The Big Question

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14 months went by super fast. Today was the day that the boys were being released. Lindsey sat outside on a picnic table waiting for the boys to come back. "You ready for your man to be back?" Gemma asked walking up to Lindsey. "I'm so ready. I know I went and visited him alot but I'm ready to physically be with him if you know what I mean." "I get what you mean hun." Gemma placed a kiss on Lindsey's head and then walked over to Tara and Jax's two boys. Lindsey then heard the sweet sound of motorcycle engines. The boys turned into the club house and shut off their bikes. Lindsey saw Tig take off his helmet and she ran straight to him and jumped into his arms. Tig caught her and Lindsey placed her lips to his and gave him a passionate kiss. "That's one hell of a welcome home doll." Tig said smiling. "What can I say I've missed you so much. Now hurry up and say hi to everybody else so I can take you to your dorm and have my way with you." Lindsey whispered into his ears. "You got it doll."

Lindsey hugged everybody else and Tig was finishing saying hi to Gemma "I'm glad to be home too Gem. But if you would excuse me my old lady and I have some catching up to do." Tig said. Tig went up to Lindsey and threw her over his shoulder and smacked her ass. She giggled and let Tig walk her to his dorm. As soon as they entered the room Tig threw Lindsey on his bed and lowered himself down on top of her and kiss her passionately. Lindsey then started taking off Tig's shirt and then he took off her shirt. Tig continued to kiss Lindsey as she reached for Tig's pants and unbuttoned his button. Lindsey pulled down Tig's pants and boxers all at once and his cock sprung free. Tig then took off Lindsey's pants and thong all at once. "God I've missed this beautiful body." Tig said looking at her. "Enough talk I need you inside me right now Tig." "Don't have to tell me twice." Tig slowly pushed himself inside of Lindsey. "Oh God I've missed that cock of yours so much. Please move." Tig pulled out of her and then slowly pushed back into her. He kept his pace slow for a while. "Harder and faster please Tig." Tig picked up his pace and slammed into Lindsey over and over again. "Oh God Tig. Right there. You feel so good." Lindsey moaned. "God you feel so good against my cock doll. I'm close." Tig moaned. "I'm right there with you babe. Cum inside me Tig please." Tig pushed into Lindsey one last time and felt Lindsey climax around his cock. Once he felt that he spilled his seed into Lindsey. He then layed down next to Lindsey and pulled her next to him. "That was amazing." Tig said. "Yes it was. Damn did I miss you those 14 months." Lindsey said. "I missed you too doll." Tig said placing a kiss on top of her head. Lindsey then fell asleep in Tig's arms.

After about 20 minutes Tig slowly placed Lindsey on his bed. He got dressed and walked out of his dorm. He walked over to Chibs' dorm and knocked on his door. "Hey Tig." "Hey Chibs did you pick up that thing I asked you to get?" "Yeah brother I got it right here." Chibs opened his desk and handed Tig what he asked for. "Thanks brother I really appreciate it." "No problem brother. So tonight?" "Yeah tonight." Chibs gave Tig a hug. Tig went back to his room and found Lindsey still asleep. He quickly wrote her a note and layed it on the pillow next her before he left. Lindsey woke up 20 minutes later and found Tig missing from the bed but she saw a note laying on the pillow next her.


You looked so peaceful sleeping I didn't want to wake you. I had a few errands to run but I'll see you tonight. Wear something fancy and sexy. Chibs will pick you up from my dorm at 7:30. I love you and I'll see you tonight.


Lindsey smiled reading the note. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 6. She got up and hoped in the shower. Once she got of the shower she got herself ready. She wore a black floral dress and put her hair into two braids.

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Just as she finished getting ready she heard a knock on the door

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Just as she finished getting ready she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Chibs standing there. "Wow lass you look amazing." "Thanks Chibby. So were are you taking me." "Sorry lass that's a secret." Chibs lead Lindsey to his bike and helped her on. Chibs drove up to a the park. Chibs helped her off the bike and lead her to a path lit up with lights. "Just follow the lights lass." "Thank you Chibs." Lindsey followed the light path a ways and looked up and saw the gazebo lit up and Tig standing there in a tux. She walked up to him. "Wow Doll you look gorgeous." "Thank you babe. You look handsome and this is beautiful. I can't believe you did all of this." "Anything for you love." Tig said placing a kiss on her lips. "Lindsey I have known you since you were little. I watched you grow into a beautiful young women and as you grew my feelings for you grew. Once you left for college I was devastated and I regret not telling you how I felt before you left. Once you came back home I was whole again and i just couldn't hide my feelings anymore. They day we got together was the happiest I've ever been. Then you got my crow. I decided after that I wanted you in my life forever. So Lindsey Collins..." Tig slowly got down on one knee and pulled out a black velvet box. "Oh my god." Lindsey gasped as she brought her right hand up to her mouth. "Will you marry me?" Tig asked opening the box and reviling the ring. It was a black band with a blue diamond in the middle with diamonds surrounding it.

 It was a black band with a blue diamond in the middle with diamonds surrounding it

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Lindsey had tears in her eyes. "Yes! A million times yes!" Lindsey said. Tig placed the ring on Lindsey's left ring finger. Tig got up and pulled Lindsey into a passionate kiss. "Tig the ring is beautiful and perfect. The blue reminds me of your gorgeous blue eyes. And I love the black band." "I knew you would love it. And the blue diamond is to represent my eyes." Tig said. "Now let's get back to the club house and let everyone know."

Tig and Lindse pulled up to the club house and walked into the bar. "Hey everybody we have an announcement to make." Lindsey said. Everyone looked at Tig and Lindsey. "I asked Lindsey to marry me and she said yes." Tig yelled out with a smile his face. Everyone shout out with cheers and walked over to them and hugged them. "Congratulations you guys. I never thought I would see the day Tig would settle down." Jax said laughing. "Thanks Jax. I can't believe it either." Lindsey said. Tig, Lindsey, and the club celebrated the rest of the night drinking and laughing.


Hey guys,

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I went on vacation this past week to Wisconsin Dells with my fiance and his parents. Thank you for being patient with me and I hope enjoyed these two updates. Also thank you for all the love and support you have been giving this story. I can't believe it's #7 on the Tig Trager list. Thank you again.


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