A Fox's Vacation

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Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Title: Queen of Shadows,
Location: Eth Alth'eban palace in Agrabah
Agrabah capital is Firdose
Affiliations: Kashmir or formally known as The League of Assassins
Parents: Lady Shiva, Slade Wilson, and Lawrence Crock
Siblings: Cassandra Cain, Samuel Cain, Jade Crock, Artemis Crock, Grant Wilson, Joseph Wilson, and Rose Wilson
Training: Master in all forms of martial arts, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, the master is aviation, computer hacking, throwing, escapology, archery, medical sciences, firearms, swordsmanship, stealth, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified

Shula's pov

"Shula I know these past few months you have been constantly busy, but shouldn't you allow one of us to come with you. I mean the Seven Deadly Sins would love to accompany you." Samuel ranted as I packed Gale's saddle. "Sam I know my friends would like to come with me, but I need some alone time. Besides, it's not like I am doing anything exciting. All I am doing is going to check out the Metahuman lab that Lex wanted a League of Shadows representative to see. Besides he doesn't know that I am the Queen." I shrugged off. "Yeah, and I made her new armor." Ravi excused causing Sam to glare at him angrily. I smirked and rolled my eyes at the interaction. "Plus I will have Gale." I reasoned referring to my now black dragon. I looked around the old palace. The courtyard had towering levels around it and an ever-growing city around it. "Shula are you sure about this?" Sam questioned. "Sam I need to get out of Firdose for a bit. I am proud that I was able to deliver on my promises to the people, but I need a break." I proclaimed as I hopped onto Gale's back. "We will be back in a week or so," I stated as readied myself for take-off. "Alright be safe Shula," Sam ordered. "Yes sam, Oh and I know about you and Jade." I gleaned. Sam paled at me. "Are you okay with it?" Sam asked. "Hey if it makes you and Jade happy, I support it." I shrugged. I nudged Gale in the side and she roared in excitement. We launched into the air and flew away from the palace. We began to fly over the large city. I looked over and saw people in the streets buying food and children playing together. Children from the Dai Khan and League playing happily as if all they had ever known was peace. I smiled at this and felt for my mask on my electromagnetic clip. I found the mask and slipped it onto my face. I then lowered myself closer to Gale's head. "Alright, you know where we are going." I proclaimed. Gale roared and spat out a fireball. The fireball suddenly turned into a portal and we zoomed into it. The portal around us swirled until Gale dived out of the portal. The landscape around us changed into an icy land. Mountains were peaking through the clouds and the northern lights danced through the sky. Wolves ran through the meadow below as they chased a herd of elk. I steered and landed Gale towards the mountains where most likely a cave would be. "Thank goodness I brought the Alpaca and elk hind blanket," I muttered. Gale shook her body causing the scales to shimmer to the color white. She then rolled around the snow. I quickly found the cave and whistled for Gale. She bounced happily towards me and walked into the icy cave. I knew we were twenty miles away from the lab site, which was just space enough for me. "Gale rests up we don't know what tomorrow will hold," I told her. Gale plopped down and rolled onto her belly. I crawled on top of her and snuggled into her stomach. Gale wrapped her wings around me and we fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up in Gale's warm arms and wiggled out of them. The cold wind blew loudly as the snow raged outside. "Alright, Gale I am off to the meta lab." I told her. Gale looked at me and then rolled back over. I smiled at her actions and trudged out into the blizzard. I walked towards the location of the lab and began to run towards it. Soon I made it to the hidden entrance. I pressed the button that allowed entrance and was immediately buzzed in. A large door lifted from the snow-covered ground and revealed the white hallways. Then a bald man walked up to me. "Hello I am Lex Luther, welcome to the meta lab." Lex introduced. "And your name is?" He questioned. I gave him a hard glare through my mask, but I answered his question. "I am called Kitsune." I growled. Fear overcame his features, but he quickly tried to cover them. "I have heard of you. You are practically a legend in the underworld. Although I must admit, I thought you were a myth." Luther confessed. "That is the point." I growled. "Yes, well if you follow me. I will show you the meta labs." Luther expressed. I nodded my head and we began to walk down the white halls. Soon we were deep underground and I show workers in hazmat suits carrying a bag to a room. "Where are they going?" I hissed. "Oh, they are disposing of failed experiments." Luther waved off. I stopped the door from shutting and I suddenly felt the need to throw up. Stacked to the ceiling where the carcasses of children. They have been torn apart and bloodied. Some of the children looked to be younger than eight. Their faces held expressions of pain and fear as they laid lifelessly on the shelves. "The price of science." Luther said with a faked expression of sadness. I said nothing but felt a wave of deep anger. "We have one last test subject and we are all very hopeful." Luther added as he leads me down a hall. We walked into a laboratory room and waited for the experiment to commence. I watched as a scientist with a medical mask walked in with two other scientists. They pushed open a certain revealing a small trembling girl. The girl had auburn hair and large doe-like brown eyes. "Please." The seemingly five-year-old girl begged. I felt anger storm within me. "Please, I don't want to die." She cried out as they brought the needle closer to her. I acted quickly and unsheathed my sai and held it to Luther's neck. No one moved a muscle as I held it to him. "Get away from her." I growled demonically. "No, commence the experiment." Luther commanded. My body went on autopilot as I flung my Sai into the head scientist's head causing him to fall to the ground. I quickly snapped Luther's head and rushed towards the two other scientists. I bashed their heads together and threw my throwing stars at the four cameras in the four corners of the room. The child was in a hysteric fit of frightful tears. I turned towards the girl and knelt before her. At the sight of my mask, she screamed trying to get away from me. I lifted my hands to my mask and unclipped it from its magnetic clip. I set the mask down as I revealed my face to the young girl. Her tears immediately slowed as she took in my face. "It's okay honey, I am not here to hurt you." I said in a calm and soothing voice. The girl took in a shaky breath but nodded her head in agreement. I stood up to her and broke off her restraints, but she refused to stand up. "Do you need me to carry you?" I questioned softly. She sucked in a shaky breath and looked up at me. "Please." She pleaded. I gave her a soft smile and nodded my head. I stepped towards her and wrapped my arm around her. The girl wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her head into my neck. "I am going to put my mask back on now, okay." I announced. I felt as she nodded her head. I bent down and placed my mask back on. I walked over to the scientist and pulled out the Sai. I produced to kick the door wide open and dash down the white hallways. The security alarms were blaring as we made a break for it, but I refused to slow down. I made it to the large door and I quickly opened it. I slithered out quickly before the guards could stop me. I ran down the mountainside as I held the girl protectively. I quickly made it to the cave and I slide inside. I pulled off my mask and set the girl down. Gale look curiously at the child who had yet to discover the dragon. "Listen honey I have someone I want you to meet. She is very friendly, but she is very big." I explained. The little girl turned towards the now black dragon. Gale crouched down at the girl and sniffed her. She shrunk back but stepped forward. Gale gave the girl a toothless grin. This caused the girl to laugh out in joy and rush forward to hug Gale. Gale curved her neck around the girl's small frame and purred loudly. "Oh, you are warm." The girl beamed. I suddenly became concerned for her. "Are you cold honey?" I inquired. "Kinda." She admitted. I grabbed the alpaca and elk hind blanket and draped it around her thin body. "Thank you. You are much nicer than those people." The girl proclaimed as she sat down next to Gale. I smiled at the girl and sat down across from her with the fire between us. "If I had known what they were doing. I would have stopped them much sooner." I confessed. "That's what my mommy does. She stops the bad guys." The girl smiled. "Really?" I asked now interested. "Yeah, people call her Tigress." The girl answered. My eyes widened as I realized who this little, brave girl was.

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