Fun Town

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Later that night Lindsey hung out with the boys in the clubhouse catching up on what she missed. She was introduced to Juice and Half-Sake and found out Opie went to jail for the club. After talking with the boys for a while they all left to go sit around the bar leaving Lindsey and Tig by themselves on the couch.

"You know you came home at a great time doll. Tomorrow is the carnival." Tig said. "They're still doing that after all these years?" Lindsey asked. " Yeah  they are. I was wondering if you would like to go there together." " Tig Trager are you asking me out on a date?" "No not really the boys are gonna be with us." Tig said. "Of course I'll go with you guys." Tig smiled at her answer.

The next morning Lindsey went to the carnival with Bobby, Jax, Chibs, and Tig. The first thing they did when they got there was go on the Tilt-A-Whirl. Lindsey and Tig shared a car. During the ride Tig couldn't stop smiling at Lindsey who was laughing.

After they got off the ride they walked around the carnival. As they where walking they passed a clown who was sitting on top of a dunk tank. "Whoa look at the big bad biker huh? You gonna get the clown all wet?" The clown said. Jax grabbed two balls and threw the first ball and missed. "Oh what's the matter tough guy can't put the little ball in the tight hole?" Jax threw the second ball and missed as well. "Bet all your leather wearing butt buddies say the same thing." The clown said "Oh no that's a Bozo no-no." Tig said as he walked over to the button and dunked the clown into the water. Jax and Bobby walked over and helped Tig hold him under water for a while. Lindsey stood back and laughed as the boys messed with the clown.

The boys then met up with Gemma and Clay. They were talking to Oswald and his family. His daughter wanted to go on more rides so Jax gave her the rest of his tickets. Out of nowhere Juice came running over. "Guys the Irish are here." Tig looked over to Lindsey with a look of guilt on his face. "Go duty calls. I'm gonna head home soon anyways." "Thanks doll. I'll see later tonight?" Tig asked as he kissed Lindsey's forehead. "Yeah." Tig then ran off to handle club business.

A little bit later on the boys saw that their were a whole bunch of cops at the carnival. Tig grabbed a kid that was running away by the arm, "Hey what's going on why are all the cops here?" "Some girl got rapped." The boy said as Tig let him go and he started running again. Tigs face then turned to a look of worry. Was Lindsey the girl that got rapped? If it was her he would never forgive himself for leaving her alone.

The boys found Gemma and ran up to her. "Hey Gemma where's Lindsey? Is she ok? Was she the one who got rapped?" Tig asked "Lindsey is fine hun she went back home 5 minutes after you left. It wasn't Lindsey. It was Oswalds daughter." Gemma said. Tig felt relieved it wasn't Lindsey but still wanted to find the guy who did this to a little girl.

Later that night they found out that the clown from earlier was the man who rapped Oswalds daughter. After getting into a huge fight with the Carney's they took the clown into the woods to deal with him. After everything was said and done Tig headed towards Lindsey's house. He had alot going through his mind but he had decided that after the events that happened earlier that day he was gonna tell Lindsey how he felt about her. Tig was finally going to tell Lindsey that he is in love with her. He just hopes he doesn't get rejected.

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