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A few weeks have passed since Tig and Lindsey became a couple. They were gonna try to keep it a secret but the club found out a week after they confused their love for one another. The club was happy for the both of them. Tonight Gemma was throwing a Welcome Home party for Abel. After weeks in the hospital he was finally coming home.

Lindsey was in the office with Gemma watching the boys talk. All the boys walked away and some got on their bikes. Lindsey was going to go talk to Tig real quick before he left to attend to club business. She stopped in her track when she saw that Clay was whispering in Tig's ear. Tig finally walked away from Clay and headed towards his bike.

"Tig wait up." Lindsey shouted as she ran towards Tig and his bike. "Hey doll." Tig said as he pulled her into him and kissed her. "Thought you could leave without saying goodbye first?" "Of course not sweetheart." Lindsey then kissed Tig again. "So what was up with Clay whispering to you?" "Club business you know I can't tell you." "I know just thought I'd give it a shot. Be careful and I'll see later tonight for Abel's party?" Lindsey asked. "Yeah I'll see you then and you know I'm always careful." Tig kissed Lindsey and then rode off.

Lindsey headed to Jax's house to help Gemma get everything ready for the party. "How are things going with you and Tig baby?" She asked. "They are going good Gemma. I still can't believe we are together you know?" "Well believe it honey. That man is head over heels for you. I've never seen him this way. Not even with Fawn and Dawn's mom." Lindsey smiled at this and they went back to getting things ready. A couple of hours later Tig and Chibs showed up to help finish. Once Gemma left to go help Jax pick up Abel every one else showed up.

Tig and Lindsey were sitting on the couch when Gemma and Jax walked in with Abel. Everybody cheered and went to hug Jax and to say hi to Abel. "He's beautiful Jax. Congratulations you are gonna be an amazing dad. You already are." Lindsey said hugging Jax. "Thanks Lindsey that means alot." Jax hugged her back. Jax then hugged Tig and then kept walking towards the rest of the club. A few hours have passed and Lindsey was sitting on the couch talking to Wendy and Gemma. Lindsey noticed Wendy was looking at the couch across the room so she looked over to see what she was looking at. As she did she saw Tara grab Jax and kissed him. Wendy looked down with sadness in her face. "I'm sorry you saw that Wendy. If it makes you feel better I felt the same way you did when I was younger. Seeing Tig with other women made me sick and hurt me." "Thank Lindsey. I'm ok though really." Wendy said.

Opie then came over to where they were sitting. "Hey we're headed out. Gotta get the kids home and in bed." He said as he hugged Lindsey. "Alright Ope take care of yourself. Bye Donna it was great to see you again." "It was good seeing you too Lindsey." As Opie left the house Tig went over to Lindsey. "Hey I'll be back in a little bit I gotta go grab something from the store." He said and kissed her. "Ok." Lindsey said as she watched Tig leave the house. An hour passed and Lindsey started to worry cuz Tig hadn't come back yet. Just then Jax got a call. A few minutes later he hung up the phone with a sad look on his face. "Jax what's wrong." Lindsey asked. "That was the cops they found Opie's truck with the back window shot out. Donna was found inside with a bullet in her head." "Oh my god!" Gemma said. "We gotta go. We gotta be there for Opie." Shortly after the boys left Lindsey asked Gemma to drive her back to the clubhouse so she could wait for Tig. Once Lindsey got inside the clubhouse she went to Tig's dorm to wait for him. She sat on his bed and started crying. She had a feeling Tig killed Donna. He left right after Opie and his family did and he hadn't come back to Jax's house.

Lindsey manged to calm herself down when the door to Tig's dorm opened. Tig walked in and went straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once he layed down on the bed Lindsey snuggled up against his back. "Why didn't you come back to Jax's house? I got worried." "I'm sorry doll I had to make multiple stops. But I'm here now." "Did you hear about Donna?" She asked him hoping he would tell her the truth about where he was." "Yeah I got the call and headed straight there. I really dont wanna talk about it right now though. Let's just get some sleep ok?" Tig said as he turned his head and kissed Lindsey good night. "Ok love." Lindsey said a little disappointment Tig didn't tell her the truth.

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