I Need You

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It's been a couple of days since Lindsey watched an Irishmen kidnap Abel and kill Half-Sack. Tig was in Oregon with Gemma helping her escape the feds. Lindsey was missing Tig like crazy. She hated that Clay took her old man away when she needed him the most. Chibs was trying to help her as much as he could but he still had club business to deal with.

Today was was Half-Sacks wake. Lindsey was having a hard time getting out of bed so she gave Tig a call. "Hey Doll how you holding up?" "I'm not doing great Tiggy. Today is Kip's wake. I still can't get his bloody body out of my head. The Club still has no leads on were Abel is and you aren't here when I need you most. I mean Chibs is doing the best he can but I really need you." "I'm so sorry doll. I know it's hard and believe me I wish I was there with you just holding you in my arms. I miss you so damn much baby. But what Clay says go. I'll be home in a few days I promise." Tig said. "You know you don't have to listen to Clay all the time. I miss you so damn much too Alex. Just come home soon. I love you!" "I love you too Lindsey. Like I said I'll be home soon. I have to get going. Don't leave Chibs side tonight ok? I love you baby." "I will and I love you too. Bye babe." Lindsey hung up the phone and got up to get ready for Half-Sacks wake.

Lindsey was sitting in a black dress on Tig's bed when she heard a knock. "Hey lass you ready to go?" Chibs asked opening the door. "Yeah I guess so." Chibs lead Lindsey to his bike. They got on the bike and headed towards the funeral home. Lindsey and Chibs got off his bike and head inside. Lindsey went up to Kip's casket and noticed his cut but it didn't have his prospects patch on it. "You guys patched him in?" "Yeah we did. Boyo deserved to die a fully patched memeber." Chibs said. After Lindsey and Chibs payed their respects they went outside the funeral home to talk with some fellow members. All of a sudden Lindsey heard screeching tires. Next thing she knew Chibs was dragging her to the ground and covering her with his body as bullets were being fired. Lindsey got up and saw the after math of the shooting. She say a mother holding her bloody child and then she saw Hale laying on the street bloody. "What the hell?" Lindsey shouted. "Shit. Come on lass I gotta get you out of here and back home. Once Chibs dropped Lindsey back off at Tig's appartment she went inside and called Tig. He didn't answer. So she text him.

Why aren't you answering your phone I need you.

She waited for a few minutes till her phone dinged with a new text message

Baby I'm so sorry I can't answer my phone right now. What happened are you ok?

No I'm not ok. I need you. Tell me where you are I'm coming to you.

Doll that's not a good idea. What's wrong please tell me.

Alex please I really need you right now. I promise I'll tell you once I get to you just please.

Ok Doll. We are at Gemma's father's house I'll text you the address in a few just please be careful I love you.

Thank you Tiggy. I'll see you soon I love you.

As Lindsey packed her bag Tig text her the address. She finished packing and put her bag in her car and headed off towards Tig.

A few house later Lindsey pulled up to a ranch style house. Tig was standing on the porch waiting for her. Once she got out of her car she ran up to Tig and jumped in his arms. "I missed you so much." She said starting to cry. "Chibs called me and told me what happened. I'm so sorry doll. I should of been there." Tig said kissing her forehead. "All that matters is I'm with you now." Lindsey said "And I'm not letting you out of my sight come on you have to be tired let's get you inside and in bed." Tig said. Lindsey gave Gemma a quick hug and then went to the guest room with Tig and fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning Lindsey woke up with Tig's blue eyes staring at her. "Morning." "Morning sexy." Tig said kissing her passionately and slowly grabbing her breast. "Alex I just woke up." "I know doll but I told you I missed you alot." Tig continued to kiss her passionately. Lindsey moaned into the kiss. "I'll be right back doll I gotta go grab something." "Alright I'll be here waiting." Tig got up and threw on pink girly robe. He headed to the bathroom and come out with baby oil and ran into Gemma. "I hope that's Lindsey in there and not my dad." Gemma said "You're dad is a good looking guy but he's not my type." "Ok. Uh were you going with the baby oil?" "Gemma. I'm a very big man and a little bit of lube sometimes... it's the humane thing to do." Tig said and headed back to the guest room and saw Lindsey laying there waiting for him. "Damn doll. How did I get so damn lucky." Tig took off the robe and climbed on top of Lindsey. They started making love and that turned into hardcore sex. All of a sudden they heard a gunshot and Tig screamed in pain. "Oh fuck!" Tig yelled "Alex!" "Rose how could you." Lindsey looked up from Tig real quick and saw Gemma's dad with a shot gun. "Dad what did you do." Gemma said coming running into the room. "Old bastard shot me!" Tig said. "He thought I was Rose." Lindsey said. The caretaker come over and took Gemma's dad away. Lindsey was sitting next to Tig putting pressure on his shoulder. "You're gonna have to take this slug out of me." Tig said looking at Gemma. "Yeah. Give me a minute I'll be right back." Gemma left the room. "Who's Rose?" Lindsey asked. "Gemma's dead mother." "Oh. You know you look sexy with a bullet in your shoulder." Lindsey said with a smirk on her face. "Wow doll I'm injured and you still want some." Tig said while laughing. "Like you said earlier I've missed you so damn much." "This is why I made you my old lady. I love you Lindsey." "I love you too Alex." Lindsey said giving Tig a gentle kiss on his lips.

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