Getting Revenge

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6 Months Later

Tig and Lindsey have been keeping busy raising Levi and Harley but they couldn't be happier. Tig, Jax, Chibs, and Opie all went to jail for a while but they lost Opie. The club was still dealing with it.

Tig, Lindsey, and Chibs were playing with the twins when Jax came in the clubhouse. "Hey Tig I need you to come on a errand with me. We leave in 5 minutes." "Alright boss.." Jax went to his dorm to grab some stuff. Tig turns back to his family and best friend. "Tig we had a date night planned remember? Gemma was gonna watch the twins and we were gonna have time alone." "I know doll but I promise we won't be long and I'll be back in time for date night and I promise you won't be able to walk tomorrow when I'm done with you tonight." Tig smirked and kissed his wife's lips. "Ok Levi and Harley you be good for Grandma Gemma and I'll see you tomorrow. I love you both." Tig then kissed the twins foreheads. He then turned back to Lindsey. "I'll see you tonight Mrs. Trager I love you." "I love you too Mr. Trager." Tig and Jax then left the clubhouse. But once they left Lindsey felt like something was wrong. "Hey Chibs can you watch Levi and Harley for a little while I got a few errands to run." "Yeah no problem lass." Lindsey got in her car a followed Tig and Jax.

Jax and Tig pulled up to an old warehouse and Lindsey hid behind some storage bins about a 100 feet back to see what was going on. "What we doing her Jax?" Tig asked and then two black SUVs pulled up and out stepped Damon Pope and his men. "What the hell Jax what's this?" Pope's men came up behind Tig. "Thanks for delivering my man Teller." Pope said. "Jax what are you doing man. Think about this. Think about who this is, about who this scumbag is! Jax come on man he's gonna kill me. You can't do this think about my family. My kids Jax they need me. My wife....Lindsey think about he she'll never talk to you again if you do this man. Come on brother think about this." "I'm sorry Tiggy it all comes around." "GOD DAMNIT!" Tig screamed as Pope's men grabbed Tig. "He I'm gonna need the kute man." Jax said. They handed Jax Tig's kute. Then dragged Tig into the warehouse.

Lindsey watched from afar with tears in her eyes and unable to move. She couldn't believe Jax was doing this. Her heart was breaking. She wanted to scream and run towards Tig and try to help him but she was still in total shock about what was happening. Lindsey then saw Jax kill two of Pope's men and head into the warehouse. Lindsey ran after Jax and walked past the rest of Pope's men dead on the floor. She hid behind a barrel. Jax points his gun towards Pope and untied Tig. "Get on your knees NOW! I'm sorry Tiggy. I couldn't let you know you would of given it away." Pope kneeled down. "You have any idea who I am?" Pope yelled. Jax handed Tig a gun. "You kill the man who burned your kid alive." Jax said. Tig looked at the gun for a minute. "This is Clay's gun." Tig said. "Yeah you ok with that?" Jax asked and Tig nod his head yes. "You can't kill me. You do there will be reputation for my death." "I'm counting on it." Jax said. Tig then lifted the gun and shot Pope in the head killing him.

 Tig then lifted the gun and shot Pope in the head killing him

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Lindsey jumped at the sound of the gun going off. Tig lowered this gun and started crying as he turned towards Jax. Jax pulled Tig in for a hug. "It's over man. Everything is gonna work out." Jax said and kissed Tig's head. Tig pulled away from Jax. "Thank you Jax." "Of course brother." "Alex baby!" Tig and Jax heard from a distance and then saw Lindsey step out from behind a barrel and run towards Tig. Lindsey ran into Tig's arms and started crying. "What are your doing here doll?" "I had a bad feeling so I followed you guys and I saw everything that happened. I thought I was gonna loss you. I can't live with out you Alex." Lindsey said still crying. "Shhhhhhhhh it's ok doll. Everything is alright. I'm ok I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere." Tig said lifting Lindsey head and then kissed her. "I love you Lindsey Trager." "I love you too Alex." Lindsey said as they kissed again. "Lindsey I'm so sorry I put you both through this. But you were never supposed to find out about this." Jax said. Lindsey stepped away from Tig and walked towards Jax. She then slapped Jax acoss the face. "How dare you Jackson. What if something went horribly wrong and you cost my husband's life?" "But everything went the way it was supposed to.  Tig didn't get killed and he finally got his revenge for Dawn." "Yes but you still put Tig at risk. I don't know if I can forgive you right now. Come on Alex let's go home." Lindsey and Alex walked out of the wearhouse and got in Lindsey's car and went home.

Once Tig and Lindsey got home Tig pulled Lindsey into a passionate kiss. "God doll you are so sexy." "Stop talking Trager and take me to the bedroom now." "As you wish." Alex picked Lindsey up and carried her to the bedroom. He closed the door behind him and layed Lindsey on the bed. He pulled away and started taking off his clothes as Lindsey did the same. Tig looked down and saw Lindsey wearing sexy black lingerie.

 Tig looked down and saw Lindsey wearing sexy black lingerie

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"Damn Doll you wear that just for me?" "Damn right I did." Tig leaned back down and started kissing her again. He then slowly started taking off her lingerie and then started kissing down Lindsey's body. He stopped at her clit and stated teasing her. "Please stop teasing me Alex." Tig smirked and then slowly entered Lindsey. They both let out a moan. Tig pushed all the way in and stay still for a minute. Then he started thrusting in and out of Lindsey. "Oh god yes just like that." Lindsey moaned. "God I've missed your body." Tig moaned back. Tig picked up his past. 20 minutes later they both climaxed together. Tig pulled out and layed down next to Lindsey. "That was amazing." Lindsey said."Yes it was. We should have date nights more often." Tig said. "That's the best idea you've had in a while." Lindsey said and kissed Tig. They then fell asleep in each other's arms.

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