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"mom you can come in you don't have to knock"

i giggled at nick thinking it was his mom knocking on his door, i turned the knob and slowly opened the door.

and there he was, right in front of me for the first time ever. i felt my breath hitch, he hadn't even looked at me yet.

"mom....mo-" he stooped when he finally looked up at me, "oh my god Farah, you're not my mom"

i smiled, "you're right, i'm not your mom"

he put his phone down so fast and was right in front of me in the very next second. i had to look up at him now, he was a good half a foot taller than me.

"hi bub!" i slowly wrapped my arms around him.

he put his chin on top of my head and rubbed my back with his hand, "my little fairy, you're here"

"i'm here, and i'm here for a week!"

he pulled back a bit to look at me, "seriously? i can't believe you kept it from me"

i shook my head, "i wanted this moment, i wanted you to have no clue and just be overwhelmed with my greatness all at once."

he laughed at me, i wasn't actually that cocky but i felt like it would be funny to try and make this about something that it wasn't. i wanted to surprise him so i could see the look on his face when he sees me for the first time without preparing himself ahead of time.

i guess that's the insecurity in me, but i didn't want him to be taking his excitement or anything. i can very happily say that it is clear he is not faking his happiness.

"i just can't believe you're here, that means you flew. how was the flight?" he asked me, slowly letting go of me but walking towards his bed and patting the space beside him so we could sit down and talk.

i went and sat down beside him, "it was alright, honestly i was just anxious about seeing you the whole time"

"oh cmon, i'm sure you knew that i was going to absolutely adore you, right?"

we both laughed a little, "yeah but you know how i get"

"that's true, i'm just glad you're here now" he smiled at me, i loved his smile.

"well guess what!" i went to grab his hand to play with his fingers instead of my own.
"what....what am i guessing" he laughed.

"i rented an airbnb for us to hang out in the rest of the week" i told him, excluding the part that we'd get there to see george and dream.

i had arranged the plans with them that they'd get there pretty early in the morning and me and nick would head over closer to noon. i'd open the door and the two of them would come out to surprise him.

it was looking like everything was going to go according to plan.

"wait that's so cool, we can party" i laughed at him, knowing his definition of party was playing music slightly too loud.

"we can do whatever we want bub, that's the beauty of it!"

he looked down at his hand i was holding, "you know, you're pretty fucking great"

i felt my cheeks heat up, knowing i was turning into a blushing mess, "you are as well, that's why i wanted to do all these things for you"

"you're only making yourself greater in comparison, i don't know if i can keep up" he laughed.

"oh hush, all you have to do is look at me and i'm swooning."

"oh really?" he paused, "what if i do this" he took his hand out of my grasp and tackled me to the bed. i looked at his eyes to see a mischievous glint looking back at me.

"no no no nick i'm so ticklish please" my cries fell on deaf ears as he began tickling me with no mercy. i squirmed around trying to get up so he would have to end his tirade. it was absolutely ridiculous but i expected nothing less from him when it came to all this.

"okay okay nick please" i choked out.

he looked at me, stopping out of nowhere. "okay"

now i started laughing even harder, "was it really that easy? man you're a push over"

he looked back over at me and i immediately regretted my words, "you want me to tickle you again?" he asked, the same smirk coming back.

"no nick cmon i was kidding" i pleaded, trying to come up with something else for us to do so he wouldn't resort to tickling me again.

"why don't we watch a movie on my laptop, so i can actually breathe now?" i asked him. he nodded, "okay but i'm picking the movie."

"yeah whatever." i waved him off as i got up to grab my laptop out of my bag. i'd definitely be the one who picked the movie, but i'll let him have the sense of choice and make him think that he was the one who had actually picked it out.

i laid down beside him on the bed, opening up my laptop, "hulu, disney+, or netflix?"

he seemed to think about it for awhile, "hulu" he finally told me after what felt like forever. who would've guessed that he takes his movie choice so seriously.

i ended up just scrolling through the movie section when he picked a random one. he made me scroll for so long that i didn't even care about trying to pick one anymore. he really played me to tire me out so he could be the one to pick what we watched.

i propped my laptop on my knees as the movie started but we both kept fidgeting around trying to get into a comfortable position for us to be able to both see the screen.

"here, put it on you" i said, sitting up a bit while i spoke.

"wait why?"

i shook my head, "just do it." and he did, afterwards i placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around him. now i was comfortable and we could both see.

"ohhh i get it now," he paused, "you're just a simp."

we both laughed, this boy was driving me crazy already. but i could not be happier to be going crazy.


it happened! i had an idea to draw out this chapter but i felt like i already lagged enough lol.

again i want to say thank you for all the love on this story! i really appreciate it! please keep leaving comments and votes :)

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