Fianlly Mrs. Telford

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It was finally the day of Lindsey & Filip's wedding. Lindsey was in the barn at the Indain reservation getting ready with her bridesmaids. Lindsey's bridesmaids where Wendy, Venus & Karriann & Lyla was her maid of honor. "I'm so happy you agreed to be my bridesmaid Karriann. Not only does it make me happy but I know it made you Da very happy that his daughter is part of his wedding." Lindsey said. "Of course Lindsey. I like you. I have never seen my da this happy before. He was never this happy with my ma." Karriann said. Lindsey walked over to her and gave her a hug.

Meanwhile Chibs and his groomsmen where  just arriving to the reservation. He had Tig, Happy, and Juice as his groomsmen and of course Jax was his best man. "You ready brother?" Jax asked Chibs. "I'm more then ready brother. I'm marrying my best friend & I have my daughter here and she is part of the wedding." Chibs said smiling. "Hey brother the officiant said we are starting in 5 mins we should head to our spots." Tig said. "Ok. Hey Tig thanks for being a groomsmen. I know this must be awkward for you with me marrying your ex wife and all." "Nah it's all good brother. You make her happy, happier then I could ever make her and that's all that matters." Tig and Chibs gave each other a hug and then walked over to their place with the rest of the groomsmen minus Jax infront of the guest.

The bridesmaids started walking down the aisle. Chibs couldn't help but smile at his daughter.

Once all the Bridesmaids where in place Here comes the Bride started playing

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Once all the Bridesmaids where in place Here comes the Bride started playing. Chibs looks up & gets tears in his eyes seeing how beautiful Lindsey looked.

 Chibs looks up & gets tears in his eyes seeing how beautiful Lindsey looked

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