Jealous Friend

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It's been about six months since Tig proposed to Lindsey. In that time Tig handed over is Sargent At Arms patch to Clay. Lindsey was busy planning their wedding. She was currently standing in the TM office doorway watching Tig work on a car. "What you staring at doll?" Tig asked. "You. Have I ever mentioned how sexy you look working on these cars with grease on your face and tools in your hands?" "You may have mentioned once or twice." Tig said as he walked over and placed a kiss on her lips. "I guess I should get back to work." Lindsey said. "Yeah me too but later you, me, and my bedroom." Tig said with a smile.

Lindsey was sitting in the TM office when she heard a knock on the door. "Hi what can I do for you?" Lindsey said still filling out some paperwork. "Yeah can I'm looking for my friend she's got blonde hair with purple underneath the blond, kind of short and has a mouth on her." Lindsey looked up and had saw he friend from college standing in the door way. "No way Steve?!" "Hey Lindsey." Lindsey walked over to him and gave Steve a hug. "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to come see you. It's been a while. How have you been?" "I'm good. I've been working here at the garage. How about you how have you been?" "I'm good just been doing some traveling. I actually came here to tell you something." Steve said with a smile. "Oh and what's that?" "Lindsey I..." "Hey doll I need the keys to the Chevy Impala." Tig said walking into the office. "Who's this?" Tig asked walking up next to Lindsey. "Oh Tig this is Steve my friend from college. Steve this is my fiance Tig." Lindsey said "Hey nice to meet you." Tig said "Nice to meet you too. Wow fiance huh? I didn't know that you were seeing anyone." Steve said. "Tig is the guy I told you I had feelings for back home." "You never told me he was older then you and that he was a member of the club." "Well that was none of your business and age is just a number. Anyways what were you gonna say?" "Oh never mind listen I'll see you later." Steve said as he got in his car and left. "Wow what's wrong with him?" Tig asked. "I don't know he's normal not like that. Anyways here are the keys you needed." Lindsey said giving him the keys. "Hey Chibs here the keys. I'm done for the day." Tig said tossing the keys. "Now you doll get you're ass over here." Tig said with a smirk. Lindsey let's out a scream and started to run away from Tig. He caught here and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to his bedroom and had his way with her.

The next day Lindsey went out to looking for a florist for the wedding. She picked out the flowers for the wedding and headed out of the shop. She then felt someone cover her mouth with a rag and then a few seconds later blackness consumed her. A few hours later she woke up tied to a chair in a basement. "What the hell?" Lindsey shook her arms trying to get lose. "Those are tied tight. You aren't going anywhere sweetheart." Lindsey recognized that voice. "What the hell Steve why are you doing this?" Steve come into view. "Because he doesn't deserve you. He'll hurt you. I'm the one who really loves you and wouldn't hurt you." "What are you talking about. Steve you know I don't love you like that and what do you think you're doing right now. You're hurting me by kidnapping me and keeping me here. Please let me go and I promise I won't tell the club what you did." Just then Lindsey's phone started playing Hooligan by Pretty Maids. That was Tig's ringtone. "Speaking of your fiance there he his." Steve said answering the phone. "Hello Tig."

Meanwhile back at the club house Tig was getting worried that Lindsey hadn't come back yet. He tried text he but she wasn't answering so he picked up his phone and called her. "Hello Tig." "Steve? Why the hell are you answering Lindsey's phone? Where is she?" "Oh she's right her but she's tied up at the moment. Don't worry she's fine." Steve said. "Alex baby help me please." Tig heard Lindsey in the background. "Shut up bitch." Steve said and then slapped Lindsey. "What the hell do you want?" "I want Lindsey to be mine. You don't deserve her. She should be mine. You're not getting her back so say goodbye." Steve put the phone to Lindsey's ear. "Alex baby please help me. You know I love you and only you. Please don't let him take me." Lindsey said with tears falling down her face. "Shhh baby it's ok. I'm coming to get you. Juice has been tracking your phone the whole time. Just hang in there for a bit longer. We'll be there soon. I love you." "Ok. I love you too Alex so much." Lindsey said as Steve pulled the phone away from Lindsey. "Aw well isn't that sweet." "You son of a bitch. I'm gonna find you and kill you. You don't mess with another man's women especially a MC's Old Lady." "Good luck with that. Goodbye Tig." Steve said hanging up the phone.

"You got him Juice?" Tig asked. "Yeah I got him." "Let's go kill this son of a bitch and get my girl back." Tig said walking to his bike. The club got on their bikes and headed off to the address Juice gave them. Meanwhile back in Steve's basement Lindsey was watching Steve get things ready to leave. She then heard the distant sound of Motorcycles coming down the road. "Shit how did they find us." "They are smarter then you think." "Shut up." Steve said punching her in the face this time. "You know they are gonna kill you right? You where my friend Steve and I'm sorry I'm not gonna help you. You did this to yourself." He punched Lindsey one more time and then went upstairs to the windows as the boys pulled up to the house. "Hey asshole we know you're in there. Give me Lindsey back and maybe I won't kill you." Tig shouted. Steve opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. "No way. She's mine now. You don't truly love her." "You have don't know anything. You have no idea how much she means to me and how much I love her. Now give her back asshole." "Not happening." Steve yelled. Tig then pulled out his gun and started shooting at Steve. Steve tried to dodge the bullets but three hit him right in the chest and he fell down. Tig ran to the house and right past Steve. "Lindsey!" Tig shouted. "Where are you doll talk to me!" "Tig baby I'm here. I'm in the basement!" Tig heard Lindsey shout. Tig ran downstairs to the basement. And saw Lindsey tired to a chair. He looked at her face and saw her black eye and saw the cuts on her face. "Oh baby. Are you ok?" "I'm fine. You killed him didn't you?" "Yes. I'm sorry baby I needed to he hurt you and took you from me." "It's ok. I knew you had to I understand." Tig finished untying Lindsey from the chair and he lifted her up in his arms. "Let's get you home and cleaned up baby." Tig said leading Lindsey upstairs and out the door. As the walked outside Lindsey saw Steve's body laying dead on the porch. She shook her head and let Tig continue to lead her to his bike. Lindsey got on the back of Tig's bike and they headed back to TM. Once they got there Tara stitched her up and Tig took her back to his dorm where he laid down next to her on his bed. "I love you so much Alex." "I love you so much too Lindsey. I don't know what I would do without." "I don't know what I would do without you either." Tig pulled Lindsey's face closer to his and started kissing her passionately. Tig and Lindsey stayed in Tig's dorm the rest of the night kissing and cuddling one another.

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