking about kayla and nick officially meeting. they had seemed to get along great over the phone, but if we were all going to move together then they needed to get along well in person too.

i felt my nerves ease when nick squeezed my hand, signaling he had woken up.

how could i be worried when i had the greatest guy in the world beside me. i just knew that he would help me figure out a way to work everything out perfectly.


damn y'all i finally updated ..... BUT OMG THANK YOU FOR OVER 100k VIEWS GUYS I CANT STOP SCREAMING ABOJT IT !!!!!

i'm so appreciative for all the love and support :)))

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, i've been in florida for the past 10 days but i'm flying home to california today so i'll be working on an update or two while on the plane :))

anyway follow, vote, and comment if you're enjoying and so you don't miss anything !!

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