Coming Clean.

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Tig's leg was healing nicely. He has been helping Clay deal with Zobelle dealing in Charming. Clay trashed Zobelle's Cigar shop. A day after Clay trashed the Cigar shop a van came into TM to get fixed. Tig was sitting at the picnic table with Lindsey. They watched Chibs walk over to the van to get it into the garage. Chibs turns over the key but the engine doesn't start but he hears something strange. He then runs from the van. Lindsey sees Chibs running. "What's wrong with hi....." Lindsey was cut off by the van exploding. Tig covers Lindsey from the rubble but she see Chibs flying through the air. "Chibs!" Lindsey screamed as she ran towards Chibs laying on the ground. Tig followed after her. "Oh my God Chibs." Lindsey said as she kneeled next to Chibs. "Wake up Chibs. Wake up." Lindsey started to feel something wet touch her hand. She lift up her hand and noticed blood and then she looked down and saw a pile of blood forming around Chibs head. "Oh God. Tara! Get over here. Oh God Filip hang in there don't you die on us you hear me." Lindsey said as tears started to fall from her eyes.

A few weeks later Chibs recovered and was released from the hospital. It was late at night and Tig and Lindsey were in Tig's dorm room having a very passionate make out session when a knock came on his door. "What?" Tig said. "Tig it's Jax. We need you in church right now. It's an emergency." "Yeah I'm coming. Shit I'm sorry doll." "It's ok go." Tig kissed Lindsey and went to church. About a half hour later Tig came back to the room looking upset. "Baby what's wrong." Lindsey said as Tig sat on the bed. "You remember the night of Gemma's accident?" "Yeah what about it?" "She was in no accident. Zobelle and two of his men kidnapped her and rapped her. Told her to send a message to Clay to stop dealing guns." "Oh my God. Poor Gemma." "Look I know I said we would finish what we started earlier but.." "No Alex it's fine let's just get some sleep." Lindsey cut Tig off. Tig and Lindsey fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning Lindsey was sitting outside at one of the picnic benches when Tig came back from his run. He headed over towards Opie who was working on a Bike. "Hey Ope you did a great job restoring that bad boy." Tig said. "Yeap." Opie said. "Need a hand?" "Nope I'm all good." "Alright. Awful thing Gemma." "Yeah. You ok?" "Yeah." Tig said as he was starting to walk away but then turned back. "Can I ask you a question Opie?" "What's up?" "The night that Donna was killed why was she driving the truck?" "I was taking the kids home needed a back seat. Why you asking man?" Opie asked. "She wasn't supposed to be in the truck Ope." Tig said. Opie looked at Tig and got up from next to the bike. "You son of a bitch." Opie said as he grabbed Tig and threw him against the tow truck and started beating Tig up. "What did you do? What did you do?!" Opie yelled. "It was Stahl Ope. She made you a rat. She's the one that killed Donna. Me and Clay didn't want to believe it." "I came clean. Clay and I were good." "Found wire taps on your truck, in your phone, and the feds put money in your account. Stahl she wanted us to think that you turned. It was supposed to be you in the truck not Donna. I'm sorry Ope. I'm so sorry." Tig said. Lindsey then heard Jax yell at Opie. She saw Opie had his fist raised to Tig and Tig up against the truck with his face beat up from Opie punching him. She started running towards Opie and Tig as Jax, Clay, Juice, Piney, and Bobby ran towards him. "What the hell happened?" Clay asked as Lindsey ran up next to Tig. Opie then let go of Tig and got on his bike to leave. "Call Tara to my house." Jax told Juice. "What the hell did you say to him? Tell us!" Clay said.  "I don't even know who I am anymore man." Tig said. "What are you talking about?" "I had to tell him." "Tell him what?" "That I killed Donna." Tig said. "Jesus christ." Bobby said. "It was Stahl's fault. Opie knows." "Opie knows what?" Jax asked. "Stalhs the one that really killed Donna." Tig said. "Shit. He's going after Stahl. Shit!" Jax said as he ran off to go after Opie. Clay turns and stares at Piney who was giving Clay a look of disgust and then walked away with Bobby.

Lindsey took Tig over to Jax's house so Tara could patch him up. After Tara finished patching Tig up Lindsey and Tig went back to the clubhouse to Tig's dorm. Tig walked in and sat on his bed with his head down. Lindsey walked in and closed the door behind her. "You're mad at me aren't you?" Tig asked. "No I'm not mad at you. I had a feeling you were the one who killed Donna. I'm just a little mad you didn't tell me sooner. Tig I'm here for you always no matter what." "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I was just trying to deal with it on my own. I feel horrible for doing it. I had a feeling Opie wasn't a rat. But Clay." Tig said. "You need to stop letting Clay get in your head. I know he is the president and you are his right hand man but Tig Clay is crazy." Lindsey said as she sat down on the bed next to Tig grabbing his hand in hers. "I know I'm sorry. I really am." "I know you are." Lindsey said as she kissed Tig's forehead. "God how did I get so lucky to have you in my life. I don't deserve you." "I'm the lucky one. You do deserve me if anything I don't deserve you." Lindsey said. "Get my crow?" Tig asked. "What? Are you serious." Lindsey said shocked. "I'm very serious. Officially become my old lady get my crow please." Tig asked with pleading eyes. "Yes of course I will." Lindsey said with a huge smile on her face. "Great I'll have Happy bring his gear over tomorrow night." Tig said as he grabbed Lindsey's face and kissed her passionately. "I love you Lindsey Collins." "I love you too Alexander Trager." Lindsey said as she went to continue kissing Tig.


Hi everyone.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've just been busy with work. I felt bad I hadn't updated in a while I wanted to post two parts for you all. I also want to thank you all for reading this story and for voting for it. I hope you guys keep enjoying this story.

I will try to update this story again sometime next weekend if not definitely next week because I will be off work for a week. Again thank you for your patience and for giving love to this story.


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