Be Mine.

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Lindsey was sitting on her couch watching P.S. I Love You when she heard a motorcycle come up her driveway. She knew it had to be Tig. She gets up off the couch and walks to her door. She opens it just when Tig was about to knock.

"Hey Tiggy." She greeted him with a smile on her face. "Hey doll." Tig said as he walked into her house with a sad look on his face. "Tig what's wrong you seem upset." Lindsey said. Tig grabbed Lindsey's hand and walked her to the couch and sat her down next to him. "Tig your scaring me what's going on?"

"Did you hear about what happened at the carnival after I left?" "Yeah Gemma called me and told me what happened. What sick fuck would do that to a little girl?" Lindsey asked. "It was that clown that we messed with earlier. We took care of him. He won't be rapping anymore women or little girls." "Thank goodness." Lindsey said with a sigh of relief.

"When I got back to the carnival and found out there was a rap I.." Tig paused and let out a sad sigh. "I..I thought it was you who was rapped. I got so worried and got mad at myself for leaving you alone." "Tig it's ok. I'm ok it wasn't me." "I know that. After Gemma told me that you had left already I felt a small amount of relief. But I still had thoughts run through my head. After we dealt with the scumbag clown I rushed straight here because I need to tell you something Lindsey." Tig said as he finally picked his head up and looked into her eyes.

"What is it Tig?" Lindsey asked. "I have been keeping this to myself for a long time. Lindsey I'm in love with you. I have been since you were sixteen. I've tried to stop myself from being in love with you because I know there is a age different between us but I cant help it. You are an amazing, sweet, kind, sexy, badass women. I want for you to be mine." Tig finished and looked at Lindsey and saw a look of shock on her face.

"Will you please say something doll." "Wow I'm shocked but happy. I never thought I would hear you say that to me." Lindsey started tearing up. Tig grabbed Lindsey's hand. "Oh Lindsey it's ok if you don't feel the same way. I completely understand if.." Tig was cut off with Lindsey pressing her lips to his. "I'm in love with you too Alexander Trager." "Really?" Tig asked. "Yes really. I have been since I was sixteen you big goof." Lindsey said with her forehead on Tigs.

"So does that mean you'll be mine?" "You bet your sexy ass I will be yours." Tig pressed his lips back onto hers for a passionate kiss. "I love you Lindsey Collins." "I love you Alexander Trager." Tig and Lindsey fell asleep in each others arms both with huge smiles on their faces knowing that they were finally each others.

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