Finding Out The Truth

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A few weeks have passed and Lindsey was at the new clubhouse with Harley and Levi looking for Tig. She walks into the clubhouse and she's Chibs sitting at the bar.

"Hey Chibs." "Hello love." Chibs said as he got up from the stool he was sitting in and took Harley from her car seat. "How is my favorite little princess doing today?" "Both her and Levi are teething so it was a rough night." Lindsey said taking Levi from his car seat. "I'm sorry to hear that love." "Thanks Chibs. Hey have you seen or heard from Tig lately? He didn't come home last night. I tried calling and texting him but he didn't answer." Chibs put Harley in her bouncer as Lindsey put Levi in his.

"I can't say I have lass. But I'm sure he's probably off doing club stuff." "You're probably right I'm just worried is all. He's been acting really weird towards me and the twins lately." Lindsey said taking a seat at the bar. "Weird how if you don't mind me asking?" Chibs said as he sat down next to her. "Well he hasn't really been taking an interest in the stuff the twins are doing, when I ask him how his day went he gives me a very short answer, he barely kisses me, we haven't had sex in a month. When I try to get him in bed he comes up with an excuse not to. I'm sorry if that's to much information but I just...I don't know what to do."

"No it's not to much information. I'm sorry he's been acting this way love. I'll talk with him when I see him." Chibs said. "Thank you Chibs" Lindsey said as she gave Chibs a hug. As they pulled away from each other they heard the roar of bikes and saw Jax, Tig, and Happy park their bikes. "Speak of the devil." Chibs said. The Boys walked into the shop and said hello to Chibs and Lindsey. Jax and Happy head upstairs to talk about club business. Tig walked over to the twins gave each of them a kiss on the head. "Alex where were you last night? I tried calling and texting you but you didn't answer." Lindsey asked walking over to Tig and the twins. "I'm sorry doll I was handling some club business for Jax and I was in an area where there was shitty service." "Oh ok. I was just worried that's all. Anyways I gotta get going. I'm dropping the kids off at Gemma's and the going to run some errands. I'll see you later tonight right?" Lindsey said as she put the twins back in their car seats. "Actually I was gonna head to see Fawn tonight and spend the night out there." "Oh ok. Wait Fawn is letting you see her?" "Yeah I told her I wanna try to be in her life a little more and she agreed to see me." "Ok. Well I'll see you when you get back then. Tell Fawn I said Hi and that I send my love." "Will do doll." Tig said as he kissed Lindsey's forehead goodbye.

Chibs helped get the twins in the car. "Chibs you busy tonight?" "I don't think so love why whats up?" "Well Gemma said she would take the twins tonight and I was gonna plan a romantic dinner for Alex but seeing as he's leaving to go see Fawn do you want to come over and have a movie night with me? Maybe spend the night?" "I would love to. I'll come by around 7. And don't worry I'll talk to Tig for you." "Ok that sounds good. And thank you Filip." Lindsey said as she hugged Chibs goodbye. "Of course love." Chibs said hugging Lindsey back.

After Lindsey left Chibs went back inside and went upstairs to get the download on recent club business. After the meeting was over every one was leaving when Chibs asked Tig if he could talk to him alone. "What's up brother?" Tig asked. "Where were you truly last night because you know damn well that you weren't doing club business." Chibs said starring Tig down. "It's none of your business were I was last night." "You were with Venus weren't you?" Chibs said raising his voice. "Like I said it's none of your business were I was." "JESUS CHRIST TIG!! You're sleeping with her aren't you?" Chibs yelled at Tig. "SO WHAT IF I AM?! IT'S MY LIFE I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT." "NO YOU CAN'T TIG! YOU HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS FOR CHRIST SACK! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO LINDSEY?" Chibs said walking towards Tig and getting in his face. "You're the one who called me a man whore and guess what you were right I am. Don't get me wrong I truly loved Lindsey but after the twins were born things weren't the same. Lindsey wouldn't let me touch her for two months after they were born. I have needs. I get that she just had twins but she wouldn't even give me a blow job. Then when Venus showed up looking as amazing as she did I realized I didn't love Lindsey anymore but I didn't want to leave her after she just had my kids I'm not that kind of person." Tig said. "No You're just the kind of person who cheats on the mother of his children." Chibs spat at Tig. "Yeah I am. But I know you won't say anything because you don't want to break her heart." Tig said and then walked away and left Chibs standing there trying to figure out what to do.

Lindsey was at home getting ready for Chibs to come over for their movie night. She looked at the clock and saw it was 6:58 Chibs should be here any minute. She was finishing getting the TV set up when she heard Chibs bike in the driveway. She then heard a knock on her door. "It's open" she yelled towards the door. Chibs walked in with a case of beer. "Hey I brought more beer." "Awesome thank you. Just put them in the fridge." Chibs walked over the fridge and put the beer in there. "You want one while I'm over here?" "Yeah that would be great." Chibs grabbed two beers and walked over to Lindsey and passed her the beer. "Thanks. So what movie do you wanna watch first?" "How about Jurassic World." "You read my mind." Lindsey laughed as she walked over and put the movie in.

They finished Jurassic World and were half way through Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom when Lindsey cuddled into Chibs side. Chibs looked down at her and had a sad smile on his face. He didn't want to break her heart but he knew that he should tell her what Tig has done. He kept fighting with himself in his mind till he finally decided he couldn't hide this from her no more. "Lindsey there is something I need to tell you." Lindsey paused the movie and sat up. "What's up Chibs?" Chibs sighed. "This is so hard for me to tell you cuz I don't want to see you hurt but you really need to know this." "Know what? You're scaring me Filip." "Tig wasn't handling club business last night. He was with a girl named Venus." "The transgender women you guys helped out a while ago?" Lindsey asked. "Yes. I'm so sorry Lindsey but Tig has been sleeping with her. In fact I'mpretty sure that's were he is right now. He told me today that he doesn't love you anymore and that he hasn't left you because you just had his kids and he isn't the kind of person to do that." Chibs looked at Lindsey and saw tears in her eyes. "He doesn't love me anymore and he's cheating on me with her?" Lindsey said letting the tears in her eyes roll down her face. Chibs shook his head yes. "I'm so sorry Lindsey." "No it's not your fault. I'm glad you told me Filip. Thank you." Lindsey said as Chibs pulled her into a hug.

"There is something else I need to tell you and I know this isn't the best time to tell you but I need to get this off my chest as well." "What is it?" Lindsey asked as she pulled away from Chibs a little bit to look him in his face. "Lindsey I love you. I'm in love with you. I have been since I met you. I didn't tell you sooner because I was still technically married to Fiona and you were with Tig but I can't hide my feelings for you anymore." Lindsey looked at Chibs with shock. "I...I don't know what to say." Lindsey said. "You don't have to say anything right now take your time to process all of this. I know I said I'd spend the night but I think you should process all of this on your own." Chibs said as he was getting up from the couch. Lindsey stopped him by his wrist. "No please stay. I really don't want to be alone right now." "Are you sure lass?" "I'm sure. Please Filip I need my best friend right now." "Ok love I'll stay." Chibs sat back down on the couch and Lindsey cuddled back up into Chibs chest and stayed there crying until she fell slowly fell asleep.

Another chapter down. I hope you guys like it and I hope you like were I'm going with this story. I don't know when my next update will be but I'll try not to make it too long. I want to say thank you again for being patient with the updates and for showing this story so much love. I really appreciate it and I really appreciate you guys. I never thought this story would get as much love as it has. So again thank you so much. BTW HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hopefully 2021 will be a better year for all of us.


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