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Name: Shula Wu-San
Age: 9
Height: 5'
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 75lbs
Parents: Lady Shiva and Unknown
Siblings: Cassandra Cain
Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu,  boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.

Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, and classified.
October 31
Later that evening
Shula's pov
We walked back to the compound and saw my mother standing before us furious. I frown sadly as I knew what I had to do. "So you thought you could just disobey my direct orders. I told you that you were going to be training today." Mother hissed. I quickly dropped to my knees and lowered my head. "No amount of apologies can express my true sorrow. I am willing to accept any punishment." I said with a bowed head. "No Lady Shiva, it was my idea to go into the mountains. I should get punished, not Lady Shula." Damian said as he bowed to her. I could practically hear my Mother's excitement rising. "Perhaps we can punish you both at the same time." Mother grinned. I grimaced once I heard my mother's words. "Guards take them down the dungeon. Chain Shula to the wall and Damian to the ground." She hissed. I felt the guards yank me up and begin to drag me down the halls. I heard the familiar door open and the darkness consumed us. I felt a terror-filled tear drip down my face. The guards strung me up and chained Damian down. They left us in silence and darkness. "If Shiva thinks this is torment, then she is a foul." Damian hissed. "This isn't the punishment Damian. This is just the beginning." I sighed. Suddenly my mother walked into the room with a metal clanking. I heard her flip a switch revealing Damian sitting in front of me. My mother picked up a large metal weapon hammer and walked in front of Damian. Damian stared up and her with venom in his eyes. "Now you have seemed to have grown close to my daughter." Shiva hissed. "I can't take whatever you throw at me," Damian growled. This seemed to make my mother grow even taller. "Oh I know you can, but can she?" Mother whispered. When she suddenly spun around and whacked me in the ribs. I heard a loud snap when pain clouded my head. "Noo." Damian seemed to have shouted. I watched as my mother got closer to me. "Your sister would have never pulled something like this. I told Talia that you would be a disappointment." Shiva growled as she lifted the hammer again. The hammer came down on my ribs again and I screamed out in pain. Anger filled Lady Shiva's eyes. "You." She started as she dropped the weapon and grabbed my leg. "Are not supposed to scream." He shouted as she yanked my hip out of place. I bit my tongue to hold back my growing pleads. "I knew from the moment you were born that you were a waste of life. I pleaded with Talia and Ra to let me drown you in the river." Shiva hissed. "But it was Talia who stopped me." She growled. She grabbed the front of my face and pulled it forward. She then slammed it into the wall. "PLEASE STOP. SHE CAN'T TAKE THIS." Damian pleaded with tears running down his face. Mother glanced at him and proceeded to take out a small dagger. I let my eyes close as I prepared for pain. I held onto my lip as I held in a scream when she stabbed the dagger into my stomach. "That should teach you to be better and to be more like your superior sister." Shiva hissed as she left the room. The guards came back into the room and unlocked me from the wall. They let me fall to the ground in a painful fall onto my ribs. There was another loud snap as I hit the ground. I whimpered in pain when I felt someone gently touch me. I winched away in fear and started shaking. I felt the dagger cut deeper into me as laid on it. I felt someone gently roll me over to look at me.

Damian's pov

  I had tears in my eyes as I rolled over my Shula. She was breathing raspy as if she had lung cancer. "I am so sorry Shula." I cried out as I moved my hands to snap her hip back into place. I pushed it back in and she released a blood curdling scream. "I am sorry," I shouted as she released tears of pain. I took off my sash and readied to pull out the knife. She screamed in agony and began coughing up blood. "I am sorry, I am so so sorry." I apologized before I pulled. I went over and unscrewed the lightbulb. It was hot and nearly burned my hands. I quickly bent down and pulled out the dagger. Shula screamed in pain and I quickly placed the light bulb down into her stomach. She wreathed in pain as I cauterize the stab wound. Shula released a loud sigh and passed out. I took off my shirt and tried to help fix her ribs. Then I heard someone heavy coming down the stairs. I pulled Shula up to my chest and clutched her small frame. Suddenly the door was kicked off its hinges and exposed to the person. "KID." A stern, powerful voice shouted. "Dammit Brat what happened?" The voice of Slade Wilson hissed. "No please don't hurt her." I pleaded. "Listen, kid, I am not here to hurt her. I need to know what happened." Slade said as he pulled off his faceplate. I sniffed a couple of times as I tried to compose myself. "Shula wanted to do something nice for my birthday and Lady Shiva didn't like that she missed her training. So she punished her." I cried out. "Shh, it's okay kid. I am taking her to the medical wing." Slade said sternly as he moved to pick her up. "You can come as well. I don't want that bitch doing anything." He growled. He put Shula in his large arm and picked me up and slung me over onto his back. "Hold on." He commanded. I nodded my head and held on.

Slade's pov
I ran up the stairs to get Shula to the medical wing as she was badly injured. I arrived at the medical wing shortly after and stormed in. "I need medical attention immediately!" I shouted. Two nursed scrambled over to me. "What is the matter, Master Wilson?" They asked. I lowered Shula down onto the medical bed and they gasped. "Oh my goodness." They gasped out. "We need to act quickly. She has lost too much blood. She will need a blood transfusion." The nurse said. "Here transfers some of my blood into her system." I offered. "But Master Wilson-" she started. "I said do it!" I yelled. She nodded her head and quickly grabbed the equipment. I sat down in a chair next to Shula and rolled up my sleeve. The nurse jammed the needle into my arm and connected it into Shula's arm. The blood started to move down the tube and into Shula's arm. I watch her face intently as it relaxed into a calm face. I watched for a few minutes as Shula's breaths became stronger by the second. "How?" The nurse asked. "My blood is full of the serum that the army gave me years ago," I stated flatly. "So you gave her your blood so she could heal like you?" Damian asked me with red eyes. "Yes, Damian. It may not be to the same degree as my own healing, but I will give her healing abilities." I answered. "So Shula will be alright," Damian said with a little bit more confidence. I looked over at her and saw her face back to its normal olive color and her breaths were stronger than ever. "Yes, Shula will be alright," I confirmed.

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