The Twins Arrival

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Lindsey was due any day now. Tig was getting a little worried because the club had a run coming up tomorrow and he didn't want to miss the birth of the twins like he missed the birth of Fawn and Dawn.

"Chibs I really hope that Lindsey's water breaks today. I really don't wanna miss the birth of my twins. I still hate that I missed Fawn and Dawn's birth. I father needs to experience child birth along with his wife." Tig said. "Don't worry brother. I'm sure you won't miss the birth of the twins. Even if he water doesn't break today we will only be gone 2 days. I promise everything will work out." "Thanks Chibs. That helped me calm down some." "Of course anything for you brother." Chibs said kissing Tig's cheeks.

That night Tig was packing up a few things for the trip while Lindsey sat on the bed watching him. "Alex I'll be fine I promise. Gemm is on labor watch." "I know but I really don't want to miss them being born. And I wanna be by your side through the whole thing." "I know you do baby but you need to make sure you come back to us in one piece." Lindsey said. "I will. Now let's get some rest I gotta be up early tomorrow." Tig said as he pushed Lindsey to lay down on the bed. He then lays his head on her stomach and runs it. "Listen up you two please don't come out till daddy gets back in two days ok. I love you both." Tig said then places a kiss on Lindsey's stomach. He then cuddles next to Lindsey. "I love you Lindsey." "I love you too Alex. And I promise I'll do everything I can to keep those to inside me till you get back." "I know you will." Tig then kisses Lindsey and they both fall asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning the boys left for their run. Lindsey was in the club house helping Gemma clean up a little. As Lindsey was walking towards the bar she felt something wet drip down her legs. She looks down and sees a puddle. "Uh...Gemma I think my water just broke!" Gemma comes rushing over to Lindsey. "Oh my god the twins are coming!" Gemma shouted with excitement. "No, no, no, no! This can't be happening. Tig isn't here. He didn't want to miss the birth. Gemma I don't want him to miss this!" Lindsey started crying. "Shhhh it's ok sweetheart. The boys are only about 3 hours out. I'll call Tig right now and he'll turn around and be here in time for the birth of the twin." "But what if the club won't let him leave? Gemma I can't do this without Alex." Lindsey continued to cry. "Shhhhh it's ok. I talked to Jackson last night and told him if your water broke while they were gone he was to send Tig and if possible Chibs back her so he wouldn't miss the birth of his kids." Gemma said as she lead Lindsey to the car and pulled out her phone to dial Tig.

Meanwhile the boys were stopped at a rest stop when Tig felt his phone ring. "Hello?" "Tig it's Gemma you need to turn your ass around right now and get home Lindsey's water just broke the twins are coming." "What!? Now!? You gotta be kidding me." Tig shouted and his brothers looked at him in confusion. "Jax Lindsey's water just broke I gotta go man please I can't miss this." "Go man and take Chibs with you. We'll be ok. Send Lindsey our love. "Of course I will thank you Jax." Tig then spoke into the phone. "Gemma Chibs and I are on our way. Tell Lindsey to hang in there." Tig hung up the phone and turned his bike back on as Chibs did the same and they left the rest stop headed back to Charming.

Gemma got Lindsey to the hospital and they got her to a room right away. The doctors checked on Lindsey and saw she was 4 cm dilated. "You promise he's on his way?" "Yes sweetheart he'll be here in about 2 hours, 1 if he speeds. Don't worry he won't miss it. Not this time." Gemm said reassuring Lindsey. An hour and a half later the nurse finished checking up on Lindsey again and she was 8 cm now. Lindsey was starting to worry that Tig wasn't gonna make it. "Gemma he's not gonna make it. He's gonna miss it." Lindsey said with tears in her eyes. "No he won't honey. He should be here any minute." Just as Gemma said that the door to Lindsey's room busted open and in walked Tig who was short of breath. "Did I miss it?" Alex you made it!" Lindsey shouted. Tig walked over to Lindsey grabbed her hand and kissed her. "No you didn't miss it. She's got another 2 cm to go. You made it in plenty of time." Gemma said patting Tig's shoulder. "Thank you Gemma for everything." Tig said giving Gemma a hug. "Of course Tiggy. I'll give you two some privacy." Gemma said as she walked out the door.

30 minutes later the nurse come in to check on Lindsey. "Well Lindsey I hope you are ready to become a mom your fully dilated, it's time to start pushing." The nurse said as she went to call the doctor in. "Did you hear that Alex the twins will are coming out now." "I heard doll and I can't wait to meet them." Tig said kissing Lindsey's forehead. The doctor walked into the room all ready to help deliver the twin. "Alright are you ready Lindsey?" The doctor asked. "I'm more then ready. Let's do this." "Alright let's start pushing then." After 15 minutes of pushing both of the twins were born. "Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Trager you have two beautiful, healthy babies." Lindsey was crying and Tig was holding her hand. "You did it doll, you did it the twins are finally here." Tig said kissing Lindsey's forehead. "I'm so pro6of you. You did such a great job. I love you so much." Tig said starting to cry. "I love you too Alex." Lindsey said as Tig leaned down and kissed Lindsey's lips.

After spend some time alone with their babies Gemma and Chibs walked into the room. "Hi guys. There's two very important people I would like you to meet." Lindsey said as Gemma and Chibs walked over to the side of Lindsey's bed. They saw Lindsey holding one of the babies and Tig holding the other. "Say hello to Harley Rose Trager." Lindsey said looking down at the baby girl she was holding in her arms. "Omg she is so adorable." Gemma gushed over her new granddaughter.

"And say hello to Levi James Trager my son

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"And say hello to Levi James Trager my son." Tig said not being able to keep his off his son. "He's perfect Tig. They both are." Chibs said looking at Levi in laying in Tig's arms.

" Chibs said looking at Levi in laying in Tig's arms

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"They are both si beautiful. Congratulations you two. Your gonna be amazing parents." Gemm said kissing the top of Lindsey's forehead and then walking over to kiss Tig's cheek. "Yeah congrats guys." Chibs said patting Tig on the shoulder and the walking next to Lindsey and kissing the top of her head. "Thank you both so much. Especially for everything you both have done for us during these past 9 months." Lindsey said. "Yeah thank you both very much. I can't believe I have another beautiful daughter and a handsome son to care out my name." Tig said as he kissed Levi's head. After visiting for a few hours Gemma and Chibs left for the night. Tig and Lindsey were laying in Lindsey's bed together  as the twins were sleeping in their bassinet. "Thank you Doll." "For what?" "For giving me another daughter and a son, for marrying me, and for making me the happiest man alive. I love you Lindsey Trager." "Your welcome. And thank you for making me the happiest women alive. I love you Alexander Trager so much." Tig smiled and then passionately kissed Lindsey. They both fell asleep in each other's arms with a big smile on their faces.

Hey guys the twins are finally here. I'm sorry it took so long to update this story. I was super busy at work and then I had some writers block. But thank you so much for being patient with me. I will try to update this story more as soon as I possibly can. Again thank you so much for being patient with me and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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