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Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Title: Queen of Shadows,
Location: Eth Alth'eban
Affiliations: Safinat Dakhma, Leviathan, The League of Assassins, Society of Shadows, and The League.
Parents: Lady Shiva, Slade Wilson, and Lawrence Crock
Siblings: Cassandra Cain, Samuel Cain, Jade Crock, and Artemis Crock
Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu, boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, Combato, Shippalgi, Kumbo, Aikido, Eskrima, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo, kendo, Capoeria, Line, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, the master is aviation, computer hacking, throwing, escapology, archery, medical sciences, firearms, swordsmanship, stealth, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified

Shula's pov

The sparks of dawn's first light shined through the broken immediately letting me know what I needed to do. I silently got up and dressed into a light blue dress and placed on the silver stomach. Then I put on a pair silver armed boots. I looked at myself and melt determination rise through me. "This ends today." I voiced out. "I agree with that, but you don't seriously think I would want to miss out on Khan's impalement?" Damian questioned coolly as he placed on the last of his armor. "Alright, mister hotshot come along." I said with crossed arms. "After you, your highness." Damian said with a curt bow. Gale followed behind as I walked out the door. We stormed down the hall towards Khan's great throne room where I knew he was. At the door stood Zuri. Who looked at me and nodded her head. She shoved the doors open and caused the room to fall silent. Khan stared at me in shock as I glared him down. "I challenge you Lee Chan also known as Khan for the thrown." I boomed. The room stared at me in shock but stepped aside for me. "You can't challenge me. You have to have Royal blood." Khan smirked as he stood up. "Talia didn't tell you." I hissed. Nightingale growled dangerously and raised his wings. "Talia probably told you I was some pathetic disobedient servant. Someone who needed correction. When in reality it is Talia who needs correction." I sneered as I stalked towards him. "How?" Khan trembled. "Well, Khan she lied. I am the chosen Queen of Shadows. I am Queen Shula of the shadows." I roared. Khan whipped out his sword and charged towards me. I ducted under his attack and kicked his knee cap, shattering in one kick. Khan screamed in pain and collapsed to the floor. My eyes caught the inhibitor collar controller. "And that was with the collar on. What happens when it is off?" I sneered. I grabbed the remote and turned off the collar. I felt my strength return to me in a strong wave. I picked up khan by his hair and held him up to my face. "You truly are a pathetic little man." I sneered at him in a demonic voice. He trembled at my voice and I smirked gleefully. I threw Khan into the wall across the room. "Who does it feel Lee. How does it feel to be completely manhandled as if you don't even exist." I fumed as I stalked over to his shivering figure. "You pray on the weak. You punched them down before they can even stand. You are a coward Lee Chan. You have brought dishonor to your family." I explored as I lunched at him. I was on top of him before he could even stand up. I grabbed his neck and slammed him into the wall. "For that, I sentence you to death. A painful and slow death, a death by impalement." I ordered. "How do you the people like that." I announced turned towards the crowd. Suddenly the crowd boomed back a response. "DEATH TO KHAN. DEATH TO KHAN!" They shouted over and over. I smirked wickedly and turned back to Khan. "Do you hear that Lee? You are sentenced to death by your own people and I wouldn't want to disappoint them." I grinned. A look of horror covered Khan's face as guards rushed forward and chained him. "LONG LIVE QUEEN SHULA!" The crowd cheered. I turned towards the chained leader and grinned. "It looks like after years of inflicting pain on your people. They get to hurt you for last time." I stated. Damian walked up to me and stood at my side pridefully. "I have a pair of eyes inside the league and I know they won't betray me." I pronounced. "Then let's reach them." Damian nodded. I looked at him and nodded my head. Suddenly a soldier ran up at me and quickly bowed to me. "Your majesty, here is the last Queens helmet. We would be honored if you excepted this gift." The soldier proclaimed as he offered me a golden helmet. I knelt to face the man. "Thank you for your gift. I will wear it with pride." I said softly to the soldier as I gently took the helmet from him. The soldier looked at me with hope. "I promise you, I will make a country where you all can live in peace." I promised as I stood up. "I will see you later." I said as I went to turn away and go towards Ravi's lab. Damian, Zuri, and I walked towards the lab and saw Ravi packing. "Well, this is exciting. I already have ideas to hide a whole country from the world." Ravi announced excitedly. "That is wonderful, but Ravi I need to use your phone or communication set." I voiced. "Ah yes here you go." Ravi rambled as he handed me a computer glove. "Thank you, Ravi." I thanked. I quickly called my eyes and soon two pairs of blue eyes looked back at me. "Shula?" Rose questioned. "Yup." I confirmed. "Athanasia?" Damian gasped. Asia smirked at the camera. "Hello, brother." She grinned. Damian was in complete shock. "Rose, Asia listen. Talia has performed a coup against me. She sold Damian and me to Lee Chan or Khan. Now I have liberated the Dai Khan and have promised them citizenship at the league, but I need people I trust to capture Talia." I confessed. "I can get the old gang back together." Asia smirked. "Well except for Cheshire because she, Deathstroke, and Sportsmaster are looking for ya." Rose alliterated. "I figured as much." I agreed. "Don't worry Shula, we'll take care of my mother." Athanasia smirked as she cracked her knuckles. "I know you will." I declared. Rose hung up the phone and I turned towards Damian. "You're friends with my sister?!" He marveled. "She is a close friend of mine." I confessed. I turned towards Zuri. "Zuri would you like to come with me to confront Talia?" I questioned. "Personally I'll like to beat her." Zuri remarked. I nodded my head and turned towards Damian. "Damian are you up to visit the league?" I inquired. "If it means of my mother's rule, then yes." Damian answered. I smirked at him and turned towards a soldier. "Where is the jet hanger?" I asked. "I can lead you to them, your highness." The soldier replied. I gave him a silent nod and we were off to the hanger.

Athanasia's pov

"Well, you heard her Rose. Let's get Alexandra and Yelena." I announced. "Already on it." She replied. Suddenly a redhead and a brown-haired girl ran into the room. "You guys found Shula?" Yelena asked in her Russian accent. "Yes, although we now know Talia committed coup," Rose answered. Alexandra gasped in shock. "I knew it." Yelena hissed angrily. "I am going to tear her to bits," Alexandra growled in her Brazilian accent. "Well, I think it's time for Talia to pay for our teammate's pain Hmm?" I questioned. "Da." Yelena agreed. The girls and I stealthily walked towards the location of my mother. I opened the throne room and saw Talia sitting on Shula's throne. "Hello, mother," I said calmly. My mother raised her brow at us. "I see you have gotten your little troupe back together." My mother smirked at me. "Indeed mother, we have become aware of a plot to take the thrown." I proclaimed. Mother's eyes widened at me and she stood up straighter. "Really?" Mother asked coldly. "Indeed, we have been assigned to protect you," Yelena said emotionless. My pathetic mother nodded her head and stood up from the thrown. We surrounded her and lead her down into the lower levels of the palace. Soon we entered the dungeon. Alexandra suddenly kicked my mother in one of the open cells and Yelena slammed it shut. "What are you doing?" Mother shouted angrily at me. "My loyalty is with my queen and my friend," I said sternly. "You bitch." Talia roared. "I may be a bitch." I said as I leaned forward. "But at least I am not a disgrace to the Al Ghul name." I sneered. I spat on her and walked over to the opposite wall. "We will be guarding you until the Queen's arrival," Rose remarked in a rude tone. Talia snorted and then chuckled to herself. "Please Shula isn't coming back." Talia hissed as she crossed her arms. Suddenly Yelena smirked at her computer glove. "Shula just sent me the video of Khan's death that I asked for." Yelena grinned. "Ooohhh I want to see." Alexandra chimed. "You know what just do a holograph of his death." Rose contributed. Yelena raised her brows and nodded her head in agreement. She switched the settings and set it on the floor. There in front of us was a gruesome sight. Khan had a wooden spear piercing through his back end and was screaming in pain as flames consumed him. Talia's face paled as we watched Khan's death. His cries silenced and cheers boomed through the air. "Aww, I wish I was there." Rose pouted. "It seems your plans failed," I growled.

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