Rescued by a Legend

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Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 16
Height: 5'4
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Parents: Lady Shiva and Unknown
Siblings: Cassandra Cain

Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu, boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, Combato, Shippalgi, Kumbo, Aikido, Eskrima, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo, kendo, Capoeria, Line, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified.

Shula's pov

I looked at Cheshire and nodded my head. Our animal masks hide our faces from view. "The cams and coms have been shut down." Deathstroke said into our earpieces. I slowly opened up the vent and climbed out. Cheshire followed me out and looked down at her halo glove. "It looks like they separated them. I will get Red Robin." Cheshire nodded. "Then I will collect the bird." I hissed. I programmed my halo glove to Robin's cell. I stayed close to the wall as I ran silently down the hall. Soon I arrived at the last corridor. I peered around the corner and saw six guards. The door at the end of the hallway had a square window. I took out six smoke and rolled down the hall. Smoke gushed into the hallway causing the guard to cough. I pulled out my swords and attached the guards. Soon the guards' scream filled the hall as I quickly overtook them. I flung my sword through the window and into the energy panel. I ran at the window I flipped through the small square. The guards screamed in terror at the sight of me. I grabbed their heads and smashed them together. I pulled out a bomb. I placed the bomb on the gas pipe within the medical cell. I heard a low moan. I looked towards the table and saw Damian laying in his suit. I walked over and grabbed my sword out of the panel and sheathed it. I pulled out my Sai's and walked towards the medical table. I saw Damian winced as I touched his wrist. I felt pain hit me as I saw Damian's fear. I used my Sai to pick the locks. The lock unlocked and I continued to the others. I gently slipped my hands underneath his hot body. He groaned out in pain, I ignored his cries. I created a harness out of the rope in my belt. I strapped him to my back. I tied his legs around my waist and kicked down the door. I charged down the hall. I felt Damian's head fall onto my shoulder. I lightly smiled and continued to run. I heard a whizz as a bullet passed my left ear. I pulled out my fans. I began blocking the bullets with my war fans. I pulled out my throwing knives and threw them in the direction the bullets came from. I heard five bodies thud to the ground. I pulled out another bomb and dropped it. Then my com went off. "Kitsune I have Red Robin. Deathstroke has set the bomb to go off in ten minutes." Cheshire said. "Got it." I replied. I felt Damian's head move as he tried to look at me. I ran down the halls and began throwing more bombs. I found the door to the stairs. I opened the door and climbed over the rail. I began climbing up the rails. I quickly reached the roof hatch at the top. I jumped to the hatch and grabbed onto the small cracks. I unlocked the hatch and pulled myself up. I threw down another bomb and ran towards the end of the roof. I jumped down and landed perfectly. I continued to run where the jet was ready and hovering. I arrived at the cliff and opened my fans. Signally for Slade to launch the grapple hook. The grappling hook dug into the cliffside. I jumped down and held onto the wire with my gloved hands. I landed into the jet and untied Damian from my back. "Where is Cheshire?" I asked concerned. "She hasn't reported back in." Deathstroke said firmly. I looked towards the cliff and sat Damian down in a seat. "Help him, I am go-" I began when the com interrupted me. "I need help. We are cornered." Cheshire said into her com. My eyes widened and I looked up at the cliff. Slade gave me a side look. "Kitsune DONT." Slade shouted as I ran at the line. He tried to grab me as I flipped myself onto the cord and began running down the thin wire. "I am on my way, hold on." I proclaimed. I jumped up onto the cliff and ran back to the Cadmus facility. I raced through the trees and quickly arrived back at the Cadmus faculty. I ran up the side of the building and launched myself to the roof. My hands grabbed onto the side and I was able to swing my feet up. I unsheathed my hooked swords and charged at the unknowing agents. I quickly grabbed an agent's neck and launched them off the roof. The agents quickly looked at me in horror. I sheathed my swords and brought out my fans. "Kitsune please have mercy." An agent mumbled. "I see you know me." I said as I closed my fan and walked towards him. "Then here is your mercy." I hissed. I quickly opened my fan and slit his neck. I immediately jumped into fighting the agents. I threw my fans into the air and jumped up. I grabbed my fans with my feet and sliced the necks of two agents who had launched themselves at me. I began to fight with the agents. Then I saw an agent trying to shoot Red Robin. I quickly drove in front of him. I felt the bullet enter my right shoulder. I grunted in pain and continued to attack. "Go to the jet." I shouted. "But what ab-" Cheshire started. "GO." I shouted. I watched as Red Robin and Cheshire took off towards the jet. I used my fans to block the bullets. I sheathed my fans and pulled out my hooked swords. I grabbed the arm of an agent and twisted it effectively breaking the arm.I swung the man over the roof. I heard the roar of a motorcycle through the think under grove of forest. I immediately throw a bomb down onto the roof. I jumped down next to the guy with the motorcycle. I quickly stabbed my Sword into his neck and swung him at the building. I jumped onto the motorcycle and began riding down. "Deathstroke, I need you to fly to the ocean in the jet with the skylight open." I commanded. "Very well." Slade replied. I zoomed down the cliffside as I dropped bombs. Suddenly the first bomb went off which was followed by the incoming of a jet. I waited a few moments until I launched myself over the cliff with my legs trusted forward. I saw as the jet neared my free fall. I watched as the window began to close and twisted myself to fit. I landed in the jet with a thud. There was a moment of silence until Cheshire spoke up. "And they say I am the dramatic one." She said with a hint of a possible smirk. I smirked at her as the island erupted into a mass explosion. "I am drama." I smirked.

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