Straying Eyes

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A few days have past and the club is having a party. Tig and Lindsey are at the bar having a drink. Lindsey is watching Gemma play with the twins and smiles. Her smile falls when she sees Jax walk over to Gemma. Tig sees his wife's smile fall. "You need to have a talk with him doll. I have forgiven him you should too." Tig said. "Alex you could of died." "I know I could of but I didn't stop being so stubborn and talk to him. Hear him out." "I'm not ready to talk to him yet." Lindsey said. "Well ready or not it's happening right now." Lindsey looks up and sees Jax walking over to her. Tig gets up from his seat and nods to Jax as he leaves and walks over to the twins.

"Hey Lindsey." Jax said taking the seat Tig was just in. "Jax I really don't want...." "Please just let me talk." Lindsey sighs "Fine." "Thank you. I know you are still mad at me but I had my reasons for doing what I did. Damon was a threat and we had to kill him and the only way to do that was to use Tig as bait." "I get that Jax but something could of gone wrong and Alex could of been killed & I would be sitting here a widow." "I know but I had everything under control and he is still here. I am so sorry for putting you and Tig through that. Can you please forgive me." Jax said with pleading eyes. "I forgive you Jax. Just please don't ever use Tig as bait ever again." "I promise." Jax said as he pulled Lindsey into a hug.

"Hey Chucky we did this pen come from?" "Oh the person who dropped off the kegs must of left it." Jax looked at the the pen again and then shout it. "EVERYONE GET OUT NOW!" Jax grabbed Lindsey and started headed for the door. "Jax, Abel is in the back sleeping." Tara shouts. Jax runs to the back to grab Abel. Lindsey walks out the door as Chibs runs back in. "Chibs what are you doing?" Lindsey shouts after him. "I'm getting Jax and Abel now go love get way from the building now." Lindsey runs over to Gemma and Happy and takes Harley from Happy's arms. She then sees Chibs, and Jax carrying Abel running out of the clubhouse. Then there was an explosion. Happy covers Lindsey and Harley from the heat. They all watch as the clubhouse is destroyed.

A few days have past and the boys found a new clubhouse above an ice cream shop called Scoops and Sweets. Nero comes into the shop with his transsexual friend named Venus. "It's my son. My mother is using him for sex work and I need to get him out of there but I need your help please." "Ok we'll help you sweetheart." Jax said. "Oh thank you so much." The Boys headed to Venus's mom's place. "Oh look what the cat dragged in. What do you want Vincent?" "It's Venus and I'm here to take my son and get him away from you." Tig stood behind Venus and couldn't stop looking at Venus with lust in his eyes.

"He's not going anywhere with a freak of a father." Venus grabs a gun she was hiding and aimed it at her mother's head. "You won't shoot me you're to much of a coward." Venus cooked the gun. Tig steps up behind Venus and lowers her arm with the gun in it. "Come on doll she's not worth it." Tig whispered in her ear. "I knew you couldn't do it. You are just a worthless piece of shit." Venus raised the gun again and shot her mother in the head. Venus walks over to her son and picks him up. "She's right though I can't take care of him. I called my sister and she said she'll take him." "You are a wonderful mother Venus and an amazing women. I'll help you get your boy out of here." Tig said. "Thank you Tigger." Tig and Venus puts Venus's son on a bus and watch him leave. Venus looks on and Tig puts his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead.

Chibs noticed the way Tig was acting around Venus and he didn't like it. He waited outside for Tig to come back. Once Tig arrived Chibs walked over to him and shoved Tig. "What the hell?" "I saw the way you were looking at Venus." "I don't know what you're talking about." Tig said. "Yes you do brother and it better stop. You have a wife and kids not to mention your wife is my best friend and if you hurt her in any way I will kill you." Chibs said. "She will never find out unless you tell her and I wouldn't surprise me if you did brother." "What are you talking about?" "Oh don't give me that bullshit Chibs. I know you are in love with my wife. I see the way you look at her. I see the way you look at her when she is with me and you wish it was you with her instead of me." "So what if I am in love with her. I would never tell her about you possibly cheating on her even though I should. Because you see brother I knew sooner or later you would do this too her. You don't deserve her. You are a man whore and always will be. She deserves so much better then you." Chibs said. "Deserves someone like you? Well guess what Lindsey is my wife and she will never be yours." "Just stop what you are doing because if I see you doing it again I won't hesitate to tell my best friend that her husband is cheater."  Chibs said as he walks away heads towards the clubhouse.

Thank you all for being patient with me. I have been so busy with work because of everything that's been going on in the world. As you can see there is a plot twist. I've been thinking about this for a while and was scared about doing it but I finally decided to do it. I hope you all will stick around and see where this story goes. And again thank you for being patient and for showing this story so much love.


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