Welcome Home

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After driving for over a day Lindsey finally passed the signs she hasn't seen in six years welcoming her back home. Back to Charming.

She drove past all the stores in town and headed to the place she always called home Teller-Morrow. She pulled into the parking lot and saw a prospect looking at a car with a deer through the windshield. As she got out of the car she noticed that a Son had their back to her. She'd recognize that blond hair biker anywhere.

When Lindsey was 5 years old her parents died in a horrible car accident. Gemma and Lindsey's mom were best friends and since Lindsey had no other living relatives Gemma took Lindsey in and raised her as her own.

"Hey Jax." Lindsey said as she approached the biker. Jax turns around and has a look of shock on his face. "Holy shit Lindsey? Is that really you? What are you doing here?" Jax said as he walked towards her and pulls her in for a hug. "I'm moving back home. It was time. Plus I missed you guys." "Well we've missed you too. I'm so glad you're back. I've really missed my best friend."

As Jax pulls Lindsey into another hug Gemma walks out of the office. "Jax who are you talking to?" Jax stepped aside and reviled Lindsey. "Oh my god Lindsey? What are you doing here sweetheart?" "She's moving back home mom." "That's great sweetheart we have missed you. Plus you can help me keep these boys in line." Gemma said. "I've missed you too Mama Gemma. Have they been that bad since I've been gone?" Lindsey asked "You have no idea." Gemma said.

Just then they heard motorcycles enter the parking lot. Lindsey looks over and smiles. She has missed that sound. Clay notices Lindsey first. "Well look what the cat dragged in." He said as he walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. "Hey Clay" "Hey hun. You back for good?" "Yes I am." "Good we could use you around here." Lindsey then got hugs from Bobby, Piney, and Chibs. As Lindsey was hugging Chibs she heard another motorcycle come into the parking lot.

She looked over and saw the black curly haired, blue eyed biker she had a crush on since she was sixteen years old. She couldn't help the big smile that crossed her face and a single tear fell down her face. Tig looked over and saw Lindsey standing there next to Chibs. "No way Lindsey?" He yelled. Tig and Lindsey then ran towards each other. Once Lindsey was close enough she jumped into Tigs open arms. "What are you doing here doll?" Tig asked as he pulled her back enough to see her face. "I'm moving back home. And I'm not going anywhere every again." "I'm glad to hear that doll. I've missed you." "I've missed you more then you can every know Alex." Tig smiled at her using his real name and pulled her back into him for another hug and kissed the top of her head.

"Looks like their feelings for one another hasn't changed in six years." Jax whispered to Chibs. "No it has not. I just hope they finally tell each other how they feel about one another now that Lindsey is back home" Chibs said as they continued watching Tig and Lindsey embrace one another.


Well there it is chapter one of Forbidden Love. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I will try to update this story as much as I can. But for now thank you for reading chapter one and I hope you continue to read this story.


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