Becoming An Old Lady

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Tig woke up the next morning with Lindsey curled up on his chest. He looked at her still sleeping. He still can't believe she chose to love him over anybody else. He placed a soft kiss to her temple and then slowly pulled Lindsey off him so he could get up out of bed. Lindsey stired a little bit but fell right back to sleep. Tig let out a sigh of relief that she didn't wake up. He then pulled on a shirt and headed to the kitchen of the club house to cook Lindsey some breakfast.

Tig walked into the Kitchen and ran into Happy. "Hey Tig." "Hey brother." "How is Lindsey? Is she pissed at you?" Happy asked. "She is good and surprisingly she isn't mad at me. She just wished I would of told her the truth sooner." "Wow she really loves you doesn't she?" "Yeah she does. Oh speaking of Lindsey could you grab your tattoo stuff and give Lindsey her crow tonight?" Tig asked. "Dude of course. I'm so happy you finally asked her to be your Old Lady. Congrats man." "Thanks Hap. I have the crow picked out already. I'll go grab the picture for you really quick." Tig dissapeared for a few minutes and then returned and passed Happy the picture of the Crow. "Wow Tig this is beautiful. Lindsey is gonna absolutely love it." "You truly think so? I just want it to be perfect." "Don't worry brother you can trust me it will be absolutely perfect." "Thanks Hap." "Of course."

After talking with Happy, Tig made Lindsey some Swedish pancakes and maple sausages. Her favorite breakfast. Half-Sack then arrived with her favorite Starbucks coffee a Venti Iced White Chocolate Mocha with no whip cream. "Thanks Sack this will make Lindsey very happy." "No problem." Tig got everything on a tray and headed off to his dorm. Tig opened the door and saw Lindsey was still asleep. He placed the tray of food on his desk and walked over to his bed and sat down next to her. He bent over and gave Lindsey a soft kiss on her lips. "Time to wake up sweetheart." "Mmmm... that's a great way to wake up." Lindsey said slowly opening her eyes with a smile on her face. "Morning baby." "Morning Tiggy." "I brought you something." Tig said as he got up from the bed and walked over to the desk to pick up the tray of food. "I made you your favorite." Tig said as he placed the tray on Lindsey's lap. "Swedish Pancakes and Maple Sausages? Tig you shouldn't have." "I wanted to." "And you got me my Starbucks coffee. Thank you Alex. I love you." "I love you too Lindsey and you are welcome." Tig said as he gave Lindsey another kiss. "Hey I got an errand to run for the club but I will be back later tonight and then you'll be getting your crow." "I can't wait. Be careful and I'll see you tonight." "Of course. I love you." "I love you too."

Later that night Tig and the rest of the boys arrived back at the clubhouse. Lindsey was sitting outside on one of the picnic tables. Tig got off his bike and walked over to her. "Hey sweetheart" Tig said as Lindsey jumped off the table and jumped into Tig's arms. "Hey baby." Lindsey said giving Tig a kiss on his lips. "You ready to get your crow and officially become my old lady?" "Hell yeah I'm ready. I've been waiting for this moment since I was 18 years old. Can I see the crow?" "Nope it's gonna be a surprise. All you get to know is it's gonna be going on your left leg." Tig said with a smirk on his face. "Ok fine. Let's go get me that crow." Tig carried Lindsey into the clubhouse and over to the couch where Happy had all of his  equipment set up. "You ready for this Lindsey?" Happy asked. "You bet I am." "Ok cool. Let's get started but first per Tig's request you have to put this blindfold on so you can't see what I'm working on till it's completely done." "Really Tig a blindfold? Do I really need to?" "Yes you do. I'll be here right next to you the whole time." "Ok fine. But first get me a shot." "You got it babe. Hey Sack bring me a shot." Tig yelled over to the bar. A few seconds later Half-Sack brought over a shot of Tequila and handed it to Lindsey. She downed it right away. "Ok let's do this." She said as Tig put the blindfold on her.

"How is it coming Happy?" Lindsey asked 3 hours later. "It's coming along great. I'm about halfway done. How are you doing?" "I'm doing great but I need a refill on my drink. Hey Half-Sack you still here?" Lindsey shouted. "Yeah what do you need?" "Can I get another white russian please?" "Yeah coming right up." Half-Sack made Lindsey her 4th white russian and walked it over to her and placed it in her hands. "There you go Lindsey." "Thank you Sack." "No problem. Can I get you another beer Tig?" "Yea thanks Sack." Sack went over to bar and grabbed Tig another beer. He walked it over and pass it to Tig. Tig looked at the progress of Lindsey's crow. "Damn Hap it's looking great. I can't wait for you to see it babe." "I can't wait either. I just wish it was done already." "I know babe just a little bit longer."

3 more hours passed and Hap put his needle down. "All right you're all done. You ready to see it?" Happy asked. "Yes I am." "Alright babe grab my hand and I'll walk you over to the mirror." Tig said. Lindsey grabbed Tig's hand and he helped her off the couch. He then helped her walk over to the mirror with her blindfold still on. Tig stopped Lindsey right in front on the mirror. "All right babe you ready to see your crow?" Tig asked. "I'm ready Tiggy." "Ok on the count of three I'm gonna take the blindfold off. One....Two.....Three" Tig slowly took the blindfold off. Lindsey gave her eyes a minute to readjust to the light then she looked down at her leg. "Oh my God. Tig it's beautiful I love it." Lindsey said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy you love it

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"I'm so happy you love it. As soon as I saw it I knew this was perfect for you. You're officially my old lady now." Lindsey turned around and kissed Tig passionately. "I love you Alexander Trager. Thank you so much." "I love you Lindsey Collins and you are welcome. Thank you for saying yes to being my old lady." Tig gave Lindsey another passionate kiss. Lindsey pulled away from the kiss with a smile on her face. "Oh and Happy thank you so much for giving me this amazing tattoo." Lindsey said as she walked over and gave Happy a hug. "It was my pleasure Lindsey. I'm so happy that you and Tig are finally together." "Me too." Lindsey said. Happy then looked over and saw Ima (one of Luann's girls) trying to flirt with Tig. "Um Lindsey you better get back to your man." Happy said. Lindsey turned around and got extremely angry. "Hey slut step away from him now." Lindsey said storming over towards Ima. "I don't think so bitch. He's free for anyone to have he got no old lady." Ima said with a smile on her face. "Actually no he isn't free for anyone. You see this new crow tattoo? Yeah that's his crow so that means he's my Old Man so back the fuck off him before I beat your ass." Ima looked at the crow on Lindsey's leg and rolled her eyes and then walked out of the clubhouse house. "Wow baby that was extremely hot. Who knew you were such a badass." "Well you're my Old Man I gotta protect what is mine from sluts like her." "Damn right you do." Tig said as he pulled Lindsey into a passionate kiss. He started to move his hands over her body. "Let's take this to my room." "Anything you say my Old Man." Lindsey smiled as Tig picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and walked her to his dorm room.


Hey guys. 

I'm so sorry I didn't update this over my week off of work. I was just enjoying it alot and totally forgot to update this story. But thank you so much for your patience. I will try to update this story again sometime soon.

But till then thank you again for reading this story and voting on it.


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