Trouble with Guns

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After the Club laid Donna to rest a few days later they threw a party at the clubhouse in honor of Bobby's release from prison. The boys party hard. Tig woke up to a phone call from Clay. "Yeah we'll be there soon." Tig said as he hung up the phone. Tig then looked down and saw that Lindsey fell asleep on top of him on the bar. "Baby get up we gotta go." "What's going on?" Lindsey asked. "We gotta go to the hospital Gemma got in a accident." Everyone got up and went to the hospital. They were told Gemma was ok just had a couple cuts and bruises.

A week later the boys were getting ready to go on a 'charity run' but they were really running guns across state lines. Lindsey stood next to Tig by his bike. "You guys be careful out there please. This club has been through enough already we don't need you guys going to jail." Lindsey said. "We'll be careful Doll. We always are. We'll be back in no time." Tig said. Everyone was getting on their bikes getting ready to head out. Tig climbed on his bike and turned to Lindsey. "I'll be back soon. He said. "Be careful. I love you." Lindsey said. "I love you too doll." Lindsey then leaned over and gave Tig a kiss goodbye.

A few hours later Lindsey's phone rang it was Bobby. "Hey Bobby what's up?" "Ok Lindsey it was an accident so please don't get mad at me." Bobby said. "Bobby what happened is Tig ok?" "My bike acted up and it caused Tig to swerve and miss me but he fell off his bike and banged up his leg really bad." "Jesus Bobby we all knew you shouldn't have been driving that bike." "I know I'm sorry. This hospital we are at isn't taking him so we are coming back to get his leg taken care of. I'm so sorry Lindsey I didn't mean for this..." Lindsey then heard tires  squealing in the background. "Bobby you there what's happening?" "Hey hey! What are you doing? Tig hang on buddy! Hey no stop." Bobby said over the phone and then Lindsey heard the tires squealing again. "Bobby hello? Bobby what happened? BOBBY!" "Bounty hunters just took Tig." "What?!" "Don't worry I got Sack following them we'll get him back." Bobby said. "You better of so help me Bobby I will kill you." Lindsey said as she hung up the phone.

Sack followed them to a motel and then met up with the rest of the club to figure out a plan to get Tig back. "They probably beat him up so they will be there for a while. Let's get these guns delivered then we'll get Tig." Clay said. "Are you crazy he is right down the street let's go get him now." Jax yelled. Everyone got into a fight about what to do and then Jax walked away. As he walked away Piney pulled up with the tow truck and told Jax to get in they were going to get Tig. Jax, Sack, Chibs, and Happy all hoped on the back of the tow truck and head off towards the motel. They arrived at the motel and Piney stopped. "We've got a plan here?" Chibs asked. "Ask the old man." Jax said.  "Alright hang on guys." Piney shouted as he stared turning the tow truck so it's back was facing the motel window they were keeping Tig in. "Well that's a simple plan." Jax said as they braced themselves for impact. "Shit! Arm up ladies." Chibs said. Piney backed the tow truck into the motel window and crashed into the room. Happy and Chibs climbed off the truck. "Dont move!" Jax said "Or I'll blow your balls off!" Chibs said as Happy and Sack untied Tig. "Hey guys. Listen I gotta tell ya it's been a lot of fun but I really gotta go this is my ride." Tig said as he hoped up on the back of the truck. "I just wanna thank you for everything and hopefully we can do it again sometime." Tig finished saying as they drove away.

A couple of hours later Lindsey met the boys at the hospital. She went up to Bobby and slapped him across his face. "This is all you're fault you know that right." She said to him. "I know I'm sorry Lindsey." Lindsey then looked at Jax, Chibs, Happy, Sack, and Piney "Thanks for getting him back guys. How is he?" "No problem lass. He'll be just fine." Chibs said.  A couple minutes later Tig came out on a wheelchair. "Oh Tig. Thank goodness you are ok. I was so worried." Lindsey said as she ran over to him and helped him stand up and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm ok doll. No need to worry about me. I'm one tough son of a bitch." Tig said. Lindsey then took Tig home so he can rest.

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