Auntie Shula

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Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Title: Queen of Shadows,
Location: Eth Alth'eban palace in Agrabah
Agrabah capital is Firdose
Affiliations: Kashmir or formally known as The League of Assassins
Parents: Lady Shiva, Slade Wilson, and Lawrence Crock
Siblings: Cassandra Cain, Samuel Cain, Jade Crock, Artemis Crock, Grant Wilson, Joseph Wilson, and Rose Wilson
Training: Master in all forms of martial arts, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, the master is aviation, computer hacking, throwing, escapology, archery, medical sciences, firearms, swordsmanship, stealth, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified

Shula's pov

I rescued my niece, Lian Harper. "Your name is Lian Harper?" I questioned. Lian looked at me with shock. "It's okay Lian, I am a friend," I said softly. Lian loosened at my words but still seemed tense. "Here let's bandage you. So I don't return you hurt." I spoke. Lian nodded her head and waddled over to me. Gale walked up to me and let me grab my saddlebag. Inside the bag was anti-bacterial, bandaged, and other medical equipment. "Alright, this might sting a little bit, honey," I confessed. "Alright." Lian sighed. I gently took her arm and held it up to me. I applied the antibacterial carefully and then bandaged the arm. Lian looked into my black eyes like I was some curious animal. "Why do you wear a mask?" Lian suddenly asked. I froze at this inquiry. "Well, I wear a mask because I have people who need me to protect them," I confessed. "Oh so you are a good guy?" Lian questioned. I let my eyes meet hers as she stared at me. I sighed loudly and looked at her. "I am what my people need me to be," I answered. "But what if it's not what you want to be?" Lian pushed. I stared at her again. "Lian when a leader's people need her to be something. She must always listen to them." I explained. Lian nodded her head in agreement. "Well, I think you look very pretty even without your mask. You look like Mulan." Lian chirped happily. I released a wide smile. "Oh really," I replied with a raised brow. "Yeah all you need now is a horse and you are princess Mulan." Lian beamed. "Who is your favorite princess?" I asked. "Mulan," Lian answered without hesitation. I smiled softly at her response. She yawned as her eyes drooped shut. "Are you tired, princess?" I questioned. Lian nodded her head. I picked her up and laid her next to Gale. Gale wrapped her head around Lian tenderly. I smiled at the sight and sat down somewhat close to her. Then a half-functioning Lian climbed up on top of me. I tensed at this and felt my eyes go bugged-eyed. I quickly forced myself to relax. "Thank you for saving me, Kit," Lian mumbled. I felt a ping of happiness as she nuzzled into my chest as she fell asleep. "I will always save you my little mei." I cooed. (Mei means niece)  I wrapped my arms protectively around my niece and snuggled my head above hers.

Time skip 3:00 am Third person pov
Young justice

"We need to find my daughter," Will shouted angrily. "Will we have more pressing things to attended to." Green Arrow snapped. Tigress and Will looked shocked at the elder. "You are saying the life of my kid isn't worth your time?" Will challenged. "Will it isn't my time for it's the lives of metahumans that we are currently worried about." Green Arrow explained. Will looked horrified at the heroes in front of him. That was when his phone rang out with a text. Will pulled out his phone and saw that it was Jade, Jade Nguyen his ex-wife. Will stepped away and texted her back. Within seconds of his text, Artemis received a text from her sister as well. Tigress looked up at Will in shocked. Determination filled Will's eyes and he nodded at Tigress. He whipped around and stomped towards the zeta tubes. "What just happened?" Garf asked confused. "I better go check on him." Artemis sighed as she took off her mask. Soon she joined her now-husband at their house in civics. "Why does Jade want to talk!?" Will shouted. "She probably has Lian." Artemis jumped. Anger took over Will's features as he called Jade and placed her on speaker. "Hello Will." Jade drawled. "Where is Lian?" Will growled. "Easy Will, I don't have her. But a friend of mine does. She just recovered Lian from a meta-human lab out of Greenland. We didn't even know Lian was there until...well she found her." Jade explained. Relief came over Will and Artemis's features. "Although now you guys face a problem," Jade confessed. "Lian tested possible for metahuman genetics and now," Jade added when Artemis cut her off. "The Light will do whatever it takes to get her," Artemis concluded. "Yes," Jade mumbled. Will looked like a wild animal at Artemis. "Is there anything we can do? We have seen how much the heroes care for Lian." Will chastised as he looked at his wife. She nodded her head, agreeing to a silent pack. "Well..." Jade trailed. "Please Jade, if the league can make us disappear. Then we will join it." Artemis pleaded. Silence overcame the line until Jade cleared her throat. "I have someone who would be willing to meet with you at a rented-out dinner. I will send you the address and the name of the person." Jade sighed. Relief overcame the couple's features. "Thank you, Jade, you don't know how much this means to us," Will confessed. "Well, then you might want to look in Lian's bedroom now," Jade concluded as she hung up. The couple looked shocked up at each other and threw themselves up the stairs. They nearly flung the door off its hinges when they saw their daughter fast asleep in an alpaca and polar bear fur blanket. Tears of joy swept down Artemis's face, but not before she saw something. Sitting on the lamp pole across the street was the silhouette as a crouched figure. The figure was nearly as black as the night itself, but its fox-like helmet shined in the night.

Artemis's pov

I walked into the dinner that Jade sent me to. It was in a run-down part of star city and seemed to be the 80s themed burger place. The dinner seemed to have little to no people, but a girl in cameo and a black hat stood out to me. The brim of the hat shadowed her face, but I could make out her heart-shaped face. "Hey, are you Shula Wilson?" I questioned as I approached the figure. The girl's black onyx eyes immediately shot up at me and a smirk graced her lips. "That's me." She said calmly.

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