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It's been 8 months since Chibs proposed to Lindsey. Tig wasn't thrilled at first when they told the club but he finally came around 3 months ago. They also lost Tara 4 months ago. Filip & Lindsey were all done planning their wedding. Lindsey was sitting in one of the booths at Scoops talking with Venus. They had became friends 3 months ago. "I'm still so happy we were able to squash our beef & became friends Lindsey" Venus said. "Me too Venus. All that matters is that Filip makes me really happy & I can see Alex makes you really happy. And I've seen how you are with Harley & Levi you are a great stepmom to them and that's important to me. Thank you for getting Alex to finally come around to me moving on and help him realize I'm not mad at you two anymore." Lindsey said. "You're welcome sweetheart."

Lindsey looks over to the stairs that leads to the clubhouse upstairs & sees the boys walking down. She then sees Chibs and he walks over to her. "Ello my love." He leans over & kisses her. "Hi baby." "I'll leave you two alone." Venus said as she got up and left the table. Chibs sits down next to Lindsey. "I can't wait to make ye my wife next week." "Me too babe. Our wedding is gonna be beautiful but our wedding night is gonna be even more amazing." Lindsey said wriggling her eyebrows. Chibs laughs "You got that right. By time I get done with you, you won't be able to walk mo ghràdh." "Oh is that right?" Chibs nods is head and kisses Lindsey passionately. "Hey so I gotta go in for my last fitting so I'll see you later tonight." Lindsey said. "Ok love. Be careful I love you." "I love you too."

Lindsey just finished her last fitting for her dress. "Thank you again Jenny." "You're welcome Lindsey." Lindsey left the dress shop and headed home. As she was getting out of her car and walking up to the door someone put a cloth over her mouth & blackness consumed her. She woke up tied to a chair. "Oh you're finally awake." "Who are you & what the hell do you want with me?" "You see your old man & his club have pissed me off not giving us what we want lass." Lindsey looks up & see the leader of the Irish. "You see we are holding you hostage till they give us what we want. If they don't give us what we want well then we will start hurting you." The irishmen walked over & took off your engagement ring. "Hey give that back you irish prick." "Sorry lass but I need proof that we have you. I'm actually going to meet with your brother and old man right now. You better hope they give us what we want." Lindsey watched him walk away with tears in her eyes.

A small time skip

The Sons rode up to the desert to meet up with the Irish. "Ok guys what the hell are we doing here?" Jax asked. "Jackson we want a better deal for guns." "That's not gonna happen we gave you a great deal already. So we are done here." Jackson said turning around to walk away. "I wouldn't walk away if I were Jackson. Unless you want your VP's old lady & your sister to suffer." Chibs turned around "What the hell did you just say?" Chibs said rushing towards him but Tig held him back. "You heard me. I have you're old lady tied up somewhere and unless you want to have a wedding next week instead of a funeral you better give us what we want." "You're lying you don't have Lindsey. She's at the dress shop." Jax said. The Irishman digged into his pocket & pulled out Lindsey's engagement ring and showed it the the Sons. "You son of a bitch!" Chibs said trying to rush him again but this time Jax held him back. "Easy brother." Jax said holding Chibs back. "You know what we want you have 24 hours to agree our you'll be canceling the wedding and planning a funeral instead." The Irishmen said as he dropped the ring on the ground and walking to the cars and drove away.

Chibs walked over to were the Irish prick dropped Lindsey's engagement ring. He crouched down and picked up the ring he gave her and started crying. Jax walked over to Chibs & put his hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry brother we are going to get her back." "How?" "I have a tracker on their cars. We'll follow them kill them & get Lindsey back." Chibs nods his head and gets back on his bike.

Back at The Irish abandoned warehouse

Lindsey hears the door open and sees the Irishmen walk in. "We better hope your brother agrees to my deal otherwise your old man will be putting you in the ground instead of marrying you." He said walking over to Lindsey & crouching down infront of her. Lindsey spits in his face. "Oh you whore." He then stands up and punch you in the cheek. "Fuck you, you irish prick. You have no idea what my boys are capable of." He then punches Lindsey again and the chair falls backwards. He picks up the chair "Your brother has 24 hours otherwise I'll be back in here to kill you & send your dead bloody body back to your old man." He leaves and Lindsey starts crying again.

3 hours later

It was getting dark outside and the club were riding up to were they tracked down the Irish. "Alright boys let's get my sister back. Kill any Irish prick you see." Jax said and the club silently walked into the the warehouse. Meanwhile in one of the rooms Lindsey is struggling to stay awake. She then hears a gunshot come out from the main room. She smiles knowing her boys found her. Back out in the main room Chibs ducked behind a pile of creat boxes and was shooting at the Irish killing them. He then sees the leader run off to a back room and he follows him.

Lindsey sees the door opening and the leader of the Irish came running in and ran towards her and went behind her and put his gun to her haed. Lindsey then sees Chibs run into the room "Filip!" Lindsey screamed. "Lindsey!" He shouted back. "Don't come any closer or I put a bullet into your fiance head." Chibs stops but keeps his gun up. "Let her go!" "No." Jax and Tig then ran into the room as well and Chibs puts his hand out telling them to stop. "Give it up man. All of your guys are dead you aren't gonna get what you want just let my sister go." Jax said. "Then I don't have anything else left to lose but you on the other hand you do. Say goodbye to your sister & fiance boys." "I love you guys" Lindsey said closing her eyes. "NO!" Jax and Chibs yelled at the same time.  Lindsey then hears a gun shot but she's still alive. She opens He eyes and sees the Irish prick laying on the floor deaf with a bullet in his head. She looks up and sees Tig with his gun still raised.

Chibs looks at Tig then runs over to Lindsey and frees her from the chair. He lifts her up into a hug. Lindsey starts crying. "Shhh it's ok. I got you. They are all dead." Chibs lifts her head and looks at her face and sees burses on her face. "That fucking bastard if he wasn't dead already I'd kill him." Chibs then pulls Lindsey's face into his and kisses her. "I love you so much Filip." "I love you so much mo ghràdh." They kiss some more then start walking over to the others. Lindsey walks up to Tig and hugs him. "Thank you Alex." Lindsey said. "You're welcome doll. I still care about you. You are still my best friend and the mother of my children." Tig said. They pull away from the hug and Chibs walked up next to Lindsey "Aye brother thank you." Chibs said. "Of course brother. Listen Lindsey I know you are supposedto have the twins but let me keep them." Tig said. "You sure?" Lindsey asked. "Yeah I got them. They don't need to see their mom like this." "Thank you Tig." Lindsey said. Tig gave her a nod. "Ok love let's get you home & cleaned up." Chibs said taking Lindsey's hand in his and walking her to his bike. They got on his bike and drove home.

Another chapter completed. Thank you guys so much for your patience with the updates. Like I've said before I've been super busy at work and then I've also had writers block. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I will be giving you one more chapter this weekend and it's going to be Lindsey & Chibs wedding so I hope you are ready for that. Thank you again for all of the love and support on this story.


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