The Big Blow Up & Moving On

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Lindsey woke up the following morning to her front door slamming shut. "What the hell is going on here?" Tig asked seeing Lindsey and Chibs curled up on the couch together. "You cheating on me with Chibs?" "Oh don't even go there Alex!" Lindsey said getting up off the couch and walking towards Tig. "What do you mean don't go there?" "I told her Tig." Chibs said as he stood up & stood next to Lindsey. "And what is it exactly that you told her?" "Everything. How you've been cheating on her with Venus, and that I'm in love with her." "You son of a bitch I told you to mind your own business now I'm gonna have to kill ya!" Tig lunged at Chibs but Lindsey stood in front of Chibs before Tig could touch him.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Lindsey shouted in Tig's face. "Move out of the way doll he has this coming." "No! He does not have this coming. He told me the truth about what's been going on with you and I'm thankful that he did. See I knew something was up with you Alex. You have been very distant with me. You stopped touching me the way you use to, you've can barely look me in the eyes when we talk if we even talk, and you haven't been giving the twins the attention that you use to. I'm glad Filip told me what you've been up too and I'm glad he told me how he feels about me because guess what Alex? I'm starting to have feeling for him as well. He's been there for me more then you have and he treats the twins like they are his own. I'm so done with your bullshit! I want a divorce!"

Tig and Chibs looked at Lindsey in total shock. "You want a divorce fine I'll give you a divorce! I'm happier with Venus anyways." "Screw you Alex!" Lindsey said with tears in her eyes. She then turned towards Chibs. "Can you call Gemma and see if she can watch the twins for a little longer? I'm gonna call my lawyer and see if I can get in to get the divorce papers today." "Of course lass. I'll even go with you." Chibs said. "Thank you. And as for you...." Lindsey said as she turned towards Tig. "Pack your shit. I want you out of my house by the time I get back." "Already on it." Tig said walking past Lindsey and Chibs.

Later that night Lindsey came home to the house completely empty of Tig's stuff. She put the twins to bed then grabbed the divorce papers she got and sat down at the table with them. She looked through them to make sure everything was right. That she gets the house and that Tig gets the twins every other weekend & has to pay child support. Everything was right and then she signed the papers with a few tears in her eyes.


It has been 8 months since everything came to truth. Lindsey and Tig have been divorced for 7 months. Chibs and Lindsey have been dating for 7 1/2 months. A few weeks after Lindsey filed for divorce her and Chibs had a talk about how they felt for one another and decided that they would start dating. After a month of dating Chibs asked Lindsey to get his crow and she agreed. Instead of getting rid of her old crow she just had Happy get rid of Tig's name and replaced it with Chibs name and added a Scottish flag to it. Lindsey loved it and couldn't be happier.

It was Friday and Lindsey was sitting at the bar having a drink while she was Chucky and Unser play with Harley & Levi. She hears the front door open and sees Chibs walking in towards her. "Hey babe" Lindsey said with a smile "Hello Mo Ghaol" Chibs said as he gave Lindsey a soft kiss on the lips. "Tig has the twins this weekend right?" Chibs asked. "Yeah he does. Why?" Lindsey asked. "Just wondering is all love." Lindsey look at Chibs in confusion. "Ok what's up what's going on?" "Nothing is going on. I swear I just honestly forgot if it is his weekend or not." Chibs said with a smile on his face. "Ok if you say so." "I do have something planned for us tonight though so wear something cute." Chibs said. "A romantic evening with my old man? Sounds perfect. What time should I be ready?" Lindsey said leaning up to kiss Chibs again. "Be ready by 7:30." Chibs said as he leaned down and kissed Lindsey passionately.

Time has passed and it was 7pm and Lindsey was at home getting ready for her night out with Chibs. She put on a lacey Blue dress with cute blue cowgirl boots and put her hair up into space buns.

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