Kitsune and the Talon

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Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Parents: Lady Shiva and Unknown
Siblings: Cassandra Cain and Samuel Cain

Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu, boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, Combato, Shippalgi, Kumbo, Aikido, Eskrima, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo, kendo, Capoeria, Line, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified

Shula's pov

"Come on Sam the jet is just this way," I said as I lead the way to the jet. "Hold up, I am coming," Sam shouted back. I clicked the remote and the jet opened up. I climbed in and started up the engine. Sam jumped in with his bag and climbed into the passenger seat. I closed the doors and made the jet hover out of the forest. After we got out of the forest I thrust the engines into full power. I placed on my headset and radioed the rebuilt Nada Perdita.

Slade's pov

I felt anxiety as I paced through the room, waiting for Shula to radio us. "Wilson will you stop pacing. You are going to break through the floor." Talia shaped. "No, okay Shula could be dead. God her own brother could have killed her." I rambled. Nyssa smirked at me. "You love her don't you?" Nyssa beamed. "Yes, alright. Shula is like my daughter. I have raised her, trained her for years. It is impossible not to care for her after being with her for nearly ten years." I added. "Kitsune to shadows." Shula's voice rang out from the communication unit. I rushed over to the communicator. "Kitsune." I sighed out. "Hello Wilson, I have completed the mission." She proclaimed. "Did you get Samuel to come willingly?" I questioned. "Yup." She said popping the p. "We are due to arrive in three hours," Shula announced. Suddenly there was a loud boom. "Ughhh WHAT THE HELL." Someone who I presumed was Samuel shouted. "What happened. Someone is firing at us." Shula announced. I looked at Talia panicked. "Who is it?" I inquired desperately. "Not the Dai Khan," Shula said as I heard her evade fire. "FUC." I heard Samuel start as communication cut off. "Kitsune! Kid!" I shouted.

Shula's pov

"Sam get ready for impact!" I shouted as our jet fell towards the ground below. I ducked my head as the jet slammed into the earth and skidded along. "Get out of the jet. It's going to blow." I bellowed as I smashed the glass. I went to climb out when I saw Sam knocked out. I released a low growl and rushed over to him. I grabbed his bag and his arms. I then proceeded to drag him out of the jet and towards cover. The jet exploded when suddenly a man in a blue suit launched at me. I quickly dropped Sam and his bag to the ground and blocked the boy's attack. The boy's eyes seemed to glow, bright yellow beneath his green filmed googles. The boy swipe at me with extreme strength and speed.
I countered his attacks and soon overpowered the boy quickly. "Who sent you," I growled as I held a Sai to his throat. The boy shivered and whimpered in fear. I turned to a tree and slammed him into it. "I said WHO SENT YOU!" I boomed. "Sportsmaster." The boy whimpered out. "WHY DID HE SENT YOU! WHAT DO YOU KNOW!" I shrilled. "I don't know, he just told me too." He whimpered. "Do you know anything?" I growled. "Only his next target. He said he already took care of the other target." The boy exclaimed. "Who is his next target?" I hissed venomously. "Artemis Crock and Lian Harper." The boy answered. "Who did he take out first?" I interrogated. "Jade Crock." He said hoarsely. My eyes widened and fear overcame my features. I held the boy to the tree by his thin black shirt. The boy wore green filed googles and had golden-crusted armor with intricate artistry. I reached to take off his cowl when he yelped. "Please don't." He pleaded. I couldn't help, but feel bad for the younger. I followed the boy's request and pulled away. "Why are you following Sportsmaster's orders?" I prodded. "Sportsmaster is my master." The boy stammered. I raised a brow at the boy, but of course, he couldn't see my face due to my mask. "What do you mean he is your master?" I pushed. "My old master sold me to Master Sportsmaster." The boy said in a matter a fact tone. At this point, Sam had gotten up and walked over to us. "Kitsune this is the kid that shot us down?" He asks in a shocked doubt. "I'm sorry." The boy mumbled. "Listen where is your jet?" Sam questioned with his Samurai helmet on. "No, I cannot return to my master with you alive." The boy exclaimed. "Hun you are not going back to Sportsmaster," I stated in a softer tone. "Then where am I going?" He questioned. "Kitsune he can't come. What would the High Council say." Sam proclaimed. "There is no more High Council." I retorted. "The kid is coming with us period," I concluded finally. Sam nodded his head and grabbed his bag. "Listen what's your name?" I questioned. "Talon." The boy answered. "Alright well I know that's not your real name," I stated. The kid looked down at his feet. "If I tell you master will be mad and punish me." He mumbled. "Well Talon, you don't have a master anymore, instead you have teachers." I nodded. "So do you think you could tell me your name?" I added. The boy looked down at his feet sadly. "I don't have a name." He mumbled. I felt a stab of pity fill me as I turned to the kid. "That's alright, Talon would you like to not have a master, but a family?" I questioned. The boy looked at me shocked and almost happily. "I can get you to them, but you will need to be honest to them about everything you have been through." I addressed as I held his small hands. The boy nodded his head desperately as if I was a lifeline. "Come on, I will take you to them," I whispered. "Samurai start-up Talon's jet and radio the others telling them we are okay," I ordered. Sam nodded his head and walked towards the nearby aircraft. I looked at the boy's eyes I lifted my hands towards his cowl. The boy tilted his head at me.  I grabbed the cowl and took it off of the boy's head. Revealing a head full of dirty blonde hair. I smiled at this as he would fit in perfectly with the people who I had in mind to take care of the boy. "Come on let's get onto the jet." I beamed. "How did you manage to shoot us down?" I puzzled. "Autofire," Talon replied. I nodded my head in acknowledgment and loaded us both into the smaller jet. I closed the doors and sat down in the seat. "The others know of our whereabouts and what we are doing. But I have to ask, what exactly are we doing?" Sam asks. "We are heading to Star City."

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