The Cover up

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Name: Shula
Age: 9
Height: 4'9
Weight: 79
Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu,  boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, and parkour
Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, advanced speed, strength, agility, intelligence, and reflexes.

Shula's pov

"Shula, you and Damian will be doing a mission to eliminate ex league members." Lady Talia said sternly. "We won't let you down mother." Damian said calmly. I nodded my head and stood up out of my bow. Damian and I turned to leave, but before we could Lady Taila stopped us. "Your transportation will be waiting for you in the courtyard." She announced. "Thank you, Lady Talia." I nodded. We turned around and walked towards the courtyard. In the Court, years stood two thoroughbred horses. I looked at Damian, who nodded his head in reply. I placed my foot into the stirrup and swung my leg over the saddle. The horse moved back as I settled myself. Damian climbed onto his horse and readied himself. He nodded his head to me as my cue. "HYA." I shouted as pinched the horse's belly. The horse reared in response and then took off running to my command. The guards opened the gates for us as we charged forward. Damian and I rode in silence as we tracked our targets. The sun soared through the afternoon sky as we neared the assassins. We pulled on the reins to our horses and made them walk. "Shula I must ask, what do you think of our parents sending us to go collect the trash?" Damian sneered. I glanced at Damian and then back to our trail. "No matter the mission we must complete it masterfully." I said flatly. "Hmm, I think it is pathetic that we aren't trusted with anything besides garbage removal." Damian growled. He began to rant again as I scanned our surroundings. Then I noticed a makeshift camp. "We are here." I said flatly as I hopped off the horse. I pulled it to a tree and tied the reins. Damian shut up and tied his reins to a tree as well. I walked over to the place where a fire once was and felt the ashes in the pit. Some of the ashes were still hot. "They are close." I stated. "How do you know that?" Damian snapped. "The ashes." I professed flatly. "The ashes what?" He snapped again. "They are hot." I added. Damian silenced himself. As I studied the area I noticed a white light up on a hill. I squinted at it until I realized what it was and where it was pointing. "DAMIAN GET DOWN!" I shouted. As I lunged towards him. I pushed him down and get a piercing pain in my right shoulder. We hit the ground and tumbled. "What the hell was that for?!" Damian growled. I rolled my eyes and ran towards the sniper. I unsheathed my swords and ran up the hill. Soon I caught up to the assassin and snuck up in front of the incline. I reached my hooked sword up and snatched the rifle from him. I sheathed swords and held the rifle to his head. I fired the rifle and the assassin fell dead. I felt the vibration in the ground of the other assassin creeping up behind me. I flipped the rifle and swung it around. I hit the other assassin in the head knocking him out. I threw the hun in the air and caught it with the barrel facing his head. I fired the rifle into his head causing his blood to splatter. I looked flatly at Damian. "Impressive." He said flatly. I nodded my head and placed the rifle over my shoulder. I flinched in pain as the fabric touched my shoulder. Damian rushed forward to check on me. "I am fine." I snapped defensively. He threw his hands up in the air and back off. I walked towards our horses and climbed on. Damian came back with heads in his hands. I pulled a bag and held it open. He shoved the heads into the bag and went to his horse. "Mother is going to kill me." Damian sighed. "And why is that?" I questioned. "I didn't kill a single assassin." Damian mumbled. I nodded my head and threw him the bag. He glanced at me, but I looked away. I nudged my horse to get him to run and we took off. All the while my shoulder hurt. Soon we arrived at Nada Pardat and dismounted our horses. Damian and I walked towards the throne room where Lady Talia was bound to be. We approached the throne where Lady Talia stood with my mother. We quickly bowed to them on our knees. "Mission report." Mother hissed. "Lord Damian and I apprehend the ex-members with ease. I took on an assassin as he took on the other. However, during my attack, I was shot in the shoulder." I said emotionless causing Damian to look at me with shock. "So Lord Damian succeeded the mission, while you failed?" Mother growled. "That is correct." I confirmed emotionless. "You will be punished for your failure while Damian is celebrated." Lady Talia growled. "Yes, your greatness." I said defeatedly. "Lady Sheva I expect you to punish your daughter." Lady Talia hissed. My mother nodded her head.

Time skip

I was in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. My mother dragged me by my injured shoulder. The shadows opened the pit doors and threw me in. The pit was a five-foot by five feet hole in the ground surrounded by black metal on all sides. I landed defeatedly on the ground below and rolled over to pick myself up. "Don't let her sleep. If she begins to fall asleep get her awake." Mother hissed. I picked myself up and began to clean my shoulder wound. I pushed the bullet out of my shoulder. I ripped off a strip of my shirt and wrapped it around my shoulder. I then sat down and prepared for a long white.

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