Gender Reveal

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It's been a few months since Tig and Lindsey's wedding.Today Tig and Lindsey are throwing a gender reveal party to find out the sex of the babies. That's right babies a few weeks ago they found out they were having twins. Lindsey and Tig couldn't be an happier and the club was even more excited for them. Everyone started arriving at 1pm. The house was filled with alot of blue and pink decorations.

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"So how are you feeling sweetheart?" Bobby asked Lindsey

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"So how are you feeling sweetheart?" Bobby asked Lindsey. "I'm feeling good Bobby. My morning sickness isn't as bad as it use to be." "That's good news. How's Tig dealing with all this?" "He's been amazing. He gives me foot rubs at night. He goes to the store if I'm having a craving. He hasn't complained once." Lindsey said letting out a giggle. "I'm glad to hear that because if he wasn't doing any of that I'd kill him." Bobby said laughing. Lindsey laughed with Bobby. "Thank you Bobby." "Of course sweetheart. This club is always here for you."

After talking with Bobby Lindsey went and talked with Lyla. "So have you had any crazy cravings yet?" Lyla asked. "Yeah. I love Pickles dipped in peanut butter." "Wow that is crazy." "I know but it's so good. Tig even has tried it and liked it." "Wow. You two are truly perfect for each other." "I know I'm truly lucky." Lindsey said. "Alright everyone it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for. Time to find out the gender of the twins." Tig said. Lindsey walked over to Tig and kissed him. Tig took Lindsey's hand into his and walked her outside as everyone followed them.

"Alright we have to piles of powder sticks. Everyone please grab a stick from pile A." Lindsey said. Everyone grabbed a stick and gathered around Lindsey and Tig. "Ok on the count of 3 twist the stick and we will find out the gender of Baby A. 1......2......" Lindsey looked at Tig and they both took a deep breath before both saying... "3!" Everyone twisted the sticks and released the powder.

"IT'S A GIRL!" Lindsey and Tig yelled smiling at each other

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"IT'S A GIRL!" Lindsey and Tig yelled smiling at each other. Tig kissed Lindsey. "I can't believe it we're having a girl." Lindsey smiled with a few tears in her eyes. "I know it's amazing but don't cry yet we still have to find out the gender of Baby B." Tig said. "Alright everyone please grab the sticks from pile B please and let's find out the gender of Baby B." Tig said still hugging Lindsey. Everyone one grabbed the last stick and gathered back around Lindsey and Tig. "Ok before we release the last powder what does everyone think Baby B is?" Tig asked.

"Another Girl." Gemma, Lyla, Juice and Wayne said.

"It's gotta be a Boy." Jax, Tara, Happy, Chibs, and Bobby said.

"How about you guys what do you think it is." Jax asked.

"We both think it's a Boy. I'd be really happy with one of each." Lindsey said. "Please god let it be a boy." Tig said and Lindsey gave him a angry look. "I mean don't get me wrong I'll be happy if we have 2 girls but I really want a son to carry on the Trager name." "I know hun. Well let's not put this off any longer. On the count of 3." Lindsey said and then took a deep breath. "1........2........3!" Lindsey and Tig yelled. Everyone twisted the stick and released the last powder.

"OH MY GOD IT'S A BOY!!!" Tig yelled with tears in his eyes

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"OH MY GOD IT'S A BOY!!!" Tig yelled with tears in his eyes. He pulled Lindsey into him and kissed her passionately. They pulled away from each other with tears in their eyes. "We are having a boy and a girl. I can't believe it. God I love you." Tig said hugging Lindsey. "I love you too." Lindsey said.

Everyone hugged Lindsey and Tig and congratulated them on the twins. "So do you guys have any names picked out yet?" Chibs asked "Actually yes we do but we aren't telling anyone till they are born." Lindsey said. "Oh come on tell us please." Juice said. "Sorry but you guys are gonna have to wait." Tig said.

Later on everyone left and Tig and Lindsey headed to bed. "I still can't believe we are having a daughter and a son." Tig said laying down next to Lindsey. "I know I can't believe it." "I can't wait to meet you pumpkins." Tig said kissing Lindsey's belly. "Just 4 more months and they will be here." Lindsey said smiling. "I can't wait. But for now let's get some rest. It was a long exciting day." Tig pulling Lindsey to his side to cuddle her. "Ok. Goodnight Alex I love you so much." Lindsey said kissing Tig goodnight. "Goodnight Lindsey I love you too."

Hi guys,
I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was trying to figure out how to write this chapter. Thank you for being so patient with me. I also wanna thank you all so much for reading this story and for voting on it as well. I never thought it would get this much love. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate it. So thank so much and I hope you continue to read this story and keep showing it love. Much love to all of you.


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