Losing A Child

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A couple of weeks have past since Steve kidnapped Lindsey. Clay had been shot and Tig killed an innocent black woman who he found out was Damon Pope's daughter. Lindsey was out doing some wedding stuff. Tig was out doing stuff for the club. Lindsey was heading to her car when someone came up behind her and covered her mouth. Before darkness consumed her Lindsey thought to herself "oh no not again."

Tig was waiting for Lindsey in the TM parking lot when a black SUV rolled into the lot. Just then some Damon Pope's guys got of the car. "Oh shit." Tig said. "Turn around pretty boy." Said one of the guys. They cuffed Tig and put him in the car and drove him to an abaddon lumber yard. Tig gets out and sees Lindsey laying on the ground unconscious chained up. "What the hell did you assholes do? Lindsey? Baby wake up." Tig said as the chained Tig up a few feet away from Lindsey. Lindsey starts to slowly wake up. "Tig?" "Oh baby. Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" "I'm ok. Where are we. What's happening?" Lindsey asked getting up onto her feet. "I don't know baby. I dont know." Just then Damon's guy went to another car and opened the door. Out stepped Damon Pope. He walked over to Tig. "Oh god damn it." Tig said.  "Do you know who I am Mr. Trager?" Pope asked "Yeah." "And you know what happens now?" Tig shakes his head. "You kill me." "That be to easy." Pope nodded his head to one of his men and his man nodded back. They walk over to a pit and opened it up. Tig looks into it. "Dawny?" Tig said then looks over to Pope. "Dawny. Hey Dawn. Baby oh baby wake up. Ohhhh shit. No baby." Tig said as Pope's men drenched Tig's daughter Dawn in gasoline. "NO! NO! Hey baby. Oh baby. STOP! Oh baby." Tig yelled "Daddy?" Dawn said from the pit. "I'm so sorry baby." Tig said "AHHHHHH LET ME GO! AHHHHHHHH GOD DAMN IT! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" "Get me out of here." Dawn said Lindsey started to tear up seeing Tig like this. "Oh man. I'm sorry. Please. Please not her. Please kill me. Please I beg you please. Please." Tig said. "No!" Lindsey screamed. "Know my pain Mr. Trager." Pope said then threw his cigar in the pit and Dawn lit on fire. Dawn started screaming. "Ah baby ah no." Tig pulled on the chain trying to get to Dawn. "NOOOOOO!" Tig fell to his knees still screaming as he watched his daughter burn alive. Lindsey started to cry seeing her old man broken. A few minutes later Pope kneeled down next to Tig. "Mr. Trager you and some of your crew were ID for the murder of my daughter in the highway shooting. Detective Goodmen will take you to county. You should keep this vivid memory to yourself. I would hate to see the same thing happen to your other daughter or to your fiance over there." Pope said. Tig looked up to Pope. "I'm gonna cut your ugly black head off." Tig said. Just then one of Pope's men punched Tig in the face. Pope then hot in his car and drove away leaving Tig and Lindsey with two of his men. "You're dead man. You're all dead." Tig said. "You kidding me with this shit." Pope's man said and went to attack Tig but hit him first. Tig got his cuffs around the guys neck and killed him. "You alright." The other guy asked from the pit. Tig took the other man's gun and killed the other guy in the pit.

Tig then fell to his knees crying. And Lindsey sat on the ground crying wishing she could reach him and hold him in her arms. About an hour later the rest of the boys showed up and untied Lindsey and Tig. As soon as Lindsey was untied she ran straight to Tig's side and pulled him into her arms as he held onto her tight and continued to cry. "What happened brother?" Jax asked as he kneeled down next to Lindsey and Tig. Tig lifted his head up. "Pope. He killed Dawn. Burned her alive. Right in front of me. Made Lindsey watch." Tig said. "Tig I'm so sorry brother. We'll make him pay." Chibs said. "I gotta find Fawn. He threatened to do the same to her and Lindsey if I said anything. I gotta get her make sure she is safe." "We will brother we'll find her I promise." Jax said.

The next day the club found Tig's other daughter Fawn and he told her that her sister was dead. Fawn started crying and hitting Tig in the chest telling him she hates him. After they made sure Fawn was gone and safe they went back to the clubhouse. Tig went straight to his room. Lindsey gave the other boys a small smile and then followed Tig to his room. She walked in and saw him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. "Oh baby come here." Lindsey said as she walked over and sat on the bed next to Tig and pulling him into her arms. He then broke down crying in his arms. "Shhhh baby. I know baby I know. But I promise you we will make him pay for what he did." Lindsey said placing a kiss on top of his head. "I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't of dragged you into this. I'm a horrible person. I couldn't even protect my own daughter." Lindsey lifted Tig's head to make him look at her. "Hey don't say that. This isn't your fault. You did everything you could for your daughter's. And don't worry about me. I can handle myself and plus I got you and the clubs watching my back. Everything will be fine soon. You'll see." "How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?" Tig said. "I'm the lucky one." Lindsey said. Tig then leaned in and started to passionately kiss Lindsey. The kiss turned heated and one thing lead to another and Tig and Lindsey made love and fell asleep in each other's arms afterwards.

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