New President

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It's been 2 months since Filip & Lindsey's wedding. Chibs has been super busy with the club. They found out that Jax had killed Gemma because she is the one who killed Tara. Today they were having a vote.

Everyone was sitting around the table. "We know it had to happen. So what this charter needs to do. We can't allowed our hearts to be louder then our reason." Chibs says. Tig looks over at the presidents chair with some sadness in his eyes. "All those... all those in favor.." Chibs trys to hold back his tears. "All those in favor of Jackson Teller meeting Mr. Mayhem." Chibs rubs his chin "Yay." Chibs says. Everybody else follows saying yay with sad looks on their faces. Chibs looks up with a small smirk and tears in his eyes. He let's out a sigh. Chibs picks up the gavel. "Jax Teller meets Mr. Mayhem."  He slams down the gavel softly to close the vote. Everyone gets up and starts leaving. Chibs gets up letting his tears fall. "You ok brother?" Tig asked as evenone else left. "Yeah it has to be done. It's just.." Chibs looks down. "What Chibs what's on your mind you can tell me." Chibs looks up at Tig. "How am I gonna tell Lindsey that she is losing adopted brother? And don't say I shouldn't tell her cuz she deserves to know." Tig sighed. "I wasn't gonna say don't tell her. You're right Jax is her brother and she needs to know and I wish I could tell her for your brother but she deserves to hear it from her husband. But I'm here for you brother. " "Thanks Tig." Chibs said as he pulled him for a hug.

Later that day the club met at a warehouse. There Jax took off the V.P. patch from Chibs kutte and then took off the President patch from his kutte. Jax handed the V.P. patch to Chibs. Chibs looks down at the patch and then looked over at Tig. Chibs hands Tig the V.P. patch and Tig takes it. "Good choice." Jax said. Then Jax handed Chibs the President patch. "It's all your brother." Jax said to Chibs. "I won't let you down brother." Chibs said taking the patch. Jax then went around the circle the club created and hugged everybody goodbye. When he hugged Chibs he handed Chibs a letter. Chibs looked at him in confusion. "It's for Lindsey." Chibs nodded his head. "Don't worry I'll make sure she gets it." Jax then walks over to the door as Rat opened the door and there sat JT's bike. Jax walked over to the bike and picked up his helmet. He looks back at the club. "I got this." He said. Tig grabbed Chibs left shoulder. The club walked out of the warehouse as Jax started up the bike. The all stood watching Jax ride off into the distance.

Everyone went their separate ways. Chibs went back to the clubhouse instead of going home. He needed some time to think before he went home and told the love of his life that her brother was gone. Chibs sat down at the head of the table and looked of into the distance as he rubbed the President's patch between his fingers. He sat there for a few hours before he before he finally decided to head home.

Lindsey is at the house finishing putting the Harley and Levi to bed. "Goodnight my loves. Sleep well and I'll see you in the morning. I love you both." Lindsey said placing a kiss ontop of their foreheads. Lindsey quietly left their room and slowly closed their bedroom door. As she walked into the living room she saw the front door opening and saw her husband walk through the door. "Hey baby how was your day?" She asked as Chibs closed the door. He didn't answer her. Lindsey looked up and say Chibs looking down at the floor. "Filip what's wong?" Chibs looked up and let out a sigh. He walked over to the couch and sat down. "Filip?" "Come take a seat sweetheart." Chibs sat patting the cushion next him. Lindsey walked over and sat next to him. "Filip what's going on?" Chibs grabs her hands and looked down. "Mo Ghràdh I have to..." Chibs looked up at Lindsey with tears in his eyes. "Filip what is it?" Chibs let's out a sigh and let's his tears fall down his face. "Jax he uhh.. he killed Gemma because she killed Tara. He didn't let the club know what he was doing so we had to have a vote." Lindsey starts to tear up. "No." Lindsey said letting a tear fall from her eyes. "We all agreed he needed to meet Mr. Mayhem." Lindsey let's out a sob. "No!" "He umm... he did it himself he uhh..." "No don't say it." "I'm so sorry m 'aingeal." Lindsey breaks down crying. Chibs pulled her into his chest and held her there. "Noooo!! Jackson no." Lindsey cried into her husband's chest. Chibs was starting to cry more see his wife like this. "Jax he umm... he gave me this to give to you." Chibs said reaching into his back pocket and handing his wife the letter Jax left for her. Lindsey took the letter from him. "You want me to stay here while you read it?" Chibs asked. "Can you stay in the room not necessarily next to me?" "Of course." Chibs stands up from the couch and kissed Lindsey's forehead before he walked into the dining room that was right next to the living room.

Lindsey took a deep breath and opened up the letter.

By now you know I have met Mr. Mayhem. I first wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye to you in person and that I'm saying goodbye to you in a letter. I just knew if I said goodbye to you in person I wouldn't be able to do this myself and I didn't want to put this burden on any of my brothers. I deserved the ending I got after everything I did. I don't regret killing Gemma for what she did to my family. What I do regret is how me killing her would effect you and my boys. Wendy and Nero will be taking care of the boys and I hope they don't follow in my footsteps and become a Son. Wendy said she will let you visit them whenever you want. Lindsey I wanted to tell you that you are the best sister I could ever ask for. I also wanted to thank you for everything you did for me even though I knew most of the time I drove you bat shit crazy you still were there for me. I hate that I'm leaving you and my boys but I know you will be well taking care of. I know Chibs loves you like crazy and I'm so glad that he will be there for you. Give my niece and nephew a hug and kiss from their Uncle Jax. I'll be looking in on you from time to time. I love you Lindsey!

Your loving brother,

Lindsey held the letter to her chest and silently let more tears roll down her face. Chibs came back over and sat back down next to her. He pulled her into a side hug. After 5 minutes of silence beside a few sniffles from both of them Lindsey looked up at Chibs. "So can I assume your The President of the club now?" Chibs let's out a smile chuckle. "Aye my love I am." "Who did you choose to be your V.P.?" "Tiggy and Happy is my S.A.A." Lindsey let's a smile chuckle. "Really Alex is your V.P.?" "Aye he is I knew it's sound crazy but he was the best choice." "Well ok then." Lindsey pulled Chibs into a passionate kiss. "I love you Mr. President." Chibs laughed a little. "And I love you my queen." Lindsey smiled. "Omg that's right that makes me the Queen of SAMCRO." "Aye that it does mo ghràdh. And you know what?" Chibs asked while leaving kisses on Lindsey's neck. "What baby?" "How about we celebrate us becoming King and Queen of SAMCRO." "I would like that very much." Chibs gives Lindsey and smirk. He then lifts Lindsey up and put her over his shoulder and carried his queen to the bedroom where they celebrated by making love for hours.


Another chapter down. I hope you all liked it. I wanted to again thank you all for the love and support you have been giving this story. Even though we've come to the end of the SOA story don't you fear my story is far from over. Before I finish this chapter off I wanted to give a shout to one of my friends on here flanagirl she writes Chibs stories she has an amazing story on here called Blood and Water. You should check it out. And if you like that story she has a sequel to it called You Have My Last Name. Again thank you for the love and support on this story. I appreciate all of you.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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