More Problems

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It's been a couple of day since Lindsey got her crow. She still can't believe she is officially Tig's old lady. The boys were off dealing with Zobelle and his business. Lindsey was spending time with Gemma, Tara, and Abel. Half-Sack was with them for protection. They went shopping and next thing Tara and Lindsey knew Gemma was telling them to get in the car. They were following another car. "Gemma what's going on?" Lindsey asked. "The women in the car is Zobelle's daughter. She's the one who pretended that her baby was choking so Zobelle and his men could kidnap and rap me." Zobelle's daughter stopped her car in front of a house and Gemma stopped a few yards back. Tara looked at Gemma knowing what she was going to do. "Gemma don't do this." Tara said. "I'm glad you're with my boy." Gemma said kissing Tara's head. Gemma looked back at Lindsey in the back seat. "And I'm so happy you and Tig are finally together." She said as she kissed Lindsey's hand. Gemma got out of the car and went towards the house. A few minutes later Tara, Lindsey, and Half-Sack heard sirens coming. "Oh shit Tara, Lindsey come on we gotta go." Sack said getting on his bike.

They got back to Jax's house safe and sound. "Shit what do we do now?" Lindsey asked. "We better call Jax." Half-Sack said. Tara sighed and dialed Jax on the phone. "Jax there is something you need to......ahhhhhh!" Tara screamed as an Irish man walked into the house with a gun pointed at Tara. "Tara!?" Lindsey heard Jax on the other end of the line. The Irish man hung up the phone.

Meanwhile at a gas station the boys had Zobelle cornered Jax hung up his phone. "Somethings wrong I gotta go." Jax said to Clay. Clay gave him the ok. "I'm with you brother." Opie said. "Yeah me too." Chibs said as all three men got on their bikes. "Hey make sure Lindsey ok too. She was with Tara today." Tig yelled out to Chibs. "Ah I got you brother." The boys left and headed back to Jax's house.

Back at Jax's house Eddy's father still had a gun on Tara as he had all three of them sit at the table. "Gemma killed my Eddy. I'm thinking maybe killing an old lady will even the score." Half-Sack got up from the chair to try to protect Tara. "Don't get brave boyo." He said now pointing the gun to Half-Sack then back to Tara. He then heard Abel cry. He walks over to Abel to calm him down. "Son for a son." The Irish man said as he picked up a knife. "No!" Tara screamed. Half-Sack got up running towards Abel when he ran into the knife. "No!" Lindsey screamed with tears in her eyes. Lindsey ran over to Half-Sack's body along side Tara. The Irish man still pointed the gun to Tara. He then picked up Abel. Lindsey got up to try to stop him. "You are not taking my nephew." Lindsey said. The man then put Abel down and started to beat Lindsey up. He knocked her unconscious and tied her up to a chair in kitchen. He then tied Tara up to the chair in Abel's room. He took Abel and left. A few minutes later Chibs ran into Jax's house. He looks in the kitchen and saw Half-Sack dead on the floor. "Oh shit. Oh no." Chibs said. "Where's Abel?" Opie said "Tara!" Jax yelled running through the house trying to find her. Chibs then looks up and see Lindsey tried to the chair and her face had some cuts and bruises. "Oh shit. Come on wake up lass." Chibs said freeing Lindsey from the chair. Lindsey slowly wakes up. "Chibs?" She said softly. "It's alright lass I got you." Meanwhile Jax runs into Able's nursery and saw Tara tired up. He got her free and Tara told Jax everything that happened. Jax picked up the phone and called Clay. "He took my kid. I need you." Clay hung up the phone. "The Irish took my grandson." "What?" Everybody got on their bike and headed back to meet up with Jax, Chibs, and Opie. They followed the Irish man to the docks. He got on a boat and got away. "He took my son." Jax said as he broke down in Clay's arms.

Tig went back to Jax's house to get Lindsey. He walked in and saw her face. "Oh shit doll. Are you ok?" Tig said as he held her in his arms. "He killed Kip. I tried to stop him. I couldn't save Abel." Lindsey said crying into Tig's chest. "Shhh it's ok I got you now. You did all you could do. It's all going to be ok." Tig said. Clay then walked into the room. "Hey Tig Gemma is on the run. I need you to meet her in Oregon and look out for her." Clay said. "No please don't leave me Alex not now." Lindsey said. "Clay come on man my old lady needs me right now I can't leave her." Chibs then walked into the room. "I understand Tig I do but you're the only person I trust with Gemma." "Clay dude please come on." Tig said. "I'm not asking anymore you're going." Clay said walking out of the room. "God damn it! Doll I'm so sorry." Tig said holding her close kissing her head. "I can look out for Lindsey for ya brother." Chibs said. "Really? Thank you Chibs." Tig said. "Listen baby I don't wanna go either but I have to. You have my number and Chibs is gonna look after you while I'm gone. I love you Lindsey and I'm so sorry for this." Tig said kissing Lindsey on the lips. Lindsey pulled away with tears still in her eyes. "I love you too Alex. You better be careful and you know I will be calling you everyday" Lindsey said "You know I will be and I have no issues with that. If I can't see you every day at least I'll get to hear your sexy voice." Tig said as he gave Lindsey another passionate kiss.

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