Going Away

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After Tig was shot Tara came up to stitch up Tig. Nate's caregiver tried to kill Gemma but Gemma was able to tie her to a chair in the basement. When Tara went to take care of the caregiver she untied one of her hands and the caregiver knocked Tara out and escaped. She got to Gemma and tired to kill her again but Tara hit the caregiver in the head killing her. After getting rid of the body Tara, Lindsey and Gemma took Nate to a home. Once everyone got back to Charming they took Gemma to the hospital because of her heart.

I few week past and Tig and Lindsey were in his dorm room. "Baby listen I'm going with the boys to Belfest and I need you to stay here." "No way I'm going with you Tig. I'm not staying behind. I'm tough I can take care of myself. Please Tig let me help." Lindsey said. "Ok fine. You are so stubborn." "But you love me anyways." "Damn right I do." Tig, Lindsey, Clay, and Jax went to go see Gemma one last time before they left for Belfest. Once they got there Gemma was leaving the hospital. "Mom what are you doing? You made a deal with the Feds." Jax said. "I don't care. Jail will be waiting for me when I get back. I'm going to get my grandbaby. Gemma, Lindsey, and Jax got in the tow truck while Tig and Clay road their bikes to the airfield. A few miles up they stopped meeting up with some of the other boys. "You guys get out of here I'll get the cops to follow me." Tig said. "Man no I need you." Jax said. "Yeah I know but you need your mom more. Now go." Tig said. Tig and Lindsey got in the tow truck and lead the cops away from the rest of the club. The cops eventually caught up to Tig and Lindsey and arrested them.

"Tig Lindsey you made bond." Wyane said unlocking their cell. "By who?" Lindsey asked. They walked out and saw Tara waiting for them. "Aw thanks doc." Tig said. "No problem." Lindsey and Tig got their stuff back and started walking out. "Lindsey I hope you know how to drive the tow truck." Wyane said. "What why?" Tig asked. "You lead the cops on a very long car chase it'll be about 2 years  before you're behind the wheel again." "What? Come on man how am I supposed to do my job? How I'm I supposed to ride?" "It's ok babe come on I got you." Lindsey said leading Tig out of the station.

A week later everyone returned from Belfest with Able. The club managed to get Jimmy. The feds showed up asking for him. The club handed him over. "How did you know he was here?" Clay asked. "Cuz your VP made a deal. Cuff them." Stahl said "WHAT?" Clay shouted as everyone was getting cuffed. Lindsey watched with tears in her eyes as her family was being cuffed and dragged to the police van. Lindsey ran over to Tig and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's ok doll. I promise it'll all be ok." Tig said as Lindsey cried into his shoulder. Tig kissed her on the head as Layla come over and pulled Lindsey way from Tig. "No let go of me. No Tig baby please!" Lindsey sobbed as she fell into Layla.

Meanwhile Piney, Opie, Chibs, and Kozki caught up to Stahl and Jimmy with the help of Wyane. Chibs grabbed Jimmy and killed him. Opie then put Stahl in the front seat of her car and shot her in the back of the head and killed her. All the other boys were in the van and heard beeping outside and started laughing. They knew their planned worked. Tig started crying a little. "Tig you alright brother?" Bobby asked. "Yeah it just killed me seeing Lindsey like that." "She"ll be alright Tig. She's tough." "Yeah I know she is. Still doesn't make it any easier."

Lindsey layed in Tig's bed holding onto on of his shirts still crying. She then heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Lindsey said. Chibs opened the door. "Hey lass." Chibs said walking over to her. "Hi Chibby." "Um...Tig wanted me to give this to you." He said as he handed her a letter. "Thank you Chibs." Lindsey said taking the letter. "I'll um.. I'll leave you to read it." Chibs said as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Lindsey opened up the letter and read it.

Hey Doll
If you are reading this then that means Jimmy and Stahl are dead. I'll only be serving a 14 month sentence. I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you all of  this. The club voted on it. I know you are probably mad at me but I truly am sorry. I've asked Chibs to look out for you while I'm away. So please don't give him to much trouble. I know you'll be coming to visit me all the time so I will see you soon. I love you Lindsey and I'm so sorry.

Your old man


Lindsey put the the letter down and smiled a little. She understood that Tig couldn't say anything but at least she knew now that he won't be away for very long. It won't be easy but she can make it 14 months without Tig by her side everyday. All she knew was as soon as she can she is going to visit Tig and like he said in his letter she is gonna visit him as much as she can.

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