The Samurai and the Fox

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Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Parents: Lady Shiva and Unknown
Siblings: Cassandra Cain

Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu,  boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, Combato, Shippalgi, Kumbo, Aikido, Eskrima, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo, kendo, Capoeria, Line, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified

Shula's pov

I pushed open the doors of the High council room and showed off my uniform. "So what exactly is your plan?" Talia questioned. "Three years ago, the league lost one of its greatest assassins and members. As of now, the league is in shambles. What we need is reliable High Council members and I believe that Samurai can be a reliable member." I stated. I saw Talia raised a brow. "Samurai betrayed us." She growled. "After Lady Shiva sliced his face open." I fired back. Talia silenced herself after my remark. "I believe he can be truly helpful," I added calmly. "Make sure your own personal gain doesn't get in the way of the league." Talia snapped. "Talia be friendly. You did the same thing for me." Nyssa remarked. Talia sighed loudly. "Do you know where Samurai has hidden himself?" Talia inquired. "Yes, and I would like to go alone," I announced. "WHAT!" Everyone said. "No no kid that is a death sentence. The last time you faced him, you were on your death bed for hours and we even lost you a few times." Chichi reasoned. "You faced Samurai before this?" Nyssa asked concerned. "Yes, but I was unprepared and he had the advantage. This I will have the high ground." I voiced. "Very well, just be careful." Talia nodded. I nodded my head and walked out of the High Council room with Chichi following close behind me. "Are you sure you want to append Samurai by yourself?" Chichi questioned. I took off my mask and stared into his icy blue orbs. "Samurai is my responsibility and I alone should handle him." I articulated. "If you are sure. I love ya kid." Chichi expressed. "I love you to Chichi." I chorused. I placed back on my mask and nodded at my father figure. "See ya soon," I promised.

Time skip

I landed my jet not too far from Samurai's current location. I crept into the old abandon warehouse. I turned on my night vision to see through the darkness. I looked up and then saw Samurai on the roof. I silently crept up the latter and stalked up onto the roof. I pulled off my mask and placed the magnetic clip onto my electromagnetic sheath. I then began to walk closer to Samurai not caring if I informed him of my presence. "Enough of the mask. We are done hiding." I shouted. Suddenly Samurai dropped a flaming torch into the warehouse. "If you were done hiding then you would put on a meta-human collar." He drawled. I nodded my head and pulled out a collar. I placed it on my neck and stood proud in front of him. I could nearly sense Samurai's smirk grow. The flames below us began to grow as the inferno blazed. Samurai pulled off his samurai mask. Now I watched as his familiar Atlantic blue eyes shined upon me, however, there was a ring of acid green around them. His raven hair waving in the wind and a long scar cut across the right side of his face. "Well isn't little baby Shula all grown up?" He drawled. "Lady Shiva is dead. She died in my arm two nights ago." I shouted over the wind. Samurai stared at me in silence until he broke it. "Do you think that changes anything?" He scowled. I hesitantly took a step towards him. "Samuel," I said causing him to take a step back. "You and I both know that you have good in you," I added. "The person you knew is gone." Samuel snarled. "No, I refuse to believe that," I affirmed. Suddenly a smirk appeared on Samuel's face. "You were always the stupidly naïve one." He drawled. "Samuel I remember when you would comfort me as a child. When our mother would train me. You were the only source of light within that dark time." I reasoned. Samuel then pulled his katana and held it in front of me. "I am not going to fight you, big brother," I said calmly. "Then you will die." He growled.

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