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Warning the next chapters can be triggering.

Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Title: Queen of Shadows,
Location: Eth Alth'eban
Affiliations: Safinat Dakhma, Leviathan, The League of Assassins, Society of Shadows, and The League.
Parents: Lady Shiva and Unknown
Siblings: Cassandra Cain and Samuel Cain

Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu,  boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, Combato, Shippalgi, Kumbo, Aikido, Eskrima, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo, kendo, Capoeria, Line, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, the master is aviation, computer hacking, throwing, escapology, archery, medical sciences, firearms, swordsmanship, stealth, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified

Shula's pov

Suddenly a cloth over my mouth causing me to suck in the gas. I panicked and began to try to fight back, but the gas made me see the world spin around me, and colors flood my vision. I felt my limbs go weak and I collapsed to the ground. I felt like I was light and floating as I closed my eyes.

Time skip two days

I woke up in a cold, dark, cell with someone laying across the room on the floor. The sound of water dripping echoed loudly and there was a chilling wind. I moved to pick myself up when chains clattered. I felt panic as I pulled on them. I looked down and saw the chains connected to the wall. "Great," I mumbled. Then I saw a red blinking light on my neck, signaling that I had an inhibitor collar on. "Even greater," I grumbled. "How the hell-" I started when someone spoke up. "Shula?" I heard Damian's voice mumbled. "Damian?" I questioned. "Shula, what are you doing here?" Damian questioned. "I don't know I was grabbed," I mumbled. "Likewise." He confessed. "What why?" I questioned. "I don't know, but whoever kidnaped me wanted Damian." He replied. "Well, I think the person knows all about you, due to the fact I was kidnaped from Eth Alth'eban," I added. Damian's eyes widened. "Eth Alth'eban? That has some of the greatest security in the entire league." Damian proclaimed. "Precisely, so it must be an inside job," I announced. Suddenly the lights flashed on, exposing Damian changed to the wall like I was. "That was very intelligent of you Shula." I heard a voice drawl. I immediately felt anger rise to my cheeks. "Khan." I hissed. "Hello, little girl." He nodded. "And if it isn't Damian Al Ghul, the once true heir of the League of Assassins. Pity your mother sold you two to me." He spat. "She did what?" Damian questioned shocked. "She sold you, exclaiming that you had outlived your use." He remarked. "Why would my mother sell Shula?" Damian spat. "Shula is one of her best assassins." He added. Khan grinned wickedly at him as he turned to me. "To get Shula out of the way of course." He hissed. I felt years of trust, appreciation, and respect crumble. "I am going to tear you apart," I growled dangerously like a hungry dragon. "No your not because if you do, I will kill your precious love." Khan pronounced as he held a knife up to Damian's neck. I quickly bit my tongue and sucked in a breath. "Good girl." He hissed. He suddenly grabbed my face and tilted it side to side. "You will make a beautiful toy and decoration." He grinned. I felt rage at his words. "I am not a decoration." I snapped. Suddenly Damian had a knife to his throat and khan had placed his hand on my throat. I immediately felt fear as I felt like a cornered animal. "Listen here pet, you are whatever I say you are. If I say you are a decoration, then you are a decoration. If I say you are a toy then you are a toy. I own you now and if you listen carefully to me. You may be able to keep something very valuable to you." He hissed as he pressed harder into my throat. "Understand that pet?" He growled. I nodded my head in agreement. "I SAID UNDERSTAND THAT PET!" He boomed. "Yes." I croaked out. "When addressing me say, master." He shouted as he slapped me. My head snapped away from his and it hit the brick wall behind me causing my head to gush out blood. "SHULA!" Damian shouted as he tried to lunge at me, but the guards stopped him. I could immediately tell that Khan had enhanced strength as my jaw throbbed with unmeasured pain. "Leave them in the dark for a couple. Then we will allow them out." Khan commanded as he walked away. Soon the door slammed shut leaving us in darkness. "It's okay Shula, my father will come for us," Damian said as he attempted to comfort me. I felt suddenly dizzy and the need to vomit. Suddenly my stomach contents were launched out of it and onto the floor. I could hear Damian ask me questions, but it sounded like he was clouded by feet of water.

Damian's pov

"Shula?" I questioned. I only received incoherent mumbles for a reply. "Dammit," I grumbled. I looked down and saw darkness, but found that the chains were still locked. I ran towards Shula and found her. "Shula?" I questioned as I touched her cheek. She immediately groaned out in pain. I felt a spear of pain radiate through my chest at her cries of pain. "Shush I am so sorry, Shula," I said profusely. I touched her cheek to feel a large bruise beginning to form. "Shula I need to know if you have a concussion. Can you talk to me?" I questioned. She only released a moan. I picked up her head and slide my legs beneath her. I let her rest her head on my lap. She nuzzled into me, I began moving the hair out of her face and tracing my fingers over her face. "I love you, Shula," I whispered. I felt Shula's face rise into a smile and then. "I love you too Damian." She confessed. My eyes widened in the darkness and I looked down at her. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute. "Did you?" I begin. "Yes Dami, I meant it," Shula whispered back. I felt happiness swarmed through me at her words. Then it hit me, the latitude of my mother's deal with khan. She was at a place of weakness and she now saw Shula as a threat. "Talia isn't the ruler of league Damian," Shula said answering my thoughts. "What?" I questioned. "Talia doesn't lead the league, she lied to Khan," Shula explained. "Then who does?" I inquired. "A couple of nights ago there was a full moon. So I participated in the Lazarus pit ritual and I was accepted." Shula announced. My eyes widened at her. "Shula that means you are the queen." I voiced. I felt Shula nod her head in agreement with my statement. "So my mother is currently performing coup," I said deadpanned. "That is correct." Shula nodded.

Third-person pov

Talia grinned as Sportsmaster and Cheshire walked into the High Council hall with his armor clanking. "I am excepting my money, Talia." He growled. "And I am here to give it to you," Talia stated calmly as she pushed over a black briefcase. Sportsmaster picked up the briefcase and checked the money. "Nice doing business with ya," Sportsmaster smirked as he turned to walk away. "Oh, another thing Talia?" He began. "Why did you have me tell the kid, I was hunting my daughters, and why did he seem terrified when he saw me?" He interrogated with a raised brow. "No reason." Talia shrugged off while avoiding eye contact. Cheshire saw this and became concerned. "Where is Shula now?" Cheshire challenged. "Oh, she left to go take care of matters involving the league." Talia shrugged again. "Thank you, Talia." Jade bowed as they turned to leave the room. They walked out together and shut the door behind them.  They walked silently to the helicopter and took off. "Talia is lying." Jade proclaimed.  "The question is why is she lying?" Lawrence added. Then Jade tried to call Shula only to find that her phone was unavailable. "I think we have a problem," Jade uttered.

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